blob: d843a1063f2cc636da89f2a180b9fe484867004a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* global lib, XMLHttpRequest */
/* deps: httpurl */
'use strict'
let utils
import 'httpurl'
import qs from 'query-string'
let jsonpCnt = 0
const ERROR_STATE = -1
function _jsonp (config, callback, progressCallback) {
const cbName = config.jsonpCallbackName || 'jsonp_' + (++jsonpCnt)
let url
if (!config.url) {
console.error('[h5-render] config.url should be set in _jsonp for \'fetch\' API.')
global[cbName] = (function (cb) {
return function (response) {
status: 200,
ok: true,
statusText: 'OK',
data: response
delete global[cb]
const script = document.createElement('script')
try {
url = lib.httpurl(config.url)
catch (err) {
console.error('[h5-render] invalid config.url in _jsonp for \'fetch\' API: '
+ config.url)
url.params.callback = cbName
script.type = 'text/javascript'
script.src = url.toString()
// script.onerror is not working on IE or safari.
// but they are not considered here.
script.onerror = (function (cb) {
return function (err) {
console.error('[h5-render] unexpected error in _jsonp for \'fetch\' API', err)
status: ERROR_STATE,
ok: false,
statusText: '',
data: ''
delete global[cb]
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
head.insertBefore(script, null)
function _xhr (config, callback, progressCallback) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.responseType = config.type, config.url, true)
// cors cookie support
if (config.withCredentials === true) {
xhr.withCredentials = true
const headers = config.headers || {}
for (const k in headers) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(k, headers[k])
xhr.onload = function (res) {
status: xhr.status,
ok: xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300,
statusText: xhr.statusText,
data: xhr.response,
headers: xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split('\n')
.reduce(function (obj, headerStr) {
const headerArr = headerStr.match(/(.+): (.+)/)
if (headerArr) {
obj[headerArr[1]] = headerArr[2]
return obj
}, {})
if (progressCallback) {
xhr.onprogress = function (e) {
readyState: xhr.readyState,
status: xhr.status,
length: e.loaded,
statusText: xhr.statusText,
headers: xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split('\n')
.reduce(function (obj, headerStr) {
const headerArr = headerStr.match(/(.+): (.+)/)
if (headerArr) {
obj[headerArr[1]] = headerArr[2]
return obj
}, {})
xhr.onerror = function (err) {
console.error('[h5-render] unexpected error in _xhr for \'fetch\' API', err)
status: ERROR_STATE,
ok: false,
statusText: '',
data: ''
xhr.send(config.body || null)
const stream = {
* sendHttp
* @deprecated
* Note: This API is deprecated. Please use stream.fetch instead.
* send a http request through XHR.
* @param {obj} params
* - method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH',
* - url: url requested
* @param {string} callbackId
sendHttp: function (param, callbackId) {
if (typeof param === 'string') {
try {
param = JSON.parse(param)
catch (e) {
if (typeof param !== 'object' || !param.url) {
return console.error(
'[h5-render] invalid config or invalid config.url for sendHttp API')
const sender = this.sender
const method = param.method || 'GET'
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), param.url, true)
xhr.onload = function () {
sender.performCallback(callbackId, this.responseText)
xhr.onerror = function (error) {
return console.error('[h5-render] unexpected error in sendHttp API', error)
// sender.performCallback(
// callbackId,
// new Error('unexpected error in sendHttp API')
// )
* fetch
* use stream.fetch to request for a json file, a plain text file or
* a arraybuffer for a file stream. (You can use Blob and FileReader
* API implemented by most modern browsers to read a arraybuffer.)
* @param {object} options config options
* - method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH'
* - headers {obj}
* - url {string}
* - mode {string} 'cors' | 'no-cors' | 'same-origin' | 'navigate'
* - withCredentials {boolean}
* - body
* - type {string} 'json' | 'jsonp' | 'text'
* @param {string} callbackId
* @param {string} progressCallbackId
fetch: function (options, callbackId, progressCallbackId) {
const DEFAULT_MODE = 'cors'
const DEFAULT_TYPE = 'text'
const methodOptions = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'PATCH']
const modeOptions = ['cors', 'no-cors', 'same-origin', 'navigate']
const typeOptions = ['text', 'json', 'jsonp', 'arraybuffer']
// const fallback = false // fallback from 'fetch' API to XHR.
const sender = this.sender
const config = utils.extend({}, options)
// validate options.method
if (typeof config.method === 'undefined') {
config.method = DEFAULT_METHOD
console.warn('[h5-render] options.method for \'fetch\' API has been set to '
+ 'default value \'' + config.method + '\'')
else if (methodOptions.indexOf((config.method + '')
.toUpperCase()) === -1) {
return console.error('[h5-render] options.method \''
+ config.method
+ '\' for \'fetch\' API should be one of '
+ methodOptions + '.')
// validate options.url
if (!config.url) {
return console.error('[h5-render] options.url should be set for \'fetch\' API.')
// validate body content for method 'GET'.
if (config.method.toUpperCase() === 'GET') {
let body = config.body
if (utils.isPlainObject(body)) {
body = qs.stringify(body)
let url = config.url
let hashIdx = url.indexOf('#')
hashIdx <= -1 && (hashIdx = url.length)
let hash = url.substr(hashIdx)
hash && (hash = '#' + hash)
url = url.substring(0, hashIdx)
url += (config.url.indexOf('?') <= -1 ? '?' : '&') + body + hash
config.url = url
// validate options.mode
if (typeof config.mode === 'undefined') {
config.mode = DEFAULT_MODE
else if (modeOptions.indexOf((config.mode + '').toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return console.error('[h5-render] options.mode \''
+ config.mode
+ '\' for \'fetch\' API should be one of '
+ modeOptions + '.')
// validate options.type
if (typeof config.type === 'undefined') {
config.type = DEFAULT_TYPE
console.warn('[h5-render] options.type for \'fetch\' API has been set to '
+ 'default value \'' + config.type + '\'.')
else if (typeOptions.indexOf((config.type + '').toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return console.error('[h5-render] options.type \''
+ config.type
+ '\' for \'fetch\' API should be one of '
+ typeOptions + '.')
// validate options.headers
config.headers = config.headers || {}
if (!utils.isPlainObject(config.headers)) {
return console.error('[h5-render] options.headers should be a plain object')
// validate options.timeout
config.timeout = parseInt(config.timeout, 10) || 2500
const _callArgs = [config, function (res) {
sender.performCallback(callbackId, res)
if (progressCallbackId) {
_callArgs.push(function (res) {
// Set 'keepAlive' to true for sending continuous callbacks
sender.performCallback(progressCallbackId, res, true)
if (config.type === 'jsonp') {
_jsonp.apply(this, _callArgs)
else {
_xhr.apply(this, _callArgs)
const meta = {
stream: [{
name: 'sendHttp',
args: ['object', 'function']
}, {
name: 'fetch',
args: ['object', 'function', 'function']
export default {
init: function (Weex) {
utils = Weex.utils
Weex.registerApiModule('stream', stream, meta)