Jenkins Shared Library

This library is used for all FileVault Jenkins builds and enabled on

It follows the structure outlined at

It is supposed to be called in a Jenkinsfile like this

vaultPipeline('ubuntu', 11, '3', {
   vaultStageBuild(['ubuntu', 'Windows'], [8, 11, 17], ['3', '3.6.3'], 'apache_jackrabbit-filevault-package-maven-plugin') 

The vaultPipeline step encapsulates the main build environment parameters: The first argument is the main node label to build with, the second one the main JDK version, third argument the main Maven version The fourth argument is a closure containing the actual stages where each may be one of

  1. vaultStageBuild: the actual Maven build and SonarQube execution (the latter only for the main environment)
  2. vaultStageIT: an isolated execution of just the integration tests
  3. vaultStageDeploy: the stage to deploy the previously built Maven artifacts to the ASF Snapshot Repository (depends on 1.)

For the parametrisation of those individual stages refer the source code.