Update infra-reports.md fixes per Humbedooh

specified that committers can also see the real-time download statistics, and for GHA, made it clearer that you see the stats for the project you belong to, or the one you specify if you belong to more than one.
1 file changed
tree: c8dbfe0a31a1208ead1b74900a6a1dbb61508872
  1. content/
  2. .asf.yaml
  3. .gitignore
  4. pelicanconf.yaml
  5. README.md
  6. requirements.txt

Apache Infrastructure Website

This is the source of the Apache Infrastructure team's website, found at https://infra.apache.org/

How to build the Infra Site:

This builds the website and puts its pages in output/

virtualenv $venvname
source $venvname/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

git pull origin master

# Edit all the markdown! (infrastructure-website/content/pages/)

pelican -t theme

To preview:

cd output/
python -m pelican.server
# Browse to localhost:8000

Technical site documentation:

Any time you check in a file, the site regenerates: https://ci2.apache.org/#/builders/3


The gfm_reader.py script points to a specific directory on bb-slave1 for loading the libcmark-gfm.so and libcmark-gfmextensions.so libraries. The path should be adjusted for your local installation.

Run build_cmark.sh to build the two libraries. It is then helpful to create a directory (say, build_cmark/lib) with two symlinks from the .so to the longer, version-specific libraries that the above shell script builds.

Preview PRs

To stage a preview of what a PR would result in, be sure to name your branches using the preview/$foo syntax, for instance preview/cleanup-dec-2021. This will auto-build and -stage your changes and make them available at infra-$foo.staged.apache.org, i.e. infra-cleanup-dec-2021.staged.apache.org