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  3. pom.xml

Metric Module

1. Design

The acquisition system consists of following four parts.

  1. Metrics:Provide tools for collecting metric in different scenarios, including Counter, Gauge, Histogram, Timer and Rate, each with tags.
  2. MetricManager
    1. Provide functions such as create, query, update and remove metrics.
    2. Provide its own start and stop methods.
  3. CompositeReporter
    1. Provide management of reporter.
    2. Provide metric value to other systems, such as Jmx, Prometheus, IoTDB, etc.
    3. Provide its own start and stop methods.
  4. MetricService
    1. Provide the start and stop method of metric service.
    2. Provide the ability to reload properties when running.
    3. Provide the ability to load metric sets.
    4. Provide the access of metricManager and CompositeReporter.

2. Test Report

We implemented the monitoring framework mainly based on Micrometer, and tested the results as follows:

2.1. Test Environment

  1. Processor:Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU
  2. RAM: 32G

2.2. Test Metrics

  1. We use a single thread to create counter and run the test cases. The test metrics as follows:
    1. memory : Memory usage in MB.
    2. create : The time required to create, in ms.
    3. searchInorder : The time required for the sequential query, in ms.
    4. searchDisorder : The time required for random queries in ms.

2.3. Test parameters

  1. metric : test metric
  2. name : The name of the test metric, unify to one length.
  3. tag : The tag of the test metric, unify to one length.
  4. metricNumberTotal:The number of metrics tested.
  5. tagSingleNumber:Number of tags of the test metric.
  6. tagTotalNumber:The number of tag pools, the default is 1000, all
  7. tags are taken out of the tag pool.
  8. searchNumber:The number of queries, the default is 1000000.
  9. loop:The number of query loops, the default is 10.

2.4. Test Result

3. How to use?

3.1. Configuration

  1. firstly, you need to set up some system property, for example:
System.setProperty("line.separator", "\n");
System.setProperty("IOTDB_CONF", "metrics/core/src/test/resources");
  1. Then, you can modify as you like, some details:
dn(cn)_enable_metricwhether enable the moduletrue
dn(cn)_enable_performance_statIs stat performance of operation latencytrue
dn(cn)_metric_reporter_listthe list of reporterJMX, PROMETHEUS, IOTDB
dn(cn)_metric_levelthe init level of metricsALL, NORMAL, IMPORTANT, CORE
dn(cn)_metric_async_collect_periodThe period of the collection of some metrics in asynchronous way, such as tsfile size.5
  1. More details, see User Doc.

3.2. Use Guide in IoTDB Server Module

  1. Now, MetricService is registered as IService in server and confignode module, you can simple set properties: dn(cn)_enable_metric=true to use metric service.
  2. In server module you can easily use these metric by MetricService.getInstance(), for example:
MetricService.getInstance().count(1, "operation_count", MetricLevel.IMPORTANT, "name", operation.getName());

4. How to implement your own metric framework?

  1. implement your MetricService
    1. You need to implement reloadProperties to reload properties when running.
  2. implement your MetricManager
    1. You need to implement your metric manager to manage the creation and deletion of your metrics
  3. implement your reporter
    1. You need to implement jmx reporter and prometheus reporter, notice that your jmx bean name should be unified as org.apache.iotdb.metrics
    2. You need to create src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.iotdb.metrics.Reporter,and record your MetricManager class name in this file, such as org.apache.iotdb.metrics.core.reporter.IoTDBJmxReporter
  4. implement your specific metric
    1. They are counter, gauge, histogram, histogramSnapshot, rate and timer.
    2. These metrics will be managed by your MetricManager, and reported by your reporter.

5. Some docs

  1. Metric Tool
  2. Metric Tool(zh)