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The Consensus Package provides the Consensus Layer's service definitions and its implementations.

What is Consensus Layer used for?

Generally, We maintain multiple copies of application data for the purpose of fault-tolerance and data-integrity. There are variety of consensus algorithms to manage multiple copies of data, which differs in levels of data consistency and performance. Each consensus algorithm may have multiple industrial implementations. The Consensus Layer aims to hide all complications behind different consensus algorithms and implementations, providing higher level of abstraction to the user.

Consensus Layer

Basic Concepts

  • IStateMachine is the user application that manages a local copy of data.
  • Peer is the smallest consensus unit (inside a process), which holds a IStateMachine internally.
  • ConsensusGroup is a group of Peer all managing the same copy of data.
  • IConsensus interface defines the basic functionality provided by Consensus Layer.
  • ConsensusFactory is the only factory class exposed to other modules to create a consensus layer implementation.

User application can create a ConsensusGroup with k Peer to store data, i.e. that there will be k copies of data.

When write data into a ConsensusGroup using IConsensus::write, it will be sent to the group leader‘s IStateMachine::write . The leader makes decision about this write operation first, then applies write-operation to the local statemachine using IStateMachine::write, and forward this operation to other members’ IStateMachine::write in the same group

How to use

  1. Define the IStateMachine to manage local copy of data.
  2. Define the IConsensusRequest to customize request format
  3. Define the DataSet to customize the response format
  4. Select a specific “IConsensus” class name and call ConsensusFactory.getConsensusImpl() to instantiate the corresponding consensus protocol

Ratis Consensus Implementation

RatisConsensus is a multi-raft implementation of IConsensus protocol. It is based on Apache Ratis.

1. build and start a RatisConsensusImpl

IConsensus consensusImpl =
        new Endpoint(conf.getRpcAddress(), conf.getInternalPort()),
        new File(conf.getConsensusDir()),
        gid -> new ConfigRegionStateMachine())
    .orElseThrow(() ->
        new IllegalArgumentException(

  • endpoint is the communication endpoint for this consensusImpl.
  • StateMachineRegistry Indicates that the consensus layer should generate different state machines for different gid
  • StoreageDir specifies the location to store RaftLog. Assign a fix location so that the RatisConsensus knows where to recover when crashes and restarts.

2. assign local RatisConsensus a new Group

ConsensusGroup group = new ConsensusGroup(...);
response = consensusImpl.addConsensusGroup(group.getGroupId(),group.getPeers());

The underling consensusImpl will initialize its states, and reaching out to other peers to elect the raft leader.

Notice: this request may fail. It‘s caller’s responsibility to retry / rollback.

3. change group configuration

(1) remove a member

suppose now the group contains peer[0,1,2], and we want to remove[1,2] from this group

// the following code should be called in peer both 1 & 2
// first  use removePeer to inform the group leader of configuration change 
// then use removeConsensusGroup to clean up local states and data

Notice: either of removePeer or removeConsensusGroup may fail. It‘s caller’s responsibility to retry and make these two calls atomic.

(2) add a member

adding a new member is similar to removing a member except that you should call addConsensusGroup first and then addPeer

// the following code should be called in peer both 1 & 2
// first addConsensusGroup to initialize local states
// then use addPeer to inform the previous group members of joining a new member

(3) add/remove multiple members

// pre. For each member newly added, call addConsensusGroup locally to initialize
// after. For each member removed, call removeConsensusGroup locally to clean up

Notice: the old group and the new group must overlap in at least one member.

4. write data

ConsensusWriteResponse response = consensusImpl.write(gid,request)
if(response.isSuccess() && response.getStates().code() == 200){

5. read data

ConsensusReadResponse response =,request);
    MyDataSet result=(MyDataSet)response.getDataset();

NOTICE: currently in RatisConsensus, read will direct read the local copy. Thus, the result may be stale and not linearizable!