tsfile-viewer init,a tsfile visual management tool (#1)

143 files changed
tree: c0cb17a84cf2b7d0c35fc036914324d04b9e6b30
  1. tsfile-viewer-core/
  2. tsfile-viewer-web/
  3. tsfile-viewer-web-frontend/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md


Main Mac and Linux Main Win



tsfile-viewer is a tool to view TSFILE. Currently, we support bit granularity parsing of TsFile and provide visual display.
we have three modules in the project

  • tsfile-viewer-core: core jar package project
  • tsfile-viewer-web: web viewer backend,When you execute the mvn install command in the parent project, it will package the front-end project code together
  • tsfile-viewer-web-frontend: web viewer frontend
  1. overview: This tool can Clearly display information of each part of TsFile, details are as follows:

    1. The versionNumber.

    2. The data layer: contains details of each level and statistic information.

      i. ChunkGroup

      ii. Chunk

      iii. Page

      iv. Point

    3. The index layer: displayed in a tree like structure then you can easily view the overall structure of the secondary index(entity and measurement granularity).

  2. Timeseries and measurement search: In addition to displaying data, we also provide the function of querying TimeSeries by keyword. There is a linkage between the index layer and the data layer, it can quickly locate the desired TimeSeries with details.

Quick Start


To use the tool, you need to have:

  1. Java >= 1.8
  2. Maven >= 3.6

Of course, you will also notice that there is a front-end project in the project. When you execute the mvn install command, the project will download its corresponding environment, and you don't have to configure the environment separately for it.


You can download the source code from:


Under the root path of iotdb-tsfile-viewer:

mvn clean install

then you can start this tool in the tsfile-viewer-web project

java -jar iotdb-tsfile-viewer-web-0.13.2-SNAPSHOT.jar

The default url is


You can modify the port through the file




Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.