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Using OPIE
<p>This document covers the setup and use of OPIE (One-time Passwords In Everything). This is
a mechanism used by the ASF that ensures that your sudo password is not erroneously intercepted
or pasted into the wrong prompt on the remote machine.</p>
<p>Note: FreeBSD uses <code>opiepasswd</code>, Ubuntu VM's use <code>ortpasswd</code> (part of Orthrus) instead.</p>
<p>All users in the wheel group (or in the $machine-sudoers in LDAP) have sudo access.
In order to use sudo, a user <strong>must
configure OPIE</strong> by running <code>opiepasswd</code> on the remote machine.</p>
<h1>Getting an OPIE client for your computer</h1>
<p>Using OPIE requires having an OPIE (S/Key) client on the local (trusted) machine. Some OPIE clients are:</p>
<li>Debian/Ubuntu: See <a href="">this forum thread</a></li>
<li>Browser-based: <a href="/committer/otp-md5">otp-md5 tool in JavaScript</a></li>
<li>SkeyCalc (Mac OS X)</li>
<li>Orthrus (Unix-like; portable)</li>
<li>FreeBSD: opiekey(1) is part of the base system</li>
<li>donkey (Debian package donkey) Note: Use the '-f' option to set the hash type, usually 'donkey -f md5'</li>
<h1>Setting up OPIE:</h1>
<li>pick a good passphrase, between 10 and 127 characters long.</li>
<li>never expose it to the net, <strong>never type it on the remote machine</strong></li>
<li>run <code>opiepasswd</code> (or <code>ortpasswd</code>)on the remote machine you wish to get sudo access to.</li>
<li>that will prompt you with an otp challenge, for instance: <code>otp-md5 fo1834 470</code></li>
<li>take that challenge string and run it <strong>locally on your workstation</strong></li>
<li>enter your passphrase at the <strong>local prompt</strong> in 5</li>
<li>repeat 5 and 6 until you are <em>certain</em> you entered your pw correctly</li>
<li>paste the resulting six word response into the challenge prompt in 4. If you get a 20014 error,
you have entered your password remotely by mistake, please contact infra if so.</li>
<li>have someone add you to the 'wheel' group</li>
<li>run sudo</li>
<li>that will prompt you for an otp challenge</li>
<li>repeat steps 5-8</li>
<li>get root</li>
<h1>An example:</h1>
<h2>Remote machine you want to get sudo access to:</h2>
<pre><code> opiepasswd
You need the response from an OTP generator.
New secret pass phrase:
otp-md5 499 fo4576 &lt;-- COPY THIS STRING
<h2>Local machine:</h2>
<pre><code>$ otp-md5 499 fo4576
Using the MD5 algorithm to compute response.
Reminder: Don't use opiekey from telnet or dial-in sessions.
Enter secret pass phrase: foobarbaztwothirty
<h2>Remote machine:</h2>
<pre><code> Response: WERE GAIL THUG CEIL VIE TWO #
<h2>Video Tutorial</h2>
<p><video controls src=""><a href="">Setting up Orthrus using SKeyCalc on Mac</a>
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