title: InLong v1.1.0

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1.1.0 release

2022-04-241.1.0Source[SRC] [ASC] [SHA512]
2022-04-241.1.0Binary[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]


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版本 Notes


INLONG-3699[Improve][Agent] Exclude mysql-connector-java
INLONG-3692[Bug][Agent] There are many agent processes after recovering the directory
INLONG-3652[Improve][Agent] Improve TestBinlogOffsetManager unit test
INLONG-3650[Bug] Agent fix timeoffset npe
INLONG-3638[Bug] Agent and DataProxy can not listen to the 8080 port for Prometheus
INLONG-3629[Improve][Agent] Improve TestFileAgent unit test
INLONG-3620[Improve] Update the file agent guide document
INLONG-3587[Bug][Agent]Resource leak
INLONG-3476[Bug][Agent] debezium 1.8.1 has npe
INLONG-3466[Feature][Agent] Remove protobuf dependency
INLONG-3463[Bug][Agent] Fix unit test of TestTaskWrapper
INLONG-3448[Improve][Manager] Limit the number of Agent pull tasks
INLONG-3437[Agent] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-agent
INLONG-3381[Feature] Agent wait one minute for dataproxy to prepare topic config
INLONG-3349[Feature] Agent add limitation for job number
INLONG-3335[Bug] fix agent snapshot mode won't work and optimize jvm parameters
INLONG-3326[Improve][Agent] The unit test for TestTaskWrapper was running too long
INLONG-3317[Improve][Agent] Change agent heartbeat/report interval to 10s
INLONG-3308[Bug][Agent] NPE occurred in parsing deliveryTime
INLONG-3306[Feature][Agent] Use rocksdb as default db in agent
INLONG-3304[Bug][Agent] Reader cost too much CPU
INLONG-3299[Bug][Agent] Report job result rather than task result
INLONG-3298[Feature][Agent] Remove dbd implementation
INLONG-3297[Feature] Add version control in Agent CommandEntity
INLONG-3274[Bug][Agent] When Kafka topic is deleted
INLONG-3271[Bug][Agent] Cannot get localip in docker.sh
INLONG-3168[Bug][Agent] Change the deserialization type from String to byte array
INLONG-3148[Bug][Agent] fix avro serialization
INLONG-3104[Bug][Agent] Add default value for kafka consumer group
INLONG-3100[Bug][Agent] Upgrade Kafka to newest version 3.1.0
INLONG-3099[Bug][Agent] Duplicate send message when agent receive data
INLONG-3083[Bug][Agent] Upgrade Scala version in Kafka client
INLONG-3077[Bug][Agent] FileNotFoundException occurred in unit tests
INLONG-3076[Bug][Agent] MalformedObjectNameException occurred in unit tests
INLONG-3050[Bug][Agent] Update guava version
INLONG-3045[Feature][Agent] Add rocksDb implementation
INLONG-3027[Feature][Agent] Upgrade snappy version
INLONG-3022[Bug] agent pod start failed
INLONG-2985[Bug][Manager] Fix task type and UTF question for agent
INLONG-2974[Improve][Manager] Support agent to pull tasks without ip and uuid
INLONG-2933[Bug][Agent][Manager] Change the type of the deliveryTime field from Date to String
INLONG-2908[Bug][Agent] Delete uuid around space
INLONG-2894[Improve][Agent] Adapt the interface and field modification of the Inlong-Manager
INLONG-2883[Bug][Agent] ManagerFetcher throws exception when invoke the Gson.fromJson method
INLONG-2877[Bug][Agent] Task position manager throws NPE when send dataproxy ack success
INLONG-2870[Bug][Agent] Use base64 to encode snapshot instead of using iso-8859-1
INLONG-2860[Feature][Agent] Create file folder when history file set by user does not exist
INLONG-2859[Improve][Agent] Optimize stopping Kafka tasks
INLONG-2857[Feature][Agent] Support to destroy task
INLONG-2851[Feature] Agent change task id string to integer
INLONG-2826[Bug] Agent mysql connection should set allowPublicKeyRetrieval to true to support mysql 8.0
INLONG-2818[Bug] Agent kafka job and binlog job has jar conflict
INLONG-2790[Bug][Agent] Log4j cannot be output due to jar conflict
INLONG-2788[Feature] Agent support sync send data to dataproxy when needed (binlog etc.)
