tree: 89a01a9d63efce71877e3eb79b592c2a34d34815 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

How to get a complete CPP client demo project

get a project

using maven to build this example project:

  • cd the root path of the whole project
  • run mvn package -DskipTests -P compile-cpp -pl example/client-cpp-example -am
  • cd example/client-cpp-example/target

You can find some files to form a complete project:

+-- client
|   +-- include
|       +-- Session.h
|       +-- IClientRPCService.h
|       +-- rpc_types.h
|       +-- rpc_constants.h
|       +-- thrift
|           +-- thrift_headers...
|   +-- lib
|       +-- libiotdb_session.dylib
+-- CMakeLists.txt
+-- SessionExample.cpp