Title: Genetic Algorithms Grid Codebase Intellectual Property (IP) Clearance Status

Genetic Algorithms (GA) Grid represents a set of APIs, specifically developed for Apache Ignite, to solve complex problems by simulating biological evolution. GA's are a form of Machine Learning (ML), excellent for finding an optimal solution, among possibly thousands (or more) candidate solutions for a given domain. Real world applications of GAs include: automotive design, computer gaming, robotics, investments, traffic/shipment routing and more.

  • Apache Ignite PMC will be responsible for the code.

  • The GA Grid will be accepted as a subset of APIs of existing Ignite Machine Learning component and will be located under “org/apache/ignite/ml/genetic/” package.

  • Officer or member managing donation: Denis Magda (Apache Ignite PMC Chair)

Completed tasks are shown by the completion date (YYYY-MM-dd).

Identify the codebase

2018-01-09Pull-request to accept GA Grid under Apache Ignite ML codebase was submitted:
2018-01-24Apache Ignite ML committers/contributors and the donor finished the review of the pull-request. It's ready to be merged into Apache Ignite codebase.


2018-02-22Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project.
2018-02-22Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright.

Identify name recorded for software grant: GA Grid

Verify distribution rights

Corporations and individuals holding existing distribution rights:

  • NetMillennium, Inc.
2018-02-22Check that all active committers have a signed CLA on record.
2017-11-13Remind active committers that they are responsible for ensuring that a Corporate CLA is recorded if such is required to authorize their contributions under their individual CLA.
2018-02-22Check and make sure that for all items included with the distribution that is not under the Apache license, we have the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and redistribute.
2018-02-22Check and make sure that all items depended upon by the project is covered by one or more of the following approved licenses: Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the same terms.

Generally, the result of checking off these items will be a Software Grant, CLA, and Corporate CLA for ASF licensed code, which must have no dependencies upon items whose licenses that are incompatible with the Apache License.

Organizational acceptance of responsibility for the project

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