Kafka-IoTDB Demo


The example is to show how to send data from localhost to IoTDB through Kafka.


Version usage

IoTDB: 0.8.2

Dependencies with Maven


Launch the servers

  Before you run the program, make sure you have launched the servers of Kafka and IoTDB.
  For details, please refer to http://kafka.apache.org/081/documentation.html#quickstart

Run KafkaProducer.java

  The class is to send data from localhost to Kafka clusters.
  Firstly, you have to change the parameter of TOPIC in Constant.java to what you create:(for example : "Kafka-Test")
  > public final static String TOPIC = "Kafka-Test";
  The default format of data is "device,timestamp,value ". (for example : "sensor1,2017/10/24 19:30:00,60")
  Then you need to create data in Constat.ALL_DATA
  Finally, run KafkaProducer.java

Run KafkaConsumer.java

  The class is to show how to consume data from kafka through multi-threads.
  The data is sent by class KafkaProducer.
  You can set the parameter of CONSUMER_THREAD_NUM in Constant.java to make sure the number of consumer threads:(for example: "5")
  > private final static int CONSUMER_THREAD_NUM = 5;


 If you want to use multiple consumers, please make sure that the number of topic's partition you create is more than 1.