INLONG-2786[Feature] Agent jetty server support different job type
INLONG-2779[Feature] Agent support delete job using jetty server
INLONG-2756[Improve][Agent] Add more logs when sending data to proxy
INLONG-2754[Feature][Agent] Add strea metric data to Prometheus and JMX
INLONG-2736[Bug][Manager] Agent get task from manager error
INLONG-2735[INLONG][Agent] Fix dataprofile properties
INLONG-2688[Feature][Agent] Support task freeze and restart when needed
INLONG-2687[Feature][Agent] Provide binlog reader ability using debezium engine
INLONG-2686[Feature][Agent] Support snapshot for each task
INLONG-2680[Improve][Common][Agent] Move common class from inlong-agent module to inlong-common
INLONG-2675[Feature][Agent] Fix the problem of common dependcy
INLONG-2666[Feature][Agent] Support kafka collection
INLONG-2654[Feature][Agent] Report heartbeat to manager
INLONG-2530[Bug] Agent data time never changes
INLONG-2285[Feature][Agent] Make berkeleydb-je an optional dependency of InLong-Agent


INLONG-3638[Bug] Agent and DataProxy can not listen to the 8080 port for Prometheus
INLONG-3573[Feature][Dataproxy][Audit]Tidy up dependencies between dataproxy
INLONG-3520[Improve][DataProxy] Unify the data directory
INLONG-3459[Bug] DataProxy start error Due to IllegalArgumentException
INLONG-3436[DataProxy] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-dataproxy
INLONG-3352[Bug][Dataproxy] Dataproxy keeps trying to send messages that have send failed
INLONG-3291[Bug][Dataproxy] Default channel config for order message didn't work
INLONG-3282[Feature][DataProxy] Add default order message configuration
INLONG-3250[Bug][DataProxy] Fix duration error of DataProxy metric
INLONG-3231[Feature][DataProxy] Change the default topic to an optional configuration
INLONG-3183[Bug][Dataproxy] When creating a producer fails
INLONG-3181[Improve][DataProxy] Optimizing unit tests and code style
INLONG-3161[Bug][Dataproxy] When sending order messages, no response message is returned to client
INLONG-3136[Feature] DataProxy get NOUPDATE"" configuration from Manager when request md5 is same
INLONG-3080[Bug][DataProxy] Fix dataproxy UT bug add mock of MetricRegister
INLONG-3067[Feature][DataProxy] Upgrading the documentation of using the default Pulsar configuration
INLONG-3060[Feature][DataProxy] Use Pulsar configuration by default
INLONG-3058[Feature][DataProxy] Add some configs while creating Pulsar producer
INLONG-3047[Bug][DataProxy] All common.properties configs are overwritten
INLONG-3031[Bug][Dataproxy] Repeated registration jmx metric bean
INLONG-2962[Bug][UT] Unit tests throw so many error msg for DataProxy
INLONG-2961[Improve][DataProxy] Check style error in DataProxy
INLONG-2906[Improve] Fix conflict defined of mq in Dataproxy and Sort
INLONG-2812[Improve][DataProxy] Modify flume conf and rename MetaSink
INLONG-2805[Feature][DataProxy] Add stream config log report
INLONG-2802[Bug][DataProxy] Update mx.properties local file too often
INLONG-2783[Bug][DataProxy] Port conflict with pulsar port
INLONG-2781[Feature][DataProxy] Update netty version to 4.x
INLONG-2719[Bug][DataProxy] Setting multiple topics for the same groupId doesn't work for Pulsar
INLONG-2711[Bug][SDK] Dataproxy-SDK get manager ip list error
INLONG-2607[Feature][DataProxy] Supports prometheus metric report for PulsarSink
INLONG-2568[Feature][Dataproxy] Support dynamically getting TubeMq config from Manager
INLONG-2491[Feature][Dataproxy] update netty version to 4.1.72.Final and log4j to log4j2
INLONG-2381[Feature] DataProxy support Tube sink of PB compression cache message protocol.
INLONG-2379[Feature] DataProxy support Pulsar sink of PB compression cache message protocol.
INLONG-2377[Feature] DataProxy support PB compression protocol format source.


INLONG-3716[Improve][Manager] Decrease the size of manager plugins
INLONG-3712[Bug][Manager] validation-api dependency conflict
INLONG-3710[Bug][Manager] Update the import package for ObjectMapper
INLONG-3704[Improve][Manager] change the log level for status report
INLONG-3701[Improve][Manager] Decrease the size of manager client tools
INLONG-3697[Improve][Manager] Replenish manager client examples
INLONG-3686[Improve][Manager] Remove the check for the serialization type of file source
INLONG-3683[Improve] Add AUTO_PUSH source stream in Manager
INLONG-3662[Improve][Manager] Disable ZooKeeper by default and deserialize file source from stream info
INLONG-3652[Improve][Agent] Improve TestBinlogOffsetManager unit test
INLONG-3647[Bug] Manager caught Sniffer : error while sniffing nodes java.net.ConnectException
INLONG-3642[Improve][Manager] Update start script and log configuration
INLONG-3627[Improve][Manager] Remove deprecated source_file related classes
INLONG-3603[Improve][Manager] The serialization type cannot be empty for File source
INLONG-3601[Bug][Manager] Should not create Hive resource when sink type is Kafka
INLONG-3599[Bug][Manager] Null pointer exception occurred when list file sources
INLONG-3596[Bug] manager can not start successfully
INLONG-3589[Feature][Manager] Add Iceberg sink info for Sort
INLONG-3580[Improve][Manager] Remove agentIp param in StreamSource
INLONG-3565[Improve][Manager] Unified the interface for Flink plugin
