Apache Incubator Website


The website is built using JBake and a Groovy template. The builds for the website do require internet access.

  • Install JBake from http://jbake.org/download.html
    • Currently it looks like version 2.6.0 or greater is required.
  • Create an environment variable JBAKE_HOME pointing to your JBake installation.
    • export JBAKE_HOME=/home/jenkins/tools/jbake/jbake-2.6.3
    • export JBAKE_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/jbake/2.6.4
  • Ensure that you have a JVM locally, e.g. OpenJDK

Clone the Source code

You can fork from github https://github.com/apache/incubator and raise a pull request.

Building & Running the site

There is a custom bake.sh file that is used to build the website. You can call it with any of the arguments you would pass to jbake. The easiest way to use it is to run ./bake.sh -b -s. This will start up JBake in a watching mode as you make changes it will refresh after a short period of time.

While working with it locally, you'll notice that the site URLs redirect to incubator.apache.org; to change this edit jbake.properties and uncomment the line referencing localhost. Alternatively you can rename jbake-local.properties

If you want to run the full site build locally including the clutch analysis and any other other content remaining in SVN then you can use ./build_local.sh. Instead of publishing the site it finishes with JBake in watching mode.

Automatic build and publishing - Jenkins Setup

Commits to the master branch are automatically checked out and built using build_site.sh.

The corresponding jenkins job can be found at https://builds.apache.org/view/H-L/view/Incubator/job/Incubator%20Site/

The result of the website build are pushed to the asf-site branch which are then published automatically using gitwcsub


Most of the pages in the site are written using Asciidoctor. While it is a form of asciidoc it does have some syntax differences that are worth reviewing

Groovy Templates

The site templates are written in groovy scripts. Even though the files end with .gsp they are not GSP files and do not have access to tag libraries. You can run custom code in them, similar to what is done in homepage.gsp and projectspage.gsp.