tree: 72325d680659b888728bac2b4411c11a63301006 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. vars/
  3. .gitignore
  4. LICENSE.txt

Jenkins Shared Library

This library is used for all FileVault Jenkins builds and enabled on

It follows the structure outlined at

It is supposed to be called in a Jenkinsfile like this

vaultPipeline('ubuntu', 11, '3', {
   vaultStageBuild(['ubuntu', 'Windows'], [8, 11, 17], ['3', '3.6.3'], 'apache_jackrabbit-filevault-package-maven-plugin') 

The vaultPipeline step encapsulates the main build environment parameters: The first argument is the main node label to build with, the second one the main JDK version, third argument the main Maven version The fourth argument is a closure containing the actual stages where each may be one of

  1. vaultStageBuild: the actual Maven build and SonarQube execution (the latter only for the main environment)
  2. vaultStageIT: an isolated execution of just the integration tests
  3. vaultStageDeploy: the stage to deploy the previously built Maven artifacts to the ASF Snapshot Repository (depends on 1.)

For the parametrisation of those individual stages refer the source code.