INLONG-3550[Improve][Manager] Add file source in Manager Client
INLONG-3544[Feature][Manager] Refactor file source request and response
INLONG-3542[Feature][Manager] Add Iceberg params and change SQL files
INLONG-3538[Improve][Manager] Adjust mode of getting sort URL
INLONG-3537[Improve][Manager] Remove unused APIs and change Kafka sink params
INLONG-3535[Improve][Manager] Update JDBC configs and maven pom files
INLONG-3510[Bug][Manager] When deployed
INLONG-3507[Bug][Manager] Upgrade Elasticsearch jar due to cve
INLONG-3480[Bug][Manager] Fix null pointer exception when calling sink method in manager client
INLONG-3462[Feature][Manager] Add test module for manager client
INLONG-3454[Improve][Manager] Remove the dependency of nimbusds which was unused
INLONG-3451[Bug][Manager] Got wrong results when querying tube cluster info
INLONG-3448[Improve][Manager] Limit the number of Agent pull tasks
INLONG-3438[Manager] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-manager
INLONG-3428[Improve][Manager] Set the default value and code refactor
INLONG-3405[Improve][Manager] Support generic partition configuration for Hive sink
INLONG-3398[Bug][Manager] Fix database error when saving sink field
INLONG-3397[Bug][Manager] SQL error when saving sink fields
INLONG-3383[Bug][Manager] Fix the null pointer caused by sink field not configured with source field
INLONG-3376[Improve][Manager] Support custom field format in client
INLONG-3370[Improve][Manager] Optimize stream source delete logic
INLONG-3369[Improve][Manager] Add StreamSource in list API
INLONG-3367[Improve][Manager] Support custom field format
INLONG-3362[Improve][Manager] Make Group.updateStatus new Transaction
INLONG-3339[Bug][Manager] Should update status when agent result was failed
INLONG-3337[Bug][Manager] Fix API error in manger client
INLONG-3334[Improve][Manager] Get source field list from stream field table for Sort
INLONG-3323[Improve][Manager] Add APIs in manager client
INLONG-3312[Improve][Manager] Optimize the delete operation for stream source
INLONG-3310[Improve][Manager] Optimize Pessimistic Lock for select stream sources
INLONG-3301[Improve][Manager] Remove deprecated classes and tables
INLONG-3300[Improve][Manager] Optimize the interface of the inlong-stream page
INLONG-3294[Bug][Manager] Protocol of client and manager is inconsistent
INLONG-3293[Improve][Manager] Add version controller for stream source
INLONG-3287[Bug][Manager] Fix heartbeat manager init in Manager Service
INLONG-3280[Bug][Manager][Dashboard] Update and delete datasource failed
INLONG-3269[Improve][Manager] Change the request method of list query from GET to POST
INLONG-3264[Improve][Manager] MySQL deadlocked when operating stream source
INLONG-3257[Bug][Manager][Dashboard] Create CommonServerDB return 404
INLONG-3252[Bug][Manager] Remove transaction in select method
INLONG-3246[Improve][Manager] Add config_failed status after suspend/restart/delete failed for inlong group
INLONG-3242[Bug][Manager] ConsumptionMqExtBase cannot be cast to ConsumptionPulsarInfo
INLONG-3239[Bug][Manager] Listing inlong group failed in manager client
INLONG-3228[Bug][Manager] Deadlock found when trying to get lock
INLONG-3225[Improve][Manager] Resolves multiple IPs when querying a DataProxy cluster
INLONG-3222[Improve][Manager] Check source state while operate stop / restart / delete
INLONG-3210[Feature] [Manager] Support group batch query in manager client
INLONG-3209[Improve][Manager] Optimize timeout handling in manager client
INLONG-3208[Improve][Manager] Support batch query by inlong group name and inlong group id
INLONG-3192[Improve][Manager] Optimize group state collect in Manager Client
INLONG-3190[Bug][Manager] Sql error in select source list
INLONG-3188[Bug][Manager] Inlong group status was not right after approve
INLONG-3179[Improve][Manager] Check the source name can not be the same when saving stream source
INLONG-3178[Improve][Manager] Add check param for manager-client
INLONG-3176[Bug][Manager] Fix duplicate key exception in manager client
INLONG-3175[Feature][Manager] SortService check md5
INLONG-3166[Improve][Manager] Replace hdfsDefaultFs and warehouseDir of Hive sink with dataPath field
INLONG-3160[Bug][Manager] Deleting stream source failed as the status was not allowed to delete
INLONG-3156[Feature][Manager] Add Shiro interfaces for manager authorization
INLONG-3152[Improve][Manager] Stop and update operation in initializing state
INLONG-3149[Improve][Manager] Add async method for inlong group stop/restart/delete
INLONG-3146[Improve][Manager] Optimize FieldType enums
INLONG-3140[Bug][Manager] Fix NPE in Manager Client
INLONG-3134[Bug][Manager] Save stream sink field error
INLONG-3112[Feature][Manager] Support metadata in manager and manager client
INLONG-3101[Improve][Manager] Support user defined properties in StreamSource
INLONG-3095[Improve][Manager] Update inlong group info in the complete listeners
INLONG-3090[Improve][Manager] Add TDMQ_PULSAR type in manager
INLONG-3089[Bug][Manager] Create group resource faild after approving one inlong group
INLONG-3073[Improve][Manager] Get MQ cluster by the type and mq_set_name
INLONG-3068[Improve][Manager] Add autoOffsetReset param for Kafka source
