| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # |
| # To run this in dev/test, then LIBCMARKDIR must be defined in the |
| # environment. |
| # |
| # $ export LIBCMARKDIR=/path/to/cmark-gfm.0.28.3.gfm.12/lib |
| # |
| # ### see build-cmark.sh for building the lib |
| # |
| |
| import sys |
| |
| # We want subprocess.run(), which arrived in 3.5 |
| # We also want format-strings (eg. f'abc'), which arrived in 3.6 |
| # (of course, this file would just throw a syntax error for |
| # any lesser version, but let's clarify what we need/want) |
| assert sys.version_info > (3, 6) |
| |
| import argparse |
| import subprocess |
| import os |
| import shutil |
| import time |
| import fcntl |
| import venv |
| import glob |
| import datetime |
| |
| import yaml |
| import ezt |
| |
| |
| # Command definitions - put into a conf later on? |
| GIT = '/usr/bin/git' |
| SVN = '/usr/bin/svn' |
| BASH = '/bin/bash' |
| PELICANFILES = '/home/buildslave/slave/tools' |
| SCRATCH_DIR = '/tmp' |
| PLUGINS = '/opt/infrastructure-pelican/plugins' |
| VERSION = '0.28.3.gfm.12' |
| LIBCMARKDIR = f'/usr/local/asfpackages/cmark-gfm/cmark-gfm-{VERSION}/lib' |
| if not os.path.exists(LIBCMARKDIR): |
| # Fail, if a path to the CMARK library is not in ENVIRON. |
| THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) |
| |
| IS_PRODUCTION = os.path.exists(PELICANFILES) |
| |
| # Automatic settings filenames |
| AUTO_SETTINGS_YAML = 'pelicanconf.yaml' |
| AUTO_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE = 'pelican.auto.ezt' |
| AUTO_SETTINGS = 'pelican.auto.py' |
| AUTO_SETTINGS_HELP = 'https://github.com/apache/infrastructure-pelican/blob/master/pelicanconf.md' |
| |
| # default config file name |
| PELICAN_CONF = 'pelicanconf.py' |
| class _helper: |
| def __init__(self, **kw): |
| vars(self).update(kw) |
| |
| |
| def start_build(args): |
| """ The actual build steps """ |
| |
| path = os.path.join(SCRATCH_DIR, args.project) |
| |
| # Set up virtual environment |
| print("Setting up virtual python environment in %s" % path) |
| venv.create(path, clear=True, symlinks=True, with_pip=False) |
| |
| # Pull in repository data |
| sourcepath = os.path.join(path, 'source') |
| print("Cloning from git repository %s (branch: %s)" % (args.source, args.sourcebranch)) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'clone', '--branch', args.sourcebranch, '--depth=1', '--no-single-branch', args.source, sourcepath), |
| check=True) |
| |
| # Check for minimum page count setting in .asf.yaml, which overrides if cli arg is 0 - INFRA-24226. |
| minimum_page_count = args.count |
| asfyaml_path = os.path.join(sourcepath, '.asf.yaml') |
| if os.path.isfile(asfyaml_path): |
| asfyaml = yaml.safe_load(open(asfyaml_path)) |
| pelican_asfyaml_section = asfyaml.get("pelican", {}) |
| if pelican_asfyaml_section and minimum_page_count <= 0: |
| minimum_page_count = pelican_asfyaml_section.get("minimum_page_count", minimum_page_count) |
| |
| |
| # Activate venv and install pips if needed. For dev/test, we will |
| # assume that all requirements are available at the system level, |
| # rather than needing to install them into the venv. |
| ### note: this makes it difficult to test requirements.txt, but it |
| ### will do for now. Debugging requirements.txt failures on the |
| ### production buildbot is not difficult to correct. |
| if IS_PRODUCTION and os.path.exists(os.path.join(sourcepath, 'requirements.txt')): |
| print("Installing pips") |
| subprocess.run((BASH, '-c', |
| 'source bin/activate; pip3 install -r source/requirements.txt'), |
| cwd=path, check=True) |
| else: |
| print("On dev/test requirements.txt is not processed, skipping pip") |
| |
| # Where are our tools? |
| tool_dir = PELICANFILES |
| else: |
| tool_dir = THIS_DIR |
| print("TOOLS:", tool_dir) |
| |
| ### content_dir isn't quite right either. generate_settings() needs a |
