TubeMQ Python Client

TubeMQ Python Client library is a wrapper over the existing C++ client library and exposes all of the same features.

Install from source

install python-devel
  • build and install C++ client SDK

build C++ client SDK from source, and install:

1, copy tubemq include directory to /usr/local/include/

2, copy libtubemq_rel.a to /usr/local/lib  

  • install python-devel
yum install python-devel -y
  • install required dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install client
pip install ./


Producer example
Consumer example

The following example creates a TubeMQ consumer with a master IP address, a group name, and a subscribed topic list. The consumer receives incoming messages, prints the length of messages that arrive, and acknowledges each message to the TubeMQ broker.

import time
import tubemq

topic_list = ['demo']
master_addr = ''
group_name = 'test_group'

# Start consumer
consumer = tubemq.consumer(master_addr, group_name, topic_list)

# Test consumer
start_time = time.time()
while True:
    msgs = consumer.receive()
    if msgs:
        print("GetMessage success, msssage count =", len(msgs))

    # used for test, consume 10 minutes only
    stop_time = time.time()
    if stop_time - start_time > 10 * 60:

# Stop consumer