title: InLong v0.11.0

Use the links below to download the Apache InLong from one of our mirrors.


Nov 5, 20210.11.0Source[SRC] [ASC] [SHA512]

Release Integrity

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Release Notes


INLONG-624[Feature] Go SDK support for TubeMQ
INLONG-1308[Feature] Support Deploying All Modules on Kubernetes
INLONG-1330[Feature] DataProxy support Pulsar
INLONG-1631[Feature] [office-website] Refactor incubator-inlong-website by docusaurus


INLONG-1324[Improve] [Manager] The consumption details should be refreshed after editing successfully
INLONG-1327[Improve] [Manager] Supports pagi`ng query for workflow execution log
INLONG-1578[Improve] Go SDK should provide a more elegant way to set the parameter of config`
INLONG-1571[Improve] [CI] Check License Heade
INLONG-1584[Improve] TDMsg Decode Support For Go SDK
INLONG-1585[Improve] Improve issue template with issue forms
INLONG-1589[Improve] [Manager] Manager provide an openapi of DataProxy configuration data for multi-subcluster
INLONG-1593[Improve] Add EmptyLineSeparator java code checkstyle rule
INLONG-1595[Improve] inlong-dataproxy start by the configuration data from inlong-manager
INLONG-1623[Improve] Optimize EntityStatus enum
INLONG-1619[Improve] Add improve suggestion template
INLONG-1611[Improve] Enable Merge Button
INLONG-1623[Improve] add contribution guide document for the main repo
INLONG-1626[Improve] [office-website] Agent introduce a Message filter
INLONG-1628[Improve] Remove commitlint in package.json
INLONG-1629[Improve] Disable merge commit
INLONG-1632[Improve] [office-website] Refactoring of basic projects
INLONG-1633[Improve] [office-website] Migrate modules documentation
INLONG-1634[Improve] [office-website] Migrate download documentation
INLONG-1635[Improve] [office-website] Migrate development documentation
INLONG-1636[Improve] [office-website] Replace the default language selection icon
INLONG-1637[Improve] [office-website] Add docusaurus i18n docs
INLONG-1638[Improve] [office-website] Adapt new github action command
INLONG-1641[Improve] [Agent] Agent introduce a Message filter
INLONG-1642[Improve] [Agent] Agent Use Message filter to get tid from different lines in a file
INLONG-1650[Improve] [TubeMQ] Provide a more elegant way to define config address
INLONG-1662[Improve] [GitHub] Improve issue templates
INLONG-1666[Improve] [TubeMQ] README for Go SDK
INLONG-1668[Improve] [office-website] Adapt quick edit link
INLONG-1669[Improve] [office-website] Adapt docusaurus build command
INLONG-1670[Improve] [Manager] Add H2 in UT
INLONG-1680[Improve] [doc] remove the redundant download links
INLONG-1682[Improve] [TubeMQ] New Go module for Go SDK
INLONG-1699[Improve] [doc] add a correct interpretation for InLong
INLONG-1701[Improve] [InLong-Manager] Adjust unit tests


INLONG-1498ignore the files with versionsBackup suffix for the bumped version
INLONG-1507Go Client should reconnect to server if the server is shutdown and restarted
INLONG-1509duplicate issues be counted in CHANGES.md
INLONG-1511release guild documents has some errors
INLONG-1514the license header is not correct for inlong-website/nginx.conf
INLONG-1525Go SDK fail to parse SubscribeInfo
INLONG-1527GoSDK should throw error if it fail to connect to master
INLONG-1529Go SDK should reset heartbeat if register to master successfully
INLONG-1531Go SDK should init the flow control item of the partition
INLONG-1533Go SDK should provide more example
INLONG-1535Go SDK should be closed before stopping the event processing goroutine
INLONG-1538TubeMQ reports the error “Topic xxx not publish” when producing data
INLONG-1550Go SDK should obey the flow control rule
INLONG-1552Java SDK should deal with the default flow control rule
INLONG-1553migrate the user manual documents at first class
INLONG-1554remove the Console Introduction for manager
INLONG-1555Go SDK should record the consumer config to the log
INLONG-1558Go SDK should provide a multi goroutine consumer example
INLONG-1560C++ SDK can not return error code of PartInUse and PartWaiting correctly
INLONG-1562[K8s] There are some syntax bugs and configuration bugs in helm chart
INLONG-1563Go SDK can not stop the heartbeat timer after the consumer has been closed
INLONG-1566The user defined partition offset of Go SDK can not take effect
INLONG-1568C++ SDK cant not return the whether the partition has been registered correctly
INLONG-1569The first_registered is not the same with its naming
INLONG-1573Add TDMsg decode logic to TubeMQ's C++ SDK
INLONG-1575Modify the download url of version 0.9.0
INLONG-1579lots of files are not standard License Header
INLONG-1581InLong's website does not work without Javascript
INLONG-1587Fix compile error
INLONG-1592TextFileReader: The cpu utilization rate is very high, nearly 50%
INLONG-1600There are some YAML errors in bug report and feature request issue forms
INLONG-1604Some resultType is wrong in mapper
INLONG-1607The master version should be added in the bug-report.yml
INLONG-1614dataProxyConfigRepository constructor error
INLONG-1617Ignore mysql directory after run docker compose
INLONG-1621RestTemplateConfig cannot load config from properties
INLONG-1625some page links are not available for Contribution Guide
INLONG-1645[Bug] Druid datasource is not used
INLONG-1665Adjust the content of the document title
INLONG-1673some links are not available after office-website refactored
INLONG-1676two recent PRs were overwritten after the office-website refactored
INLONG-1677the architecture picture is lost in README
INLONG-1685the Chinese Quick Start Guide has some incorrect place after the office-webiste refactored
INLONG-1694Build docker mirror error for TubeMQ C++
INLONG-1695[Bug][DataProxy] Build failed