| ### better definition of its sourcepath. And we need a proper definition |
| ### of content_dir to pass to PELICAN. |
| ### gonna brute force for now, to validate some thinking, then refine. |
| |
| ### content_dir is where the PAGES are located |
| ### settings_dir is the root of themes and plugins |
| |
| # Where is the content located? |
| ### for now, just look for some possibilities. This should come from |
| ### the .yaml or something. |
| content_dir = os.path.join(sourcepath, 'content') |
| settings_dir = sourcepath |
| if not os.path.exists(content_dir): |
| content_dir = os.path.join(sourcepath, 'site') |
| assert os.path.exists(content_dir) |
| settings_dir = content_dir |
| |
| pelconf_yaml = os.path.join(sourcepath, AUTO_SETTINGS_YAML) |
| if os.path.exists(pelconf_yaml): |
| settings_path = os.path.join(path, AUTO_SETTINGS) |
| builtin_plugins = PLUGINS |
| else: |
| builtin_plugins = os.path.join(tool_dir, os.pardir, 'plugins') |
| generate_settings(pelconf_yaml, settings_path, [ builtin_plugins ], settings_dir) |
| else: |
| # The default name, but we'll pass it explicitly. |
| settings_path = os.path.join(sourcepath, PELICAN_CONF) |
| #print('SETTINGS_PATH:', settings_path) |
| |
| if args.plugins: |
| ppaths = (f'PLUGIN_PATHS=["{args.plugins}",' |
| f' "{sourcepath}/theme/plugins"]') |
| else: |
| ppaths = '' |
| # Set currently supported plugins |
| ### this needs to be removed, as it is too indeterminate. |
| with open(settings_path, 'a') as f: |
| f.write(f""" |
| {ppaths} |
| try: |
| PLUGINS += ['toc'] |
| except Exception: # TODO: narrow further to expected Exceptions |
| PLUGINS = ['toc', 'gfm'] |
| """) |
| |
| # --debug means exception traces are shown |
| # TODO: would like to be able to set this from the yaml settings file |
| dbg = '--debug' if args.debug else '' |
| delout = '--delete-output-directory' if args.delete else '' |
| |
| # Call pelican |
| buildpath = os.path.join(path, 'build/output') |
| os.makedirs(buildpath, exist_ok = True) |
| buildcmd = (BASH, '-c', |
| 'source bin/activate; cd source && ' |
| f'(pelican {content_dir} --settings {settings_path} -o {buildpath} {dbg} {delout})', |
| ) |
| print("Building web site with:", buildcmd) |
| env = os.environ.copy() |
| subprocess.run(buildcmd, cwd=path, check=True, env=env) |
| |
| count = len(glob.glob(f'{buildpath}/**/*.html', recursive=True)) |
| print(f"{count} html files.") |
| if minimum_page_count > 0 and minimum_page_count > count: |
| print("Not enough html pages in the Web Site. Minimum %s > %s found in the Web Site." % (minimum_page_count, count)) |
| sys.exit(4) |
| |
| # Done for now |
| print("Web site successfully generated!") |
| |
| # It is much easier to do all the below, if we chdir() |
| os.chdir(sourcepath) |
| |
| # Copy to result branch |
| print("Copying web site to branch:", args.outputbranch) |
| |
| try: |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'rev-parse', '--verify', "origin/%s" % args.outputbranch), |
| check=True) |
| print("- Doing fresh checkout of branch %s" % args.outputbranch) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'checkout', args.outputbranch, '-f'), check=True) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'pull'), check=True) |
| except Exception: # TODO: narrow further to expected Exceptions |
| print("- Branch %s does not exist (yet), creating it..." % args.outputbranch) |
| # If .asf.yaml exists, which it should, make a copy of it in memory for later |
| asfyml = os.path.join(sourcepath, '.asf.yaml') |
| myyaml = None |
| if os.path.exists(asfyml): |
| myyaml = open(asfyml).read() |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'checkout', '--orphan', args.outputbranch), check=True) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'rm', '-rf', '.'), check=True) |
