NR: Update description to reflect current features
diff --git a/static/plugins/ghactions.js b/static/plugins/ghactions.js
index a0549f9..7752fd0 100644
--- a/static/plugins/ghactions.js
+++ b/static/plugins/ghactions.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     let project_txt = project ? project : "All projects";
     if (!project) group = DEFAULT_GROUP
     document.getElementById('page_title').innerText = `GitHub Actions Statistics, ${project_txt}`;
-    document.getElementById('page_description').innerText = "This page shows the GitHub Actions usage for projects you are a part of. If you do not see any data here, your project is likely not using GitHub Actions. For the time being, only paid runs are shown. Self-hosted runs will be added at a later date.";
+    document.getElementById('page_description').innerText = "This page shows the GitHub Actions usage for projects you are a part of. If you do not see any data here, your project is likely not using GitHub Actions. By default, builds on self-hosted runners are not included in the stats, but can be included by using the self-hosted checkbox field at the bottom.";
     const outer_chart_area = document.getElementById('chart_area');
     outer_chart_area.innerText = "";