INLONG-3065[Improve][Manager] Support download plugins from remote address
INLONG-3064[Improve][Manager] Unify field types of sink and source in manager client
INLONG-3062[Improve][Manager] Merge the data_proxy_cluster table and the third_party_cluster table
INLONG-3053[Bug][Manager] Push sort config failed as the mqExtInfo is null in workflow form
INLONG-3046[Bug][Manager] The status was incorrect after approving an inlong group
INLONG-3042[Improve][Manager] Supplements of binlog allMigration stream
INLONG-3039[Improve][Manager] Add properties in sinkRequest
INLONG-3037[Improve][Manager] Add field mapping support for source and sink in manage client
INLONG-3024[Bug][Manager] Save cluster failed as the token field is too long
INLONG-3017[Bug][Manager] The interface of OpenAPI does not need authentication
INLONG-3012[Improve][Manager] Support built-in field for source and sink info
INLONG-3000[Improve][Manager] Add token field for cluster info
INLONG-2993[Bug][Manager] Check whether the mq info is NULL to avoid NPE
INLONG-2992[Feature][Manager] Support the field mapping feature for Sort
INLONG-2985[Bug][Manager] Fix task type and UTF question for agent
INLONG-2974[Improve][Manager] Support agent to pull tasks without ip and uuid
INLONG-2973[Bug][Manager] Fix get pulsar info from third party cluster table
INLONG-2971[Improve][Manager] Support stream log collecting in manager client
INLONG-2969[Bug][Manager] Fix interface of open API cluster
INLONG-2957[Improve][Manager] Optimize the cluster management interface
INLONG-2944[Improve][Manager] Should not change the modify_time when updating the source snapshot
INLONG-2939[Improve][Manager] Support sync message transfer in manager client
INLONG-2934[Bug][Manager] Manager client occured NPE since not check NULL
INLONG-2933[Bug][Agent][Manager] Change the type of the deliveryTime field from Date to String
INLONG-2930[Feature][Manager] Add ClickHouse sink support in manager-client
INLONG-2913[Bug][Manager] Fix get data proxy cluster failed and update inlong group failed
INLONG-2912[Improve][Manager] Add fields for the binlog task
INLONG-2900[Bug][Manager] Pulsar topics for DataProxy are inconsistent with topics for Sort
INLONG-2898[Bug][Manager] Fix parse Json exception in manager client
INLONG-2892[Improve][Manager] Update status of StreamSource after approving the InlongGroup or InlongStream
INLONG-2890[Feature][Manager] Support query source list in stream/listAll API
INLONG-2888[Bug][Manager] Stream source was not deleted when calling delete operate
INLONG-2886[Improve][Manager] Check if the URL is valid to avoid network security attacks
INLONG-2873[Bug][Manager] Fix serialization problem
INLONG-2869[Feature][Manager] Support config sync send data for agent and sort
INLONG-2867[Feature][Manager] Support report the task result and get tasks for the agent
INLONG-2862[Feature][Manager] Startup sort task through the ordinary flink cluster
INLONG-2856[Improve][Manager] Support multi-source and multi-sink in one stream
INLONG-2855[Feature][Manager] Support use other plugin of Authorization
INLONG-2849[Bug][Manager] Manager client occurred NPE
INLONG-2845[Bug][Manager] Manager client occurred NPE when parsing the ext info
INLONG-2841[Bug][Manager] New Inlong group cannot invoke the related listeners
INLONG-2839[Improve][Manager] Add intermediate state for Inlong group
INLONG-2837[Bug][Manager] Loss update Kafka operation when using manager client to update config
INLONG-2830[Improve][Manager] Support more than one source for a pair of group and streams
INLONG-2829[Feature][Manager] Support for migrating all databases in a database server for the inlong-sort module
INLONG-2827[Feature][Manager] Support configurable plugin when creating Hive table
INLONG-2821[Improve][Manager] Change the status of the source after receiving the task snapshot
INLONG-2815[Improve][Manager] Optimize Inlong domains for manager-client
INLONG-2808[Feature][Manager] Support kafka sink in manager client
INLONG-2807[Improve][Manager] Optimize state defined in manager client
INLONG-2794[Bug] Manager website should not display port when adding agent job
INLONG-2791[Improve][Manager] Optimize manager client APIs
INLONG-2768[Bug][Manager] The middleware_type not same after creating group
INLONG-2764[Bug][Manager] Key was duplicate when InlongGroup extList already has the same key
INLONG-2760[Bug][Manager] Delete data grouping exception
INLONG-2759[Bug][Manager] InlongGroupController update interface status problem
INLONG-2751[Bug][Manager] Fix the response code while query failing
INLONG-2743[Improve][Manager] Support getting inlong workflow error for manager-client module
INLONG-2741[Feature][Manager] Inlong client adds an interface for querying inlong group
INLONG-2736[Bug][Manager] Agent get task from manager error
INLONG-2734[Improve][Manager] Support multi serialization type for Sort in Manager
INLONG-2732[Feature][Manager] Support more parameters for Kafka source
INLONG-2723[Bug][Manager] Manager module occurred exception when startup
INLONG-2720[Bug][Manager] data_source_cmd_config table not exit
INLONG-2717[Improve][Manager] Support middleware of NONE
INLONG-2715[Feature][Manager] Support more parameters for the StreamSource entity