| # Add .asf.yaml back in if we found it. |
| if myyaml: |
| open(asfyml, "w").write(myyaml) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'add', '.asf.yaml'), check=True) |
| |
| print("- Adding new content to branch") |
| # RM output dir if it already exists |
| outputdir = os.path.join(sourcepath, 'output') |
| if os.path.isdir(outputdir): |
| print("Removing existing output dir %s" % outputdir) |
| shutil.rmtree(outputdir) |
| shutil.move(buildpath, outputdir) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'add', 'output/'), check=True) |
| |
| # Check if there are any changes. |
| cp = subprocess.run((GIT, 'diff', '--cached', '--quiet'), check = False) # checked below |
| if cp.returncode == 0: |
| # There were no differences reported. |
| print('Nothing new to commit. Ignoring this build.') |
| else: |
| print("- Committing to %s" % args.source) |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'commit', '-m', 'Automatic Site Publish by Buildbot'), check=True) |
| |
| # If we're not in production, then avoid pushing changes. |
| print('- Pushing changes, for publishing') |
| subprocess.run((GIT, 'push', args.source, args.outputbranch), check=True) |
| else: |
| |
| print('Success. Done.') |
| # for dev/test provide viewing instructions |
| if not IS_PRODUCTION: |
| if args.listen: |
| try: |
| subprocess.run(('pelican','-l'), check=True) |
| except KeyboardInterrupt: |
| pass |
| else: |
| print(f'To test output:\ncd {sourcepath}; pelican -l') |
| |
| |
| def build_dir(args): |
| |
| # Where to place the automatically-generated AUTO_SETTINGS file (pelican.auto.py) |
| auto_dir = '.' |
| |
| # Where is the YAML file? |
| yaml_dir = args.yaml_dir |
| |
| # Where is the content located? |
| content_dir = args.content_dir |
| |
| # Where are our tools? |
| tool_dir = THIS_DIR |
| print("TOOLS:", tool_dir) |
| |
| pelconf_yaml = os.path.join(yaml_dir, AUTO_SETTINGS_YAML) |
| if os.path.exists(pelconf_yaml): |
| settings_path = os.path.join(auto_dir, AUTO_SETTINGS) |
| builtin_plugins = os.path.join(tool_dir, os.pardir, 'plugins') |
| generate_settings(pelconf_yaml, settings_path, [ builtin_plugins ]) |
| elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(yaml_dir, PELICAN_CONF)): |
| settings_path = os.path.join(yaml_dir, PELICAN_CONF) |
| else: |
| print(f'ERROR: {pelconf_yaml} is missing') |
| print(f' see: {AUTO_SETTINGS_HELP}') |
| sys.exit(4) |
| |
| |
| if args.listen: |
| pel_options = '-r -l -b' |
| else: |
| pel_options = '' |
| |
| # --debug means exception traces are shown |
| # TODO: would like to be able to set this from the yaml settings file |
| dbg = '--debug' if args.debug else '' |
| delout = '--delete-output-directory' if args.delete else '' |
| |
| # Call pelican |
| buildcmd = (BASH, '-c', |
| f'(pelican {content_dir} --settings {settings_path} --o {args.output} {pel_options} {dbg} {delout})', |
| ) |
| print("Building web site with:", buildcmd) |
| env = os.environ.copy() |
| try: |
| ### is the cwd_necessary? |
| subprocess.run(buildcmd, cwd=auto_dir, check=True, env=env) |
| except KeyboardInterrupt: |
| pass |
| |
| |
| def generate_settings(source_yaml, settings_path, builtin_p_paths=None, sourcepath='.'): |
| """Generate the Pelican settings file |
| |
| :param source_yaml: the settings in YAML form |
| :param settings_path: the path name to generate |
| :param builtin_p_paths: list of plugin paths (defaults to []) |
| :param sourcepath: path to source (defaults to '.') |
| |
| """ |
| ydata = yaml.safe_load(open(source_yaml)) |
| |
| tdata = ydata['site'] # Easy to copy these simple values. |
| tdata.update({ |
| 'year': datetime.date.today().year, |
| 'theme': os.path.join(sourcepath, ydata.get('theme', 'theme/apache')), |
| 'debug': str(ydata.get('debug', False)), |
| }) |
| |
| content = ydata.get('content', { }) |
| tdata['pages'] = content.get('pages') |
| tdata['static'] = content.get('static_dirs', [ '.', ]) |
| |
| if builtin_p_paths is None: |
| builtin_p_paths = [] |
| tdata['p_paths'] = builtin_p_paths |
| tdata['use'] = ['gfm'] |
| |
| tdata['uses_sitemap'] = None |
| if 'plugins' in ydata: |
| if 'paths' in ydata['plugins']: |
| for p in ydata['plugins']['paths']: |
| tdata['p_paths'].append(os.path.join(sourcepath, p)) |
| |
| if 'use' in ydata['plugins']: |
| tdata['use'] = ydata['plugins']['use'] |
| |
| if 'sitemap' in ydata['plugins']: |
| sm = ydata['plugins']['sitemap'] |
| sitemap_params =_helper( |
| exclude=str(sm['exclude']), |
| format=sm['format'], |
| priorities=_helper( |
| articles=sm['priorities']['articles'], |
| indexes=sm['priorities']['indexes'], |
| pages=sm['priorities']['pages'], |
| ), |
| changefreqs=_helper( |
| articles=sm['changefreqs']['articles'], |
| indexes=sm['changefreqs']['indexes'], |
| pages=sm['changefreqs']['pages'], |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| tdata['uses_sitemap'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| tdata['sitemap'] = sitemap_params |
| tdata['use'].append('sitemap') # add the plugin |
| |
| tdata['uses_index'] = None |
| if 'index' in tdata: |
| tdata['uses_index'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| |
| if 'genid' in ydata: |
| genid = _helper( |
| unsafe=str(ydata['genid'].get('unsafe', False)), |
| metadata=str(ydata['genid'].get('metadata', False)), |
| elements=str(ydata['genid'].get('elements', False)), |
| permalinks=str(ydata['genid'].get('permalinks', False)), |
| tables=str(ydata['genid'].get('tables', False)), |
| headings_depth=ydata['genid'].get('headings_depth'), |
| toc_depth=ydata['genid'].get('toc_depth'), |
| ) |
| |
| tdata['uses_genid'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean() |
| tdata['genid'] = genid |
| |
| tdata['use'].append('asfgenid') # add the plugin |
| else: |
| tdata['uses_genid'] = None |
| |
| tdata['uses_data'] = None |
| tdata['uses_run'] = None |
| tdata['uses_postrun'] = None |
| tdata['uses_ignore'] = None |
| tdata['uses_copy'] = None |
| if 'setup' in ydata: |
| sdata = ydata['setup'] |
| |
| # Load data structures into the pelican METADATA. |
| if 'data' in sdata: |
| tdata['uses_data'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean() |
| tdata['asfdata'] = sdata['data'] |
| tdata['use'].append('asfdata') # add the plugin |
| # Run the included scripts with the asfrun plugin during initialize |
| if 'run' in sdata: |
| tdata['uses_run'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| tdata['run'] = sdata['run'] |
| tdata['use'].append('asfrun') # add the plugin |
| # Run the included scripts with the asfrun plugin during finalize |
| if 'postrun' in sdata: |
| tdata['uses_postrun'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| tdata['postrun'] = sdata['postrun'] |
| if not 'run' in sdata: |
| tdata['use'].append('asfrun') # add the plugin (if not already added) |
| # Ignore files avoids copying these files to output. |
| if 'ignore' in sdata: |
| tdata['uses_ignore'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| tdata['ignore'] = sdata['ignore'] |
| # No plugin needed. |
| # Copy directories to output. |
| if 'copy' in sdata: |
| tdata['uses_copy'] = 'yes' # ezt.boolean |
| tdata['copy'] = sdata['copy'] |
| tdata['use'].append('asfcopy') # add the plugin |
| |
| # if ezmd files are present then use the asfreader plugin |
| ezmd_count = len(glob.glob(f'{sourcepath}/**/*.ezmd', recursive=True)) |
| if ezmd_count > 0: |
| tdata['use'].append('asfreader') # add the plugin |
| |
| t = ezt.Template(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, AUTO_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE)) |
| t.generate(open(settings_path, 'w'), tdata) |
| |
| |
| def locked_build(args): |
| """ Grab an exclusive lock on this project via flock. Try for 2 minutes """ |
