change to using an is_bot() function for detecting bots

Not all bots have the proper marker in their username, so we will need to have a list of known bots.
1 file changed
tree: 1e46a48cf100af10245f4e12c370ebbe5fe95b41
  1. templates/
  3. notifier.yaml
  4. pipservice-github-event-notifier.service
  6. requirements.txt


Apache Infra GitHub Event Notification Service

This service runs in the background and pulls in GitHub activity from our pubsub service. new/closed/merged issues/prs and code/issue comments are emailed to the appropriate mailing list. Where a code review from a user contains several comments on different pieces of code, the comments are collated into a single email.

The plan is to also add JIRA support later, for adding links and labels to JIRA tickets.