IoTDB Rewrite-TsFile Tool


The Rewrite-TsFile tool is used to write the data in TsFile to the running IoTDB.

How to use

Run rewrite-tsfile.bat if you are in a Windows environment, or if you are on Linux or Unix.

./rewrite-tsfile.bat -f filePath [-h host] [-help] [-p port] [-pw password] -u user
-f File or Dictionary to be loaded.
-h Host Name (optional, default
-help Display help information(optional)
-p Port (optional, default 6667)
-pw password (optional)
-u User name (required)


Assuming that an IoTDB instance is running on server, you want to load all TsFile files from the locally saved TsFile backup folder D:\IoTDB\data into this IoTDB instance.

First move to the folder where rewrite-tsfile.bat is located, open the command line, and execute

./load-rewrite.bat -f "D:\IoTDB\data" -h -p 6667 -u root -pw root

After waiting for the script execution to complete, you can check that the data in the IoTDB instance has been loaded correctly.


  • Cannot find or load the main class RewriteTsFileTool
    • It may be because the environment variable $IOTDB_HOME is not set, please set the environment variable and try again
  • Missing require argument: f or Missing require argument: u
    • The input command is missing the -f field (file or folder path to be loaded) or the -u field (user name), please add it and re-execute
  • What if the execution crashes in the middle and you want to reload?
    • The easiest way, you re-execute the command just now, reloading the data will not affect the correctness after loading
    • If you want to save time by avoiding reloading a file that has already been loaded, you can remove the TsFile that the last execution log shows has been loaded from the pending folder and reload that folder