tree: b4d8ceee9464d200cad66248be76fe4773f1fed4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bin/
  2. conf/
  3. dataproxy-dist/
  4. dataproxy-docker/
  5. dataproxy-source/
  6. pom.xml

Send Message To Multi-pulsar Cluster


conf for use multi-pulsar cluster demo is like flume-mulit-pulsar-demo.conf when use pulsar ,you can config these parameters to flume.conf like flume-mulit-pulsar-demo.conf:

  1. type (*): value must be ‘org.apache.inlong.dataproxy.sink.PulsarSink’
  2. pulsar_server_url_list (*): value is pulsar broker url , like this ‘pulsar://’, multi-pulsar cluster use ‘|’ as seperator
  3. send_timeout_MILL: send message timeout, unit is millisecond, default value is 30000 (mean 30s)
  4. stat_interval_sec: stat info will be made period time , unit is second, default value is 60s
  5. thread-num: sink thread num. default value is 8
  6. client-id-cache: whether use cache in client, default value is true
  7. max_pending_messages: default value is 10000
  8. max_batching_messages: default value is 1000
  9. enable_batch: default is true
  10. block_if_queue_full: default is true