blob: b2a3978e00733988be3c8ff1b22dbf5d16f90a1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "DFGAbstractValue.h"
#include "DFGBranchDirection.h"
#include "DFGGraph.h"
#include "DFGNode.h"
#include "DFGNodeFlowProjection.h"
#include "DFGPhiChildren.h"
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
template<typename AbstractStateType>
class AbstractInterpreter {
AbstractInterpreter(Graph&, AbstractStateType&);
AbstractValue& forNode(NodeFlowProjection node)
return m_state.forNode(node);
AbstractValue& forNode(Edge edge)
return forNode(edge.node());
Operands<AbstractValue>& variables()
return m_state.variables();
bool needsTypeCheck(Node* node, SpeculatedType typesPassedThrough)
return !forNode(node).isType(typesPassedThrough);
bool needsTypeCheck(Edge edge, SpeculatedType typesPassedThrough)
return needsTypeCheck(edge.node(), typesPassedThrough);
bool needsTypeCheck(Edge edge)
return needsTypeCheck(edge, typeFilterFor(edge.useKind()));
// Abstractly executes the given node. The new abstract state is stored into an
// abstract stack stored in *this. Loads of local variables (that span
// basic blocks) interrogate the basic block's notion of the state at the head.
// Stores to local variables are handled in endBasicBlock(). This returns true
// if execution should continue past this node. Notably, it will return true
// for block terminals, so long as those terminals are not Return or Unreachable.
// This is guaranteed to be equivalent to doing:
// state.startExecuting()
// state.executeEdges(node);
// result = state.executeEffects(index);
bool execute(unsigned indexInBlock);
bool execute(Node*);
// Indicate the start of execution of a node. It resets any state in the node
// that is progressively built up by executeEdges() and executeEffects().
void startExecuting();
// Abstractly execute the edges of the given node. This runs filterEdgeByUse()
// on all edges of the node. You can skip this step, if you have already used
// filterEdgeByUse() (or some equivalent) on each edge.
void executeEdges(Node*);
void executeKnownEdgeTypes(Node*);
ALWAYS_INLINE void filterEdgeByUse(Edge& edge)
filterByType(edge, typeFilterFor(edge.useKind()));
// Abstractly execute the effects of the given node. This changes the abstract
// state assuming that edges have already been filtered.
bool executeEffects(unsigned indexInBlock);
bool executeEffects(unsigned clobberLimit, Node*);
void dump(PrintStream& out) const;
void dump(PrintStream& out);
template<typename T>
FiltrationResult filter(T node, const RegisteredStructureSet& set, SpeculatedType admittedTypes = SpecNone)
return filter(forNode(node), set, admittedTypes);
template<typename T>
FiltrationResult filterArrayModes(T node, ArrayModes arrayModes)
return filterArrayModes(forNode(node), arrayModes);
template<typename T>
FiltrationResult filter(T node, SpeculatedType type)
return filter(forNode(node), type);
template<typename T>
FiltrationResult filterByValue(T node, FrozenValue value)
return filterByValue(forNode(node), value);
template<typename T>
FiltrationResult filterClassInfo(T node, const ClassInfo* classInfo)
return filterClassInfo(forNode(node), classInfo);
FiltrationResult filter(AbstractValue&, const RegisteredStructureSet&, SpeculatedType admittedTypes = SpecNone);
FiltrationResult filterArrayModes(AbstractValue&, ArrayModes);
FiltrationResult filter(AbstractValue&, SpeculatedType);
FiltrationResult filterByValue(AbstractValue&, FrozenValue);
FiltrationResult filterClassInfo(AbstractValue&, const ClassInfo*);
PhiChildren* phiChildren() { return m_phiChildren.get(); }
void clobberWorld(const CodeOrigin&, unsigned indexInBlock);
template<typename Functor>
void forAllValues(unsigned indexInBlock, Functor&);
void clobberStructures(unsigned indexInBlock);
void observeTransition(unsigned indexInBlock, RegisteredStructure from, RegisteredStructure to);
void observeTransitions(unsigned indexInBlock, const TransitionVector&);
void setDidClobber();
enum BooleanResult {
BooleanResult booleanResult(Node*, AbstractValue&);
void setBuiltInConstant(Node* node, FrozenValue value)
AbstractValue& abstractValue = forNode(node);
abstractValue.set(m_graph, value, m_state.structureClobberState());
abstractValue.fixTypeForRepresentation(m_graph, node);
void setConstant(Node* node, FrozenValue value)
setBuiltInConstant(node, value);
ALWAYS_INLINE void filterByType(Edge& edge, SpeculatedType type)
AbstractValue& value = forNode(edge);
if (!value.isType(type))
filter(value, type);
void verifyEdge(Node*, Edge);
void verifyEdges(Node*);
void executeDoubleUnaryOpEffects(Node*, double(*equivalentFunction)(double));
CodeBlock* m_codeBlock;
Graph& m_graph;
VM& m_vm;
AbstractStateType& m_state;
std::unique_ptr<PhiChildren> m_phiChildren;
} } // namespace JSC::DFG
#endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT)