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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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"""ASF Infrastructure Reporting Dashboard - Mail Transport Statistics Tasks"""
import asyncio
from ..lib import config
from .. import plugins
import aiohttp
import json
import time
_stats: dict = {}
def get_stats():
return _stats
def trim_stats(stats):
"""Trims the stats, removing items that we do not currently use, shortening syntax for other items"""
trimmed_stats = []
for entry in stats:
all_pending = [
sum(x["pending"] for x in entry["recipients"].values()),
sum(x["pending"] for x in entry["senders"].values())
entry_trimmed = {
"ts": entry["timestamp"],
"pending": max(all_pending),
"pending_by_recipient": {k: v["pending"] for k, v in entry["recipients"].items()},
"pending_by_sender": {k: v["pending"] for k, v in entry["senders"].items()},
return trimmed_stats
def collate_stats(*stats):
"""Collates (sums up) stats from all hosts into one unified, global stat"""
pending_by_recipient = {}
pending_by_sender = {}
pending_count = {}
cutoff = int(time.time() - 86400) # Only grab stats if from less than 24h ago
for stat in stats:
for entry in stat:
ts = entry["ts"]
if ts < cutoff:
ts = str(ts) # convert to string for dict to work
if ts not in pending_by_recipient:
pending_by_recipient[ts] = entry["pending_by_recipient"].copy()
p_r = pending_by_recipient.get(ts)
p_r.update({k: v+p_r.get(k, 0) for k, v in entry["pending_by_recipient"].items()})
if ts not in pending_by_sender:
pending_by_sender[ts] = entry["pending_by_sender"].copy()
p_s = pending_by_sender[ts]
p_s.update({k: v+p_s.get(k, 0) for k, v in entry["pending_by_sender"].items()})
pending_count[ts] = pending_count.get(ts, 0) + entry["pending"]
return [{
"ts": int(k),
"pending": pending_count[k],
"pending_by_recipient": pending_by_recipient[k],
"pending_by_sender": pending_by_sender[k]
} for k in pending_count]
async def mail_scan():
"""Grabs mxout statistics from all hosts, collates it"""
mxout_stats = {}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30)) as hc:
for hostname in config.reporting.mailstats.get("hosts", []):
async with hc.get(f"http://{hostname}:8083/qshape.json") as req:
if req.status == 200:
mxout_stats[hostname] = trim_stats(await req.json())
except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
print(f"Could not fetch JSON from {hostname}: {e}")
mxout_collated = {}
_stats["collated"] = collate_stats(*mxout_stats.values())
async def scan_loop():
while True:
await mail_scan()
await asyncio.sleep(300)
plugins.root.register(scan_loop, slug="mailstats", title="Mail Transport Statistics", icon="bi-envelope-exclamation-fill", private=True)