Title: Release Download Pages for Projects

Your project‘s release download page links the project’s content to the mirrors where people can download your latest release(s). This page describes how a release manager can put such a page together.

Material about Apache's policies on releases, mirrors, and download pages is here.


  • Your project's download page can only link to release artifacts that your PMC has approved.
  • Do not link to dist.apache.org.
  • The download page must include a link to the source distribution. It may include links to binary distributions.
  • Links to the mirrored distribution artifacts must not reference the main Apache download server. They should use the standard mechanisms to distribute the load between the mirrors. See below for details.
  • All links to checksums, detached signatures and public keys must reference the main Apache web site and should use https:// (SSL). For example: https://downloads.apache.org/httpd/KEYS.
  • Old releases should be archived and may be linked from the download page.
  • Remove all official pre-releases (e.g. milestones, alphas, betas) in a timely fashion once the project releases the final or GA version.

Your Apache project's download page:

  • must have at least one link to the current release. This link must use the “closer” utility. For example: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/PROJECT/VERSION/SOURCE-RELEASE.
  • must have a link to the checksum and hash for the current release. These links must use direct links to the Apache distribution server. For example: https://downloads.apache.org/PROJECT/VERSION/HASH-OR-CHECKSUM.
  • must have a link to the keys file for your project. This link must use direct links to the Apache distribution server. For example: https://downloads.apache.org/PROJECT/KEYS.
  • should have instructions on how to verify downloads. For this you can include a link to the Apache documentation on verification.
  • must not include a link to the top level “closer” utility (e.g. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/PROJECT) as the KEYS, sigs and hashes are missing, as are any verification instructions.

Balancing the downloads between mirrors requires the use of a script. You'll find below a standard mechanism to let you easily create scripts that comply with the ASF mirroring distribution policy and take advantage of more advanced features such as intelligent selection of a preferred mirror.

There are two basic options:

  • The generic download script is quick to set up but is linked from (rather than integrated with) the project documentation.
  • A project-specific script is integrated with a page created in the normal way for the project and uses the project's standard document look and feel. This option takes more time to set up.

The starting point for a generic script is a download page in the standard documentation which describes the releases. To use the generic script, you need to alter the page so the actual download links to the generic script in the appropriate fashion.

The generic script is closer.cgi. Paaa in the relative path from the distribution root to the artifact as a parameter. So if the artifact is foo-5.5.1.zip and is located in bar/foo relative to downloads.apache.org, then http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/bar/foo/foo-5.5.1.zip will display the mirrored distribution for downloading.

As an alternative, you can generate a direct download link using the following syntax:


See below for how to generate a customised page of direct links using a mirror.

Note there is some information which every project should include on the download page (e.g. KEYS, sigs, hashes). Please read best practices.

To create a project-specific download page, you will need a project page containing information for the user together with variables the script populates with the correct values.

Assuming you have called your download page download.html, you can invoke our global download script by using the URI download.cgi.

This URI takes the path to the page as an input and passes it to the standard global download script. The standard script reads the page and uses information about the mirrors to substitute values for the variables. When you link to the project page (for example, from the rest of the project documentation), it is important to target these links at the script address (and not the html page address).

Note: the mirroring script guesses the download release page to be processed by matching file names. There is no requirement to call the script download.cgi and the download release page download.html but the name of the script must correspond to the name of the download page. For example, release.cgi and release.html will work but download.cgi and release.html will not.

There are a number of elements that a good project download page should contain. See the content to generate that page here.

Downloads of artifacts are linked to a mirror by a variable url. The correct mirroring base url will be substituted for the [preferred] variable. The rest of the url should be the path to the artifact relative to the base of the Apache distribution directory.

For example, for artifact foo-1.0.0.tar.gz contained in bar/foo should use [preferred]/bar/foo/foo-1.0.0.tar.gz

Provide links to the checksum and signature for the artifact next to the download link. It is important that users check the sum and verify the signature so these links should be close and clear. Note: these documents must not be mirrored.

For example, for artifact foo-1.0.0.tar.gz contained in bar/foo :

`<a href="[preferred]/bar/foo/foo-1.0.0.tar.gz">zip</a>`
`<a href='https://downloads.apache.org/bar/foo/foo-1.0.0.tar.gz.md5'>MD5</a>`
`<a href='https://downloads.apache.org/bar/foo/foo-1.0.0.tar.gz.asc'>PGP</a>`

Give users information about the mirrors and the chance to choose a different mirror if they prefer. This is a little complex to describe, so here is a typical script:

<p>[if-any logo]
<a href="[link]"><img align="right" src="[logo]" border="0"
The currently selected mirror is <b>[preferred]</b>.  If you
encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror.  If all
mirrors are failing, there are <i>backup</i> mirrors (at the
end of the mirrors list) that should be available.</p>

<form action="[location]" method="get" id="SelectMirror">
Other mirrors: <select name="Preferred">
[if-any http]
  [for http]<option value="[http]">[http]</option>[end]

[if-any ftp]
  [for ftp]<option value="[ftp]">[ftp]</option>[end]
[if-any backup]
  [for backup]<option value="[backup]">[backup]
<input type="submit" value="Change" />

<p>You may also consult the <a href="http://www.apache.org/mirrors/">complete list of mirrors</a>.</p>

More advice on creating a good project page is below.

All that remains is to wait for the main website to sync.

Users download Apache releases from mirrors. It is therefore important that they understand that they should always check the hash sums and (if possible) also verify the OpenPGP compatible signature of each download. The content of the release download page plays a critical role in this education process.

Please provide clear and easy links to the KEYS, sums and signatures from the download release page or include the information directly in the page itself. The HTTPD page is a good example.

Include a reminder text with links to more information for users. For example:

Note: when downloading from a mirror please check the md5sum and verify the OpenPGP compatible signature from the main Apache site. Links are provided above (next to the release download link). This KEYS file contains the public keys used for signing release. We recommend that you use a web of trust, if possible to confirm the identity of these keys. For more information, please see the Apache Release FAQ.

Users need to understand the origin of the artifacts, signatures and sums they download. Check that the stylesheets your download site uses do not obscure the linked URLs. It is best to use a simple, plain style for download links. Note that some of the Maven-style sheets may obscure some external links in some browsers.

Normally you should wait 24 hours after uploading a release to https://downloads.apache.org/ before announcing it, in order to let mirrors catch up.

If you cannot wait, you can pass a date and time to the download script to indicate that only mirrors that have updated since that time should be selected. This works by adding update=YYYYMMDDhhmm to the query string. For example, you can use


to request only mirrors that have updated after 2:15pm on July 5, 2004 UTC.

Please use this option sparingly, since it can result in excessive load on particular mirrors. It would be appropriate, for example, in an emailed release announcement for an important security release, but not appropriate as a main website link.

If you need assistance in implementing URL redirection to the mirrors, or if you need any other help in implementing this policy, please contact the users@infra.apache.org mailing list.