blob: 30e6cd837f5ed79b78bca56f0cf0e349b913d35b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#pragma once
#include "CallFrame.h"
#include "JSObject.h"
#include "VirtualRegister.h"
#include <wtf/PrintStream.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace JSC {
template<typename T> struct OperandValueTraits;
enum OperandKind { ArgumentOperand, LocalOperand };
enum OperandsLikeTag { OperandsLike };
template<typename T>
class Operands {
Operands() { }
explicit Operands(size_t numArguments, size_t numLocals)
if (WTF::VectorTraits<T>::needsInitialization) {
} else {
m_arguments.fill(T(), numArguments);
m_locals.fill(T(), numLocals);
explicit Operands(size_t numArguments, size_t numLocals, const T& initialValue)
m_arguments.fill(initialValue, numArguments);
m_locals.fill(initialValue, numLocals);
template<typename U>
explicit Operands(OperandsLikeTag, const Operands<U>& other)
m_arguments.fill(T(), other.numberOfArguments());
m_locals.fill(T(), other.numberOfLocals());
size_t numberOfArguments() const { return m_arguments.size(); }
size_t numberOfLocals() const { return m_locals.size(); }
T& argument(size_t idx) { return m_arguments[idx]; }
const T& argument(size_t idx) const { return m_arguments[idx]; }
T& local(size_t idx) { return m_locals[idx]; }
const T& local(size_t idx) const { return m_locals[idx]; }
template<OperandKind operandKind>
size_t sizeFor() const
if (operandKind == ArgumentOperand)
return numberOfArguments();
return numberOfLocals();
template<OperandKind operandKind>
T& atFor(size_t idx)
if (operandKind == ArgumentOperand)
return argument(idx);
return local(idx);
template<OperandKind operandKind>
const T& atFor(size_t idx) const
if (operandKind == ArgumentOperand)
return argument(idx);
return local(idx);
void ensureLocals(size_t size)
if (size <= m_locals.size())
size_t oldSize = m_locals.size();
if (!WTF::VectorTraits<T>::needsInitialization) {
for (size_t i = oldSize; i < m_locals.size(); ++i)
m_locals[i] = T();
void ensureLocals(size_t size, const T& ensuredValue)
if (size <= m_locals.size())
size_t oldSize = m_locals.size();
for (size_t i = oldSize; i < m_locals.size(); ++i)
m_locals[i] = ensuredValue;
void setLocal(size_t idx, const T& value)
ensureLocals(idx + 1);
m_locals[idx] = value;
T getLocal(size_t idx)
if (idx >= m_locals.size())
return T();
return m_locals[idx];
void setArgumentFirstTime(size_t idx, const T& value)
ASSERT(m_arguments[idx] == T());
argument(idx) = value;
void setLocalFirstTime(size_t idx, const T& value)
ASSERT(idx >= m_locals.size() || m_locals[idx] == T());
setLocal(idx, value);
T& operand(int operand)
if (operandIsArgument(operand)) {
int argument = VirtualRegister(operand).toArgument();
return m_arguments[argument];
return m_locals[VirtualRegister(operand).toLocal()];
T& operand(VirtualRegister virtualRegister)
return operