IoTDB E2E tests cases

Test cases are organized into sub-directories, each of which contains the following files:

  • the entry of the test case.
  • a cleanup script to clean up resources that are created during the test.
  • res: resources files that will be mounted into the container(s) and be used there.
  • docker-compose.yaml: orchestrates the services used in the test process.
  • (Optional): docs or notes when running this case manually.

any other additional files are completely acceptable here, for example, when building a case to test the JDBC SDK, the files structure may be something like:

├── docker-compose.yaml
├── app      <------- Java application that uses JDBC SDK to communicate with IoTDB
   ├── pom.xml
   ├── src
      ├── main
         └── java
      └── test
          └── java
   └── src
       ├── main
       └── test
├── res
   └── init.sql