blob: 47b397d31407684a409f26678579e318112e4cc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
'use strict'
import scroll from 'scroll-to'
let camelToKebab, appendStyle
const dom = {
* createBody: create root component
* @param {object} element
* container|listview|scrollview
* @return {[type]} [description]
createBody: function (element) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
element.instanceId = componentManager.instanceId
return componentManager.createBody(element)
addElement: function (parentRef, element, index) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
element.instanceId = componentManager.instanceId
return componentManager.addElement(parentRef, element, index)
removeElement: function (ref) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.removeElement(ref)
moveElement: function (ref, parentRef, index) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.moveElement(ref, parentRef, index)
addEvent: function (ref, type) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.addEvent(ref, type)
removeEvent: function (ref, type) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.removeEvent(ref, type)
* updateAttrs: update attributes of component
* @param {string} ref
* @param {obj} attr
updateAttrs: function (ref, attr) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.updateAttrs(ref, attr)
* updateStyle: udpate style of component
* @param {string} ref
* @param {obj} style
updateStyle: function (ref, style) {
const componentManager = this.getComponentManager()
return componentManager.updateStyle(ref, style)
* scrollToElement
* @param {string} ref
* @param {obj} options {offset:Number}
* ps: scroll-to has 'ease' and 'duration'(ms) as options.
scrollToElement: function (ref, options) {
!options && (options = {})
const offset = Number(options.offset) || 0
const elem = this.getComponentManager().getComponent(ref)
if (!elem) {
return console.error(`[h5-render] component of ref ${ref} doesn't exist.`)
const parentScroller = elem.getParentScroller()
if (parentScroller) {
parentScroller.scroller.scrollToElement(elem.node, true, offset)
else {
const offsetTop = elem.node.getBoundingClientRect().top
+ document.body.scrollTop
const tween = scroll(0, offsetTop + offset, options)
tween.on('end', function () {
console.log('scroll end.')
* getComponentRect
* @param {string} ref
* @param {function} callbackId
getComponentRect: function (ref, callbackId) {
const info = { result: false }
if (ref && ref === 'viewport') {
info.result = true
info.size = {
width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
height: document.documentElement.clientHeight,
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
bottom: document.documentElement.clientHeight
else {
const elem = this.getComponentManager().getComponent(ref)
if (elem && elem.node) {
info.result = true
info.size = elem.node.getBoundingClientRect()
const message = info.result ? info : {
result: false,
errMsg: 'Illegal parameter'
this.sender.performCallback(callbackId, message)
return message
* for adding fontFace
* @param {string} key fontFace
* @param {object} styles rules
addRule: function (key, styles) {
key = camelToKebab(key)
let stylesText = ''
for (const k in styles) {
if (styles.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
stylesText += camelToKebab(k) + ':' + styles[k] + ';'
const styleText = `@${key}{${stylesText}}`
appendStyle(styleText, 'dom-added-rules')
createFinish (callback) {
return this.getComponentManager().createFinish()
updateFinish (callback) {
return this.getComponentManager().updateFinish()
refreshFinish (callback) {
return this.getComponentManager().refreshFinish()
const meta = {
dom: [{
name: 'createBody',
args: ['object']
}, {
name: 'addElement',
args: ['string', 'object', 'number']
}, {
name: 'removeElement',
args: ['string']
}, {
name: 'moveElement',
args: ['string', 'string', 'number']
}, {
name: 'addEvent',
args: ['string', 'string']
}, {
name: 'removeEvent',
args: ['string', 'string']
}, {
name: 'updateAttrs',
args: ['string', 'object']
}, {
name: 'updateStyle',
args: ['string', 'object']
}, {
name: 'createFinish',
args: []
}, {
name: 'updateFinish',
args: []
}, {
name: 'refreshFinish',
args: []
}, {
name: 'scrollToElement',
args: ['string', 'object']
}, {
name: 'getComponentRect',
args: ['string', 'function']
}, {
name: 'addRule',
args: ['string', 'object']
export default {
init: function (Weex) {
camelToKebab = Weex.utils.camelToKebab
appendStyle = Weex.utils.appendStyle
Weex.registerApiModule('dom', dom, meta)