title: use weex-toolkit type: guide order: 5.1 version: 2.1


weex-toolkit is an official command line tool to help developers to create, debug and build their Weex project.


use npm to install weex-toolkit:

$ npm install -g weex-toolkit

if you make it, you can input “weex” in your command line terminal to test it. The right output:


if you have never installed node.js, you should go node.js.org to download and install it.

  • node engine version >= 6. You can try n to manage your node versions* If you meet some errors when installing like permission error, please go weex-toolkit issues to find some solution or have a discuss with us.

initialize Weex project

$ weex init awesome-project

After command running, you can find awesome-project directory and there are some Weex templates in it. There are some useful npm scripts you will use in the future:

  • build: build the source code and generate the JS bundle
  • dev: run webpack watch configuration
  • serve: start a web server
  • debug: open the debug mode

Then we run npm run dev & npm run serve in root directory to start watch mode and static server.

Finally, we can see the Weex page in http://localhost:8080/index.html.

preview Weex page in time

weex-toolkit supports previewing your Weex file(.we or .vue) in a watch mode. You only need specify your file path.

$ weex src/foo.vue 

The browser will auto open the location and you could see the layout and effects of your Weex page. If you have a Playground app in your mobile devices, you can scan the QR code at the opened page. Try the command below, you’ll preview the whole directory files.

$ weex src --entry src/foo.vue

You need to specify the directory path and the entry file(--entry).

build Weex project

Use weex compile to build your single weex file or the whole project.

weex compile src/foo.vue dist

There are two arguments. One is your code source path (a single file or a directory) and another is your destination path you want to build


weex-toolkit has the ability to extend third party script. And Weex devtools is a custom devtools for Weex that implements Chrome Debugging Protocol, it is designed to help you quickly inspect your app and debug your JS bundle source in a Chrome web page, both android and iOS platform are supported. So you can use weex-devtools feature by weex-toolkit.


weex debug [options] [we_file|bundles_dir]


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --verbose        display logs of debugger server
    -v, --version        display version
    -p, --port [port]    set debugger server port
    -e, --entry [entry]  set the entry bundlejs path when you specific the bundle server root path
    -m, --mode [mode]    set build mode [transformer|loader]
    -w, --watch          watch we file changes auto build them and refresh debugger page![default enabled]

start debugger

$ weex debug

this command will start debug server and launch a chrome opening DeviceList page. this page will display a qrcode ,you can use Playground App scan it for starting debug.

debug .we | .vue file

$ weex debug your_weex.vue

this command will compile your_weex.we to your_weex.js and start the debug server as upon command. your_weex.js will deploy on the server and displayed in DeviceList page as another qrcode contain the url of your_weex.js.


start debugger with a directory of we files

$weex debug your/we/path  -e index.we

this command will build every file in your/we/path and deploy them on the bundle server. your directory will mapping to http://localhost:port/weex/ use -e to set the entry of these bundles. and the url of index.we will display on device list page as another qrcode.


Connect devices



Inspector can be used to show your Element \ Network \ Console log \ ScreenCast \ BoxModel \ Native View and so on.




show the total time and latency


show the header and response








Breakpoint and CallStack


Integrate devtools

weex-toolkit extends weexpack command

weexpack helps to setup Weex application from scratch quickly. With simple commands, developers could create a Weex project, add different platform template, could install plugins from local, GitHub or Weex market, could pack up his application project and run on mobile. For those who would like to share his own plugins, he could publish them to the Weex market.

Now weex-toolkit can run the same commands of weexpack because of the new architecture. If your directory is generated by weexpack, you can build your iOS or android app.

weex platform and run commands

Use platform add|remove to add or remove Weex app template and run it in your target devices.

$ weex platform add ios

If you use these commands firstly, you might see the prompt. Just enter Y.

install weexpack

Then run platform, you will see an iPhone simulator.

$ weex run ios

weex plugin commands

If you want to use some plugins on the weex market, weex-toolkit is the right choice.

$ weex plugin add plugin_name

You need to specify the plugin name from market like “weex-chart”:

$ weex plugin add weex-chart

Remove some plugins(eg: weex-chart):

$ weex plugin remove weex-chart

Learn more about weexpack .