| ### NOTE: we do not delete/clean up this file, as that may interfere |
| ### with other processes. Just leave 'em around. Zero length files. |
| with open(f'{SCRATCH_DIR}/{args.project}.lock', 'w') as fp: |
| start_time = time.time() |
| |
| while (time.time() - start_time) < 120: |
| try: |
| fcntl.flock(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) |
| except BlockingIOError: |
| print(f'WARNING: Building for "{args.project}" is locked, trying again in 10 seconds.') |
| # Pause a bit, then loop. |
| time.sleep(10) |
| continue |
| # Got the lock! |
| |
| try: |
| start_build(args) |
| finally: |
| # Done, or errored. Release the lock. |
| fcntl.flock(fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) |
| |
| # All done. |
| return |
| |
| print("ERROR: Could not acquire lock for project directory - is another build taking ages to complete?!") |
| sys.exit(-1) |
| |
| |
| def main(): |
| #os.chdir('/tmp/nowhere') ### DEBUG: make sure we aren't reliant on cwd |
| |
| # Gather CLI args |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "This program performs ASF Pelican builds generating static web sites from source content.") |
| # The --sourcetype option is present to support legacy command lines |
| parser.add_argument("--sourcetype", action = "store_true", help = argparse.SUPPRESS) |
| |
| subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="Available subcommands.") |
| |
| parser_git = subparsers.add_parser("git", help="Retrieve source from git repository, build, and commit the result") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--source", required = True, help = "Source repository URL (required)") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--project", required = True, help = "ASF Project (required)") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--sourcebranch", help = "Web site repository branch to build from (default: %(default)s)", default = "main") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--outputbranch", help = "Web site repository branch to commit output to (default: %(default)s)", default = "asf-site") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--count", help = "Minimum number of html pages (default: %(default)s)", type = int, default = 0) |
| parser_git.add_argument("--listen", help = "Start pelican -l after build (default: %(default)s)", action = "store_true") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--debug", help = "Run pelican with debug flag (show full exception traces)", action = "store_true") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--delete", help = "Delete output directory first", action = "store_true") |
| parser_git.add_argument("--plugins", help = "Directory for global plugins") |
| parser_git.set_defaults(func=locked_build) |
| |
| parser_dir = subparsers.add_parser("dir", help = "Build source in current directory and optionally serve the result") |
| parser_dir.add_argument("--output", help = "Pelican output path (default: %(default)s)", default = "site-generated") |
| parser_dir.add_argument("--listen", help = "Pelican build in server mode (default: %(default)s)", action = "store_true") |
| parser_dir.add_argument('--yaml-dir', help='Where pelicanconf.yaml is located (default: %(default)s)', default='.') |
| parser_dir.add_argument('--content-dir', help='Where is the content located (default: %(default)s)', default='content') |
| parser_dir.add_argument("--debug", help = "Run pelican with debug flag (show full exception traces)", action = "store_true") |
| parser_dir.add_argument("--delete", help = "Delete output directory first", action = "store_true") |
| parser_dir.set_defaults(func=build_dir) |
| |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
| args.func(args) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| main() |