blob: 2443d44ba7a8fd893329fff5167a3dd69d163f82 [file] [log] [blame]
import{_ as e,o as a,c as n,a as s,f as i}from"./app-5cdcb249.js";const t={},o=i(`<h1 id="overlap-validation-and-repair-tool" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#overlap-validation-and-repair-tool" aria-hidden="true">#</a> Overlap validation and repair tool</h1><p>The Overlap Validation And Repair tool is used to validate the resource files in sequence space, and repair overlaps.</p><p>The validation function can be run in any scenario. Confirmation is required after overlapping files are found. Typing &#39;y&#39; will perform the repair.</p><p><strong>The repair function must be run when corresponding DataNode is stopped and there are no unfinished compaction task in all data dirs.</strong><br> To make sure there are no unfinished compaction tasks, you can modify the config files to set enable compaction items to false, and restart DataNode waiting compaction recover task to finish.<br> Then stop the DataNode and run this tool.</p><h2 id="usage" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#usage" aria-hidden="true">#</a> Usage</h2><div class="language-bash line-numbers-mode" data-ext="sh"><pre class="language-bash"><code><span class="token comment">#MacOs or Linux</span>
./ <span class="token punctuation">[</span>sequence_data_dir1<span class="token punctuation">]</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span>sequence_data_dir2<span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">..</span>.
<span class="token comment"># Windows</span>
.<span class="token punctuation">\\</span>check-overlap-sequence-files-and-repair.bat <span class="token punctuation">[</span>sequence_data_dir1<span class="token punctuation">]</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span>sequence_data_dir2<span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">..</span>.
</code></pre><div class="line-numbers" aria-hidden="true"><div class="line-number"></div><div class="line-number"></div><div class="line-number"></div><div class="line-number"></div></div></div><h2 id="example" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#example" aria-hidden="true">#</a> Example</h2><div class="language-bash line-numbers-mode" data-ext="sh"><pre class="language-bash"><code>./ /data1/sequence/ /data2/sequence
</code></pre><div class="line-numbers" aria-hidden="true"><div class="line-number"></div></div></div><p>This example validate two data dirs: /data1/sequence/, /data2/sequence.</p>`,9);function r(c,d){return a(),n("div",null,[s(`
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under the License.
`),o])}const p=e(t,[["render",r],["__file","Overlap-Validation-And-Repair-Tool.html.vue"]]);export{p as default};