Python Client


This is an example of how to connect to IoTDB with python, using the thrift rpc interfaces. Things are almost the same on Windows or Linux, but pay attention to the difference like path separator.


python3.7 or later is preferred.

You have to install Thrift (0.11.0 or later) to compile our thrift file into python code. Below is the official tutorial of installation, eventually, you should have a thrift executable.

Compile the thrift library

If you have added Thrift executable into your path, you may just run client-py/ or client-py\compile.bat, or you will have to modify it to set variable THRIFT_EXE to point to your executable. This will generate thrift sources under folder target, you can add it to your PYTHONPATH so that you would be able to use the library in your code. Notice that the scripts locate the thrift source file by relative path, so if you move the scripts else where, they are no longer valid.

Optionally, if you know the basic usage of thrift, you can only download the thrift source file in thrift\src\main\thrift\rpc.thrift, and simply use thrift -gen py -out ./target/iotdb rpc.thrift to generate the python library.

Session Client & Example

We packed up the Thrift interface in client-py/src/ (similar with its Java counterpart), also provided an example file client-py/src/ of how to use the session module. please read it carefully.