Vault Remote Copy (rcp)

Jackrabbit vault offers a simple method to copy nodes between repositories.

Commandline Mode

$ vlt rcp --help
 rcp -q|-r|-b <size>|-t <seconds>|-R <path>|-u|-n|-e <arg1> [<arg2> ...]|--no-ordering <src> <dst>

  Copies a node tree from one remote repository to another. Note that <src> points at the source node, and <dst>points at the destination path, which parent node must exist.

  Note: Due to bug in command line processing, the --exclude options need to be followed by another option before the <src> and <dst> arguments.
    vlt rcp -e ".*\.txt" -r http://localhost:4502/crx/-/jcr:root/content http://admin:admin@localhost:4503/crx/-/jcr:root/content_copy

  -q (--quiet)                        print as little as possible
  -r (--recursive)                    descend recursively
  -b (--batchSize) <size>             number of nodes until intermediate save
  -t (--throttle) <seconds>           number of seconds to wait after an intermediate save
  -R (--resume) <path>                source path to resume operation after a restart
  -u (--update)                       overwrite/delete existing nodes.
  -n (--newer)                        respect lastModified properties for update.
  -e (--exclude) <arg> [<arg> ...]    regexp of excluded source paths.
  --no-ordering                       disable node ordering for updated content
  <src>                               the repository address of the source tree
  <dst>                               the repository address of the destination node

Exclusion patterns

Please note that vlt uses the java regexp to process the exclusion patterns. The patterns have to patch the entire path of the node in order to be excluded. For example this regexp \p{ASCII}*([^\p{ASCII}]\p{ASCII}*)+ excludes all paths containing non-ascii characters.

HTTP Proxy

HTTP Proxy can be enabled using the system properties outlined at Java proxy settings.

For this to work in addition the system property jackrabbit.client.useSystemProperties needs to be set to true.


$ export VLT_OPTS=" -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 -Djackrabbit.client.useSystemProperties=true"
$ vlt rcp -e ".*\.txt" -r

Vault RCP Server Bundle

The vault rcp server bundle provides a very simple vault remote copy task management that can be controlled via a json/http interface. This special vault rcp version can only be used to import content from remote repositories.


The vault rcp server maintains a list of remote copy tasks that can be controlled via the http interface at /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp. The request and responses are JSON formatted.

List Tasks (GET)

Simply lists all available tasks. In addition to listing the parameters that were passed when the task was created, it also list some information about the current state of the task.

stateCurrent state of the task. One of NEW , RUNNING, ENDED, STOPPED
currentPathThe path that is currently processed.
lastSavedPathThe path of the node that was saved last. Useful for resuming from aborted tasks.
totalNodesTotal number of Nodes already processed
totalSizeTotal size of data already processed (approximative)
currentNodesNumber of nodes in the current batch.
currentSizeData size of current batch (approximative)
GET /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

"tasks": [{
    "id": "test-id-1234",
    "src": "http://admin:admin@localhost:4503/crx/server/-/jcr:root/content/geometrixx",
    "dst": "/tmp/test1",
    "recursive": true,
    "batchsize": 2048,
    "update": true,
    "onlyNewer": false,
    "throttle": 1,
    "resumeFrom": null,
    "excludes": [
    "status": {
        "state": "STOPPED",
        "currentPath": "/content/geometrixx/en/products/triangle",
        "lastSavedPath": "/content/geometrixx/en/products",
        "totalNodes": 10841,
        "totalSize": 1915798,
        "currentSize": 122640,
        "currentNodes": 601

Create Task (POST)

Creates a new task.

