blob: 52cf5a63dd5a6f02c7744efb2776d4062e773845 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
"""ASF Infrastructure Reporting Dashboard"""
"""Handler for userID availability/syntax checks"""
import quart
from ..lib import middleware, config
import os
import yaml
import psycopg
import re
import asyncio
import asfpy.clitools
# Dict of existing users from various canonical sources
existing_users = {
"jira": [], # Local Jira accounts
"confluence": [], # Local confluence accounts
"ldap": [], # LDAP accounts
"reserved": [], # Reserved IDs
# Valid user ID syntax, defined in config yaml
VALID_USERID_RE = re.compile(config.reporting.userid["valid_userid_syntax"])
SCAN_INTERVAL = 3600 # Scan for changes every one hour
async def scan_for_userids():
"""Scans for all userids in use by the various large systems"""
while True:
# LDAP users
print("Fetching userids from LDAP")
ldap_response = await asyncio.wait_for(
ldap_base="ou=people,dc=apache,dc=org", ldap_scope="sub", ldap_query="uid=*", ldap_attrs=("uid",)
if ldap_response and len(ldap_response) > 1000:
existing_users["ldap"] = [x["uid"][0] for x in ldap_response]
except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError:
print("LDAP timed out, retrying later")
# Jira users, if set up for such (TODO: replace with crowd??)
if "jirapsql" in config.reporting.userid:
psql_dsn = psycopg.conninfo.make_conninfo(**config.reporting.userid["jirapsql"])
print("Fetching local Jira users")
temp_list = []
async with await psycopg.AsyncConnection.connect(psql_dsn) as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
await cur.execute("SELECT lower_user_name from cwd_user WHERE directory_id != 10000")
async for row in cur:
if row[0] and isinstance(row[0], str): # Ensure only non-empty strings here
# Replace old list with new
existing_users["jira"] = temp_list
except psycopg.OperationalError as e:
print(f"Operational error while querying Jira PSQL: {e}")
print("Retrying later...")
# Reserved IDs file
reserved_ids_filename = config.reporting.userid.get("reserved_ids_file")
if reserved_ids_filename and os.path.isfile(reserved_ids_filename):
reserved_ids = yaml.safe_load(open(reserved_ids_filename))
existing_users["reserved"] = reserved_ids
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
print(f"Could not load {reserved_ids_filename}, skipping: {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(SCAN_INTERVAL)
async def process(form_data):
userid = form_data.get("id")
# Check syntax validity
is_valid = userid and VALID_USERID_RE.match(userid) is not None
# Check if we already have a user like this
for group, userlist in existing_users.items():
if userid in userlist:
return {
"checked_id": userid,
"is_valid": is_valid,
"exists": True,
"exists_where": group,
# No such user, just return validity
return {
"checked_id": userid,
"is_valid": is_valid,
"exists": False,
"exists_where": None,
"GET", # Session get/delete
# The userid scan is added as a generic loop. There is no web page for this feature, no need to the plugin registry