tree: 1e71eb02486e2a82b239be5d1d585831ccb6aafe [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Building C++ Client

To compile cpp client, add “-P with-cpp” option to maven build command.

The compiling requires the module “compile-tools” to be built first. For more information, please refer to “compile-tools/”.

Explicitly using mvnw here as the build requires maven 3.9 and the default installation is older

Compile and Test:


mvn clean package -P with-cpp -pl iotdb-client/client-cpp -am -DskipTests


First build IoTDB server

Explicitly using “install” instead of package in order to be sure we're using libs built on this machine

mvn clean install -P with-cpp -pl distribution,iotdb-client/client-cpp -am -DskipTests

After run verify

mvn clean verify -P with-cpp -pl iotdb-client/client-cpp -am

To compile on Windows, please install Boost first and add following Maven settings:

-Dboost.include.dir=${your boost header folder} -Dboost.library.dir=${your boost lib (stage) folder}` 


mvn clean package -P with-cpp -pl iotdb-client/client-cpp -am -DskipTest
-D"boost.include.dir"="D:\boost_1_75_0" -D"boost.library.dir"="D:\boost_1_75_0\stage\lib"

If the compilation finishes successfully, the packaged zip file will be placed under “client-cpp/target/client-cpp-${project.version}-cpp-${os}.zip”.

On Mac machines, the hierarchy of the package should look like this:

+-- client
|   +-- include
|       +-- Session.h
|       +-- IClientRPCService.h
|       +-- client_types.h
|       +-- common_types.h
|       +-- thrift
|           +-- thrift_headers...
|   +-- lib
|       +-- libiotdb_session.dylib

Using C++ Client:

1. Put the zip file "client-cpp-${project.version}-cpp-${os}.zip" wherever you want

2. Unzip the archive using the following command, and then you can get the two directories mentioned above, the header file and the dynamic library
    unzip client-cpp-${project.version}-cpp-${os}.zip

3. Write C++ code to call the operation interface of cpp-client to operate IOTDB,
    for detail interface information, please refer to the link:

    #include "include/Session.h"
    #include <memory>
    #include <iostream>

    int main() {
        std::cout << "open session" << std::endl;
        std::shared_ptr<Session> session(new Session("", 6667, "root", "root"));

        std::cout << "setStorageGroup: root.test01" << std::endl;

        if (!session->checkTimeseriesExists("root.test01.d0.s0")) {
            session->createTimeseries("root.test01.d0.s0", TSDataType::INT64, TSEncoding::RLE, CompressionType::SNAPPY);
            std::cout << "create Timeseries: root.test01.d0.s0" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "session close" << std::endl;

4. Compile and execute
    clang++ -O2 user-cpp-code.cpp -liotdb_session -L/user-unzip-absolute-path/lib -Wl,-rpath /user-unzip-absolute-path/lib -std=c++11