cmdXNeeds to be “create”.
id-Id for new task. if omitted a random id is used.
srcXURI of the remote source repository.
srcCreds-Credentials to use for accessing the source repository in the format <username>{:<password>}. Alternatively put those in the URI given in src.
dstXDestination path in the local repository.
batchsize-Size of batch until intermediate size. Default is 1024.
recursive-true to descend recursively. Default is false.
update-true to overwrite and/or delete existing nodes. Default is false.
newer-true to respect lastModified properties for update. Default is false.
throttle-Number of seconds to sleep after each intermediate save. Default is 0.
resumeFrom-Source path to resume a prior aborted copy. Note that the algorithm simply skips all source nodes until the resumeFrom path is found. It is necessary that the content structure of the source repository does not change in between runs, and that content already needs to be present in the detination location.
excludes-Array of java regular expressions that exclude source paths.
filter-Serialized filter.xml specifing which repository areas to copy. Only used if excludes is not given. Make sure that the value is properly escaped.
allowSelfSignedCertificate-true to accept self-signed certificated. Only applicable if src URI starts with https.
disableHostnameVerification-true to disable host name verification against the certificate. Only applicable if src URI starts with https.
connectionTimeoutMs-The connection timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
requestTimeoutMs-The request timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
socketTimeoutMs-The socket timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
useSystemProperties-true to use the java default system properties for connection settings. Further information at
proxyHost-The host name of the proxy to use.
proxyPort-The port of the proxy to use. Only applicable if proxyHost is set.
proxyProtocol-The protocol for which to use the proxy. Only applicable if proxyHost is set. Default (not set) means proxy is used for both HTTP and HTTPs.
proxyUsername-The username used for authentication at the proxy. Only applicable if proxyHost is set.
proxyPassword-The password used for authentication at the proxy. Only applicable if proxyUsername is set.
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json

    "batchsize": 2048,
    "update": true,
    "onlyNewer": false,
    "recursive": true,
    "throttle": 1,
    "resumeFrom": "/content/geometrixx/fr",
    "excludes": [

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Location: /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp/test-id-1234

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

Edit Task (POST)

Edits an existing task. Almost al properties are optional. Unused properties are not modified!

cmdXNeeds to be “edit”.
idXId of existing task.
src-URI of the remote source repository.
srcCreds-Credentials to use for accessing the source repository in the format <username>{:<password>}. Alternatively put those in the URI given in src.
dst-Destination path in the local repository.
batchsize-Size of batch until intermediate size. Default is 1024.
recursive-true to descend recursively. Default is false.
update-true to overwrite and/or delete existing nodes. Default is false.
newer-true to respect lastModified properties for update. Default is false.
throttle-Number of seconds to sleep after each intermediate save. Default is 0.
resumeFrom-Source path to resume a prior aborted copy. Note that the algorithm simply skips all source nodes until the resumeFrom path is found. It is necessary that the content structure of the source repository does not change in between runs, and that content already needs to be present in the detination location.
excludes-Array of java regular expressions that exclude source paths.
filter-Serialized filter.xml specifing which repository areas to copy. Only used if excludes is not given. Make sure that the value is properly escaped.
allowSelfSignedCertificate-true to accept self-signed certificated. Only applicable if src URI starts with https.
disableHostnameVerification-true to disable host name verification against the certificate. Only applicable if src URI starts with https.
connectionTimeoutMs-The connection timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
requestTimeoutMs-The request timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
socketTimeoutMs-The socket timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite, -1 for system default.
useSystemProperties-true to use the java default system properties for connection settings. Further information at
proxyHost-The host name of the proxy to use.
proxyPort-The port of the proxy to use. Only applicable if proxyHost is set.
proxyProtocol-The protocol for which to use the proxy. Only applicable if proxyHost is set. Default (not set) means proxy is used for both HTTP and HTTPs.
proxyUsername-The username used for authentication at the proxy. Only applicable if proxyHost is set.
proxyPassword-The password used for authentication at the proxy. Only applicable if proxyUsername is set.
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json

    "batchsize": 2048,
    "update": true,
    "onlyNewer": false,
    "recursive": true,
    "throttle": 1,
    "resumeFrom": "/content/geometrixx/fr",
    "excludes": [

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Location: /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp/test-id-1234

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

Set Task Credentials (POST)

Sets credentials (or overwrites those) for an already existing task.

cmdXNeeds to be “set-credentials”.
idXTask ID whose credentials should be set.
srcCreds/-Credentials to use for accessing the source repository in the format <username>{:<password>}. Leave out to remove credentials
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

Start Task (POST)

Starts a previously created task.

cmdXNeeds to be “start”.
idXTask Id to start.
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json

    "cmd": "start",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

Stop Task (POST)

Stops a previously start task.

cmdXNeeds to be “stop”.
idXTask Id to start.
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json

    "cmd": "stop",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

Remove Task (POST)

Removes a previously start task.

cmdXNeeds to be “remove”.
idXTask Id to start.
POST /system/jackrabbit/filevault/rcp HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4502
Content-Type: application/json

    "cmd": "remove",
    "id": "test-id-1234"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "status": "ok",
    "id": "test-id-1234"