* [android] fix page oin slider can not receive the lifecycle callbacks
1 file changed
tree: ce048881d069b5a44fd3ceeab4996c436e04a188
  1. .github/
  2. android/
  3. bin/
  4. build/
  5. doc/
  6. examples/
  7. flow-typed/
  8. html5/
  9. ios/
  10. packages/
  11. pre-build/
  12. scripts/
  13. test/
  14. .babelrc
  15. .eslintignore
  16. .eslintrc
  17. .flowconfig
  18. .gitignore
  19. .rat-excludes
  20. .travis.yml
  21. .wwprc
  22. CHANGELOG.md
  24. dangerfile-android.js
  25. Dangerfile-ios
  26. dangerfile-ios.js
  27. dangerfile-jsfm.js
  28. dangerfile.js
  30. entry.js
  31. Gemfile
  32. Gemfile.lock
  33. HOW-TO-BUILD.md
  34. index.html
  36. NOTICE
  37. package.json
  39. README.md
  40. RUN-RAT.md
  41. SCRIPTS.md
  42. start
  43. vue.html
  44. WeexSDK.podspec


A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI.

AndroidDownload iOSPod version Carthage compatible HTML5npm version


Support Android 4.1 (API 16), iOS 8.0+ and WebKit 534.30+.

For Windows

Please INSTALL Git for Windows and run all the following commands in git-bash.

Meet Weex

  • Install Weex Playground App to see examples we already written.
  • If you want to write a demo, install weex-toolkit in Node.js 4.0+ and
  • Run weex init to generate & start a simple project in an empty folder.
  • Follow the instructions in the project README.
  • Enjoy it.

Use Weex


  • Prerequisites
  • Run playground, In Android Studio
    • Open android/playground
    • In app/java/com.alibaba.weex/IndexActivity, modify CURRENT_IP to your local IP
    • Click (Run button)
  • Add an example


On Android Platform , Weex code is executed in weex_v8core which is based on Google V8 JavaScript engine.


  • run playground

    • Prerequisites
    • Run playground
      • cd ios/playground
      • pod install
      • Open WeexDemo.xcworkspace in Xcode
      • Click (Run button) or use default shortcut cmd + r in Xcode
      • If you want to run the demo on your device, don't need to modify CURRENT_IP manually. In DemoDefine.h(you can search this file by Xcode default shortcut cmd + shift + o), modify CURRENT_IP to your local IP
    • Add an example
  • integrate to your application

    • CocoaPods

      Add the following line to your Podfile:

        pod 'WeexSDK'

      run pod install

    • Carthage

      Add the following line to your Cartfile:

        github "apache/incubator-weex"

      Run carthage update, and you should now have the latest version of WeexSDK in your Carthage folder.


See SCRIPTS.md for more information.

IDE Plugin & Syntax Highlight & DevTool

Weex team have developed a DevTool to help you to improve we file debug efficiency.

See more stuff on this wiki page

Weex Community


See Weex Contributing Guide for more information.