blob: a0f00d2a35cf9ecff5bd4639fe67f99130c8789c [file] [log] [blame]
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* HTML: DOM creator class
* args:
* - type: HTML element type (div, table, p etc) to produce
* - params: hash of element params to add (class, style etc)
* - children: optional child or children objects to insert into the new element
* Example:
* div = new HTML('div', {
* class: "footer",
* style: {
* fontWeight: "bold"
* }
#}, "Some text inside a div")
var txt = (msg) => document.createTextNode(msg);
var HTML = (function() {
function HTML(type, params, children) {
/* create the raw element, or clone if passed an existing element */
var child, j, len, val;
if (typeof type === 'object') {
this.element = type.cloneNode();
} else {
this.element = document.createElement(type);
/* If params have been passed, set them */
if (isHash(params)) {
for (var key in params) {
val = params[key];
/* Standard string value? */
if (typeof val === "string" || typeof val === 'number') {
this.element.setAttribute(key, val);
} else if (isArray(val)) {
/* Are we passing a list of data to set? concatenate then */
this.element.setAttribute(key, val.join(" "));
} else if (isHash(val)) {
/* Are we trying to set multiple sub elements, like a style? */
for (var subkey in val) {
let subval = val[subkey];
if (!this.element[key]) {
throw "No such attribute, " + key + "!";
this.element[key][subkey] = subval;
} else {
if (!children) { children = params } // shortcut!
/* If any children have been passed, add them to the element */
if (children) {
/* If string, convert to textNode using txt() */
if (typeof children === "string") {
} else {
/* If children is an array of elems, iterate and add */
if (isArray(children)) {
for (j = 0, len = children.length; j < len; j++) {
child = children[j];
/* String? Convert via txt() then */
if (typeof child === "string") {
} else {
/* Plain element, add normally */
} else {
/* Just a single element, add it */
return this.element;
return HTML;
* prototype injector for HTML elements:
* Example: mydiv.inject(otherdiv)
HTMLElement.prototype.inject = function(child) {
var item, j, len;
if (isArray(child)) {
for (j = 0, len = child.length; j < len; j++) {
item = child[j];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
item = txt(item);
} else {
if (typeof child === 'string') {
child = txt(child);
return child;
* prototype for emptying an html element
HTMLElement.prototype.empty = function() {
var ndiv;
ndiv = this.cloneNode();
this.parentNode.replaceChild(ndiv, this);
return ndiv;
function toggleView(id) {
let obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj) { = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';
function br() {
return new HTML('br');
// construction shortcuts for various elements
let _a = (a,b) => new HTML('a', a,b);
let _b = (a,b) => new HTML('b', a,b);
let _p = (a,b) => new HTML('p', a,b);
let _i = (a,b) => new HTML('i', a, b);
let _div = (a,b) => new HTML('div', a, b);
let _input = (a,b) => new HTML('input', a, b);
let _select = (a,b) => new HTML('select', a, b);
let _option = (a,b) => new HTML('option', a, b);
let _h1 = (a,b) => new HTML('h1', a, b);
let _h2 = (a,b) => new HTML('h2', a, b);
let _h3 = (a,b) => new HTML('h3', a, b);
let _h4 = (a,b) => new HTML('h4', a, b);
let _h5 = (a,b) => new HTML('h5', a, b);
let _kbd = (a,b) => new HTML('kbd', a, b);
let _pre = (a,b) => new HTML('pre', a, b);
let _form = (a,b) => new HTML('form', a, b);
let _hr = (a,b) => new HTML('hr', a, b);
let _span = (a,b) => new HTML('span', a, b);
let _textarea = (a,b) => new HTML('textarea', a, b);
let _get = (a) => document.getElementById(a);
function billitem(a,b,c, total) {
let d = _div({style: {position: 'relative', display: 'block'}});
if (total) { = 'bold'; = '2px solid #444'; }
let da = _div({style: {position: 'relative', width: '600px', display: 'inline-block'}}, a);
let db = _div({style: {position: 'relative', width: '60px', display: 'inline-block'}}, b);
let dc = _div({style: {position: 'relative', width: '80px', textAlign: 'right', display: 'inline-block'}}, c);
return d;
// Generic modal function
function modal(title, msg, type, isHTML) {
let modal = document.getElementById('modal');
let text = document.getElementById('modal_text');
if (modal == undefined) {
text = new HTML('p', {id: 'modal_text'}, "");
modal = new HTML('div', { id: 'modal'}, [
new HTML('div', {id: 'modal_content'}, [
new HTML('span', {id: 'modal_close', onclick: 'document.getElementById("modal").style.display = "none";'}, 'X'),
new HTML('h2', {id: 'modal_title'}, title),
new HTML('div', {}, text)
if (type) {
modal.setAttribute("class", "modal_" + type);
} else {
modal.setAttribute("class", undefined);
} = 'block';
document.getElementById('modal_title').innerText = title;
// If we trust HTML, use it. Otherwise only show as textNode.
if (isHTML) {
text.innerHTML = msg;
} else {
msg = (typeof(msg) == "string") ? msg : "An internal browser error occurred.";
msg = msg.replace(/<.*?>/g, ""); // strip HTML tags
text.innerText = msg;