bump for custombuild testing
1 file changed
tree: 96641099138e00bb8d29d4518abc5d09fec486d3
  1. content/
  2. theme/
  3. .asf.yaml
  4. .gitignore
  5. pelican_build.sh
  6. pelicanconf.py
  7. README.md
  8. requirements.txt

Apache Infrastructure Website

This is the future of the Apache Infrastructure team's website. Work in progress; this is the long-term replacement for infra.a.o

How to build the Infra Site:

This builds the website and puts its pages in output/

`virtualenv $venvname`
`source $venvname/bin/activate`
`pip install -r requirements.txt`

`git pull origin master`
Edit all the markdown! (infrastructure-website/content/pages/)

`pelican -t theme`

To preview:

`cd output/`
`python -m pelican.server`
Browse to localhost:8000

Technical site documentation:

Any time you check in a file, the site regenerates: https://ci.apache.org/builders/infrastructure-website/


The gfm_reader.py script points to a specific directory on bb-slave1 for loading the libcmark-gfm.so and libcmark-gfmextensions.so libraries. The path should be adjusted for your local installation.

Run build_cmark.sh to build the two libraries. It is then helpful to create a directory (say, build_cmark/lib) with two symlinks from the .so to the longer, version-specific libraries that the above shell script builds.