INLONG-2714[Bug][Manager] Create stream_source table failed
INLONG-2711[Bug][SDK] Dataproxy-SDK get manager ip list error
INLONG-2707[Bug][Manager] Table name and field type was inconsistent in SQL and XML file
INLONG-2701[Bug][Manager] Occurred NPE as the data proxy cluster name is null
INLONG-2700[Bug][Manager] Inlong group status was incorrect
INLONG-2699[Bug][Manager] Field ext_params in table data_proxy_cluster not exits
INLONG-2697[Bug][Manager] Inlong manager occurred NullpointException
INLONG-2694[Feature][Manager] Implement services of getSortSource interface
INLONG-2693[Feature][Manager] Define tables and beans for getSortSource interface
INLONG-2690[Improve][Manager] Optimize group state in workflow
INLONG-2689[Feature][Manager] Support report heartbeat for source agent
INLONG-2682[Feature][Manager] Add metric and config log report interface
INLONG-2678[Improve][Manager] Update field type in manager sql script
INLONG-2677[Feature][Manager] Get MQ cluster Info from database
INLONG-2676[Improve][Manager] Support stop / restart / finish stream source task
INLONG-2669[Improve][Manager] Optimizing source module code structure
INLONG-2662[Bug][Manager] Fix duplicate listener in manager service
INLONG-2660[Improve][Manager] Optimize manager state machine
INLONG-2655[Bug][Manager] Fix non-null limit in sql file
INLONG-2653[Feature][Manager] Support Kafka source in Inong Stream
INLONG-2638[Bug][Manager] apache_inlong_manager.sql file execution exception
INLONG-2636[Improve][Manager] Enable sort config generate when zookeeper is disabled;
INLONG-2617[Bug][Manager] After approving the new group
INLONG-2616[Improve][Manager] Optimize manager client and some APIs
INLONG-2614[Feature][Sort] Support array and map data structures in Hive sink and ClickHouse sink
INLONG-2612[Improve][Manager] Unify the domain model of the Manager module
INLONG-2610[Feature][Manager] Plug-in support for StreamSource
INLONG-2605[Improve][Manager] Refactor the manager-workflow module
INLONG-2600[Improve][Manager] Rename the third party cluster class name and table name
INLONG-2588[Feature][Manager] Support cluster management
INLONG-2586[Feature][Manager] Support agent to get task from manager
INLONG-2579[Feature][Manager] Support stream sink to ClickHouse
INLONG-2574[Feature][Manager] Add getSortSource interface for Sort
INLONG-2573[Feature][Manager] Inlong manager support getSortSource interface
INLONG-2571[Bug][Manager] Fix unit tests bugs
INLONG-2558[Improve][Manager] Optimizing manager test pattern
INLONG-2529[Bug][manager] get NumberFormatException when creating a new stream
INLONG-2512[Improve] [Manager] Add manager client
INLONG-2507[Bug][Manager] Init sort config failed
INLONG-2492[Feature][Manager] Plug-in support for DataStorage
INLONG-2491[Feature][Dataproxy] update netty version to 4.1.72.Final and log4j to log4j2
INLONG-2490[Feature][Manager] Support to startup a single tenant sort job
INLONG-2483[Feature] Manager provide metadata interface to Dataproxy
INLONG-2414[Manager] Exclude test jar file during the apache-rat-plugin check
INLONG-2410[Improve] Inlong Manager support business workflow suspend
INLONG-2353[Feature] Tube manager cluster adds support for multi-master configuration
INLONG-2286[Feature][Manager] Put inlong group id in dataflow info for Sort
INLONG-2162[Feature][Manager] Manager support getSortSourceConfig interface
INLONG-1517[Feature][Manager] Support sink data to ClickHouse


INLONG-3606[Bug] lack of the guide for Sort to configure Audit and Flink Plugin
INLONG-3573[Feature][Dataproxy][Audit]Tidy up dependencies between dataproxy
INLONG-3543[Feature][Audit]Upgrade audit netty version to 4.1.72.Final and log4j to log4j2
INLONG-3528[Improve] unify the log directory for manager and audit
INLONG-3440[Audit] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-audit
INLONG-3417[Improve] add audit configuration for other component docker image
INLONG-3288[Improve][Audit] Support TubMQ for website
INLONG-3159[Feature][Audit] Store support TubeMQ
INLONG-3158[Feature][Audit] Proxy support TubeMQ
INLONG-3013[Bug][Audit] Error occurred in started container on tencent eks
INLONG-2960[Bug][Audit] Unit tests error when executing mvn test command
INLONG-2640[Bug][K8s] The Audit Configmap can not be handled as a ConfigMap
INLONG-2623[Improve][Audit] Add audit image for docker publish script
INLONG-2591[Bug][Audit] Audit proxy and store process with wrong options
INLONG-2549[Improve] [audit] update audit protobuf field type
INLONG-2548[Bug] update version of lombok from 1.18.20 to 1.18.22
INLONG-2540[agent] create db sql collect task by config from manager
INLONG-2538[TubeMQ] Optimize message write cache logic
INLONG-2535[Improve][dashboard] Audit module display time in reverse order
INLONG-2523[Improve][Audit] Modify package name according to specification
INLONG-2468[Bug][Audit] CommunicationsException occurred in unit tests
INLONG-2441[Improve] [InLong audit] Modify the version of audit protobuf
INLONG-2408[Audit] protobuf-java dependency has security vulnerability


INLONG-3682[Improve] Optimize classification for the sort and usage manual guide
INLONG-3672[Feature][Sort-standalone] Tidy up dependencies.
INLONG-3670[Improve][Dashboard] Add dashboard plugin docs to official website
INLONG-3668[Sort-standalone] exclude spotbugs-annotations package
INLONG-3606[Bug] lack of the guide for Sort to configure Audit and Flink Plugin
INLONG-3591[Feature] Support multiple SortTask with the one-on-one relationship of Source and SortTask.
INLONG-3589[Feature][Manager] Add Iceberg sink info for Sort
INLONG-3546[Feature] Support reporting metrics by audit-sdk in sort-single-tenant
INLONG-3538[Improve][Manager] Adjust mode of getting sort URL
INLONG-3523[Sort-Flink] Remove lzo-core dependency
INLONG-3501[Sort-standalone] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-standalone
INLONG-3486[Bug][Sort] Data with Timestamp/Date type are written wrongly when using parquet format
INLONG-3483[Bug][Sort] Wrong date data in ORC formatted output
INLONG-3457[Improve][Sort] Exclude partition fields when writing data with parquet/orc format to hive
INLONG-3450[Feature][SDK] Sort-SDK change ack log from info to debug
INLONG-3426[Improve][Sort] Unify the value of binlog event type
INLONG-3418[Feature][Sort-Standalone] Upgrade protobuf version to 3.19.4
INLONG-3414[Improve][Sort] Set the default value of field includeUpdateBefore for DebeziumDeserializationInfo
INLONG-3408[Bug][Sort-Standalone] Replace IP and authentication in configuration example
INLONG-3396[Feature][Sort] Support multiple dataflow to write the same hive table
INLONG-3378[Feature] Add configuration example of Sort-standalone(Hive+ElasticSearch)
INLONG-3372[Bug][Sort] The binlog type is always INSERT when the output format is Canal
INLONG-3340[Bug][Sort-Standalone] ClsSink cannot acquire correct IdConfig and type overflow
INLONG-3332[Bug][Sort-Standalone] NP when init ClsSink and data race problem when first get ClsIdConfig field list
INLONG-3329[Bug][Sort] Wrong class mapping of debezium serialization info
INLONG-3328[Feature][Sort-Standalone] Support to load sort-sdk configuration from file
INLONG-3321[Improve][Sort] Set the correspond field in output to null if the field value in input is null
INLONG-3316[Bug][Sort] Change target sort jar in inlong-distribution module
INLONG-3285[Bug][Sort] Elasticsearch jar has security issue
INLONG-3260[Improve][Sort] Change the default semantic to at-least-once when using kafka producer
INLONG-3256[Improve][SDK] Improve sort-sdk log info
INLONG-3243[Feature][Sort-Standalone] Support multiple scenes to request configs
INLONG-3237[Feature][Sort-Standalone] SdkSource support periodiclly update sdk config and remove expire client.
INLONG-3218[Bug][SDK] Sort-SDK may creating multiple duplicate consumers
INLONG-3206[Improve][Sort] Do not specify uid for kafka sink in case of transactionalId conflict
INLONG-3202[Feature][SDK] Unify SortSourceConfig of Sort-Sdk and Manager
INLONG-3173[Bug][Sort-Standalone] Unify SortClusterConfig in manager and sort-standalone
INLONG-3130[Feature][Sort] Support extract specified metadata from input data with canal format
INLONG-3122[Bug][Sort-Standalone] Missing TASK_NAME parameter when report to Audit
INLONG-3117[Bug][Sort-Standalone] Parameter error when invoking SortSdk ack method
INLONG-3116[Bug][Sort-Standalone] SortSdkSource does not specify the manager url
INLONG-3115[Bug][Sort-Standalone] optimize the sort-standalone
INLONG-3113[Bug][Sort] Date and Time related bugs
INLONG-3110[Improve][Sort] Shade flink-avro to avoid potential conflicts
INLONG-3108[TubeMQ] Optimize the implementation of KeepAlive Interface
INLONG-3086[Improve][Sort] Check style error in Sort
INLONG-3078[Bug][Sort] TubeClientException occurred in unit tests
INLONG-3055[Bug][Sort] Fix bugs of deserializing TransformationInfo json string
INLONG-3054[Bug][Sort] Start sort task failed as parsing the config error
INLONG-3053[Bug][Manager] Push sort config failed as the mqExtInfo is null in workflow form
INLONG-3011[Feature][Sort] Add deploy command of sort-standalone
INLONG-2910[Bug][Sort] Deserialization failure of BuiltInField
INLONG-2872[Feature][Sort] Support field mapping when transforming
INLONG-2847[Feature][Sort] Support whole-database migration from debezium format to canal format
INLONG-2820[Improve][Sort] Improve the deserialization processing of the update event in DebeziumDeserializationSchema
INLONG-2816[Bug][Sort-sdk] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
INLONG-2793[Bug][Sort] Bugs related to hive sink
INLONG-2785[Feature][Sort] Support extract metadata from data with debezium format and write them to data with canal format
INLONG-2774[Bug][Sort] Fix bugs in sort-single-tenant
INLONG-2730[Feature][Sort] Stand-alone CLS sink reduce the number of AsyncProducerClient
INLONG-2728[TubeMQ] Optimize the content of statistical metrics
INLONG-2723[Bug][Manager] Manager module occurred exception when startup
INLONG-2721[Bug][Sort] Fix bugs in HiveSinkInfo
INLONG-2684[Bug][SDK] Sort SDK occurred OOM in unit tests
INLONG-2667[Bug][Sort] Bugs occurred when starting up sort-single-tenant
INLONG-2659[Bug][Sort] Could not build the program from JAR file.
INLONG-2651[Feature][Sort] Add CLS sink
INLONG-2650[Feature][Sort] Define sort stand-alone CLS context and config bean
INLONG-2649[Feature][Sort] Implement default IEvent2LogItemHandler interface
INLONG-2642[Feature][Sort] Use proxy user to write hive
INLONG-2634[Feature][Sort] Support CHDFS filesystem when using Hive sink
INLONG-2625[Feature][Sort] Support extracting data time in deserialization
INLONG-2614[Feature][Sort] Support array and map data structures in Hive sink and ClickHouse sink
INLONG-2572[Bug][SDK] Sort sdk cause with name javax/management/MBeanServer in unit tests
INLONG-2561[Feature][Sort] Update deploy settings of InLong-Sort
INLONG-2554[Feature][Sort] Support array and map data structures in ORC writer
INLONG-2526[Feature][Sort] Support serialization and deserialization of debezium-json formatted data
INLONG-2524[Feature][InLong-Sort] Support deserialization of json
INLONG-2507[Bug][Manager] Init sort config failed
INLONG-2496[Feature][Sort]Support COS filesystem when using hive sink
INLONG-2435[Feature] Fix Sort-standalone UT problem.
INLONG-2413[Feature][Sort]Support non-partitioned table when using hive sink
INLONG-2382[Feature] Sort-sdk support Pulsar consumer of PB compression cache message protocol.
INLONG-2346[Feature][InLong-Sort] Support avro and canal formats for sort sink
INLONG-1928[Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support to consume events from Tube cache clusters.
INLONG-1896[Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support to sort the events to Kafka clusters.


INLONG-3644[Feature][TubeMQ]Upgrade netty version and tidy up dependencies.
INLONG-3621[Improve][TubeMQ] Added cluster switching method and delete cluster support to delete master
INLONG-3598[Improve][TubeMQ] Add broker modify method
INLONG-3568[Improve][TubeMQ] Nodes realize batch online
INLONG-3560[Bug][TubeMQ][InLong] The tubemq pod is invalid
INLONG-3547[Bug][TubeMQ] curl and ps commands not found in tubemq docker container
INLONG-3514[Improve][TubeMQ] Add name and IP attributes for query cluster API
INLONG-3509[TubeMQ]Optimize the LICENSE file format of inlong-tubemq third-party components
INLONG-3477[TubeMQ] Remove direct reference to log4j1.x
INLONG-3453[Feature][TubeMQ] Remove hibernete for tube manager
INLONG-3451[Bug][Manager] Got wrong results when querying tube cluster info
INLONG-3445[Feature][TubeMQ] Remove the hibernate dependency for the tube manager
INLONG-3432[TubeMQ] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-tubemq-manager
INLONG-3431[TubeMQ] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-tubemq
INLONG-3429[TubeMQ] Add missing adminQueryMasterVersion method
INLONG-3363[TubeMQ]Added how to use optional BDB components and documentation
INLONG-3354[TubeMQ]Update master.ini configuration guidelines document
INLONG-3348[TubeMQ] Update protobuf-java version to 3.19.4
INLONG-3324[TubeMQ]Optimize CliMetaDataBRU class implementation
INLONG-3290[TubeMQ]Add the query API for finding the consumption group based on the specified topic
INLONG-3268[TubeMQ] Fix some bugs when metadata is saved to ZooKeeper
INLONG-3254[TubeMQ]Replace the call of MetaDataManager with DefaultMetaDataService
INLONG-3201[Improve][TubeMQ] Improve the cluster query function
INLONG-3154[TubeMQ] Adjust the Master.ini file reading implementation
INLONG-3143[TubeMQ] Optimize Metadatamanager class implementation
INLONG-3108[TubeMQ] Optimize the implementation of KeepAlive Interface
INLONG-3105[TubeMQ] Add MetaStoreMapper related implementation
INLONG-3095[Improve][Manager] Update inlong group info in the complete listeners
INLONG-3093[TubeMQ] Optimize the AbsXXXMapperImpl implementation classes
INLONG-3079[Bug][TubeMQ] An NPE was thrown when starting the Tube-Manager
INLONG-3078[Bug][Sort] TubeClientException occurred in unit tests
INLONG-3072[TubeMQ] Output the total count of control block in admin_query_cluster_topic_view
INLONG-3035[TubeMQ] Optimize the MetaStoreService implementation class
INLONG-3029[TubeMQ] Adjust the implementation classes under the impl.bdbimpl package
INLONG-3020[Improve] Format the some code of TubeMQ Go SDK
INLONG-3015[Feature][TubeMQ] Add configuration to support the number of reloaded machines per batch
INLONG-2980[TubeMQ] Modify the code style problems of the metadata classes
INLONG-2979[Feature] Tubemq cluster delete provides token code
INLONG-2955[TubeMQ] Adjust the offsetstorage and zookeeper package paths
INLONG-2915[TubeMQ] Fix code style issues
INLONG-2844[TubeMQ] Implement the ZooKeeper-based metadata Mapper class
INLONG-2813[Improve] update the docker config for getting TubeMq config dynamically
INLONG-2803[Improve][TubeMQ] Update the Python client package
INLONG-2776[TubeMQ] Add metadata backup cli script
INLONG-2728[TubeMQ] Optimize the content of statistical metrics
INLONG-2620[TubeMQ] Add direct write to disk control
INLONG-2609[TubeMQ] Fix Javadoc related errors
INLONG-2603[TubeMQ] Remove obsolete metric codes
INLONG-2596[Improve][TubeMQ] Fix param in the client module and the main class of tubeManager pom is error
INLONG-2569[TubeMQ] Discarded msgTime value when msgType is empty
INLONG-2555[TubeMQ] Remove slf4j-log4j12
INLONG-2552[TubeMQ] Add Master metric operation APIs
INLONG-2538[TubeMQ] Optimize message write cache logic
INLONG-2518[TubeMQ] Adjust the client's metric statistics logic
INLONG-2517[TubeMQ] Adjust the statistical logic of the Master service status
INLONG-2516[TubeMQ] Optimize Broker's JMX metric interface
INLONG-2508[TubeMQ] Add Broker metric operation APIs
INLONG-2505[TubeMQ] Add MsgStoreStatsHolder class
INLONG-2488[TubeMQ] Optimize MsgFileStatisInfo implementation logic
INLONG-2484[TubeMQ]Optimize MsgMemStatisInfo implementation logic
INLONG-2480[TubeMQ] Add WebCallStatsHolder class for Web API call statistics
INLONG-2478[TubeMQ] Optimize GroupCountService logic implementation
INLONG-2474[TubeMQ] Adjust the statistics of Broker's message service part
INLONG-2451[TubeMQ] Add Histogram implementation classes
INLONG-2445[TubeMQ] Add Gauge and Counter implementation classes
INLONG-2433[TubeMQ] Abstract metrics' interface
INLONG-2353[Feature] Tube manager cluster adds support for multi-master configuration
INLONG-2282[Feature][TubeMQ] Add ZooKeeper as the metadata storage component of TubeMQ
INLONG-2204[Improve][TubeMQ] Optimize the collection of metrics for TubeMQ
INLONG-1655[Improve] TubeMQ Documents should use English pictures


INLONG-3684[Improve][Dashboard] Add tooltip for stream data type
INLONG-3670[Improve][Dashboard] Add dashboard plugin docs to official website
INLONG-3660[Improve][Dashboard] Change visible for dataType and dataSeparator
INLONG-3631[Improve][Dashboard] Change the ClickHouse sink page to adapt the Manager module
INLONG-3617[Improve][Dashboard] Add params for stream source to adapt Manager module
INLONG-3556[Feature][Dashboard] Add Iceberg params to adapt the Manager module
INLONG-3518[Feature][Dashboard] Support Iceberg Sink
INLONG-3506[Feature][Dashboard] Support Kafka
INLONG-3498[Improve][Dashboard] Adapt manager streams update API
INLONG-3496[Improve][Dashboard] Update node version
INLONG-3492[Improve][Dashboard] Initialize a npmrc file
INLONG-3471[Improve][Dashboard] Hive sink adapts to new manager API
INLONG-3442[Dashboard] Sort out the LICENSEs of the third-party components of inlong-dashboard
INLONG-3423[Improve][Dashboard] Add user and password config to binlog source
INLONG-3394[Improve][Dashboard] Remove the stream owner parameter and manage it uniformly by group
INLONG-3390[Improve][Dashboard] Text form support date and array dataType
INLONG-3341[Feature][Dashboard] Sink supports plug-in configuration
INLONG-3314[Improve][Dashboard] Support for new data stream API data formats
INLONG-3280[Bug][Manager][Dashboard] Update and delete datasource failed
INLONG-3275[Improve][Dashboard] Change the request method of list query from GET to POST
INLONG-3257[Bug][Manager][Dashboard] Create CommonServerDB return 404
INLONG-3220[Improve][Dashboard] The binlog configuration aligns the parameters of the managerAPI
INLONG-3128[Feature][Dashboard] Make binlog as a source type
INLONG-2997[Improve][Dashboard] The group execution log needs to distinguish between different states
INLONG-2996[Bug][Dashboard] An error is reported after closing the group execution log modal
INLONG-2895[Feature][Dashboard] The data source in the data stream supports binlog collection
INLONG-2861[Feature][Dashboard] Support common data source module
INLONG-2799[Bug][Dashboard] Some code specification issues
INLONG-2624[Improve][Dashboard] Modify the interface and parameters to adapt to changes in the Manager
INLONG-2535[Improve][dashboard] Audit module display time in reverse order
INLONG-2500[Feature][Dashboard] Adapt to Manager's modification of data storage
INLONG-2461[Bug] a number of CVEs exist for NPMs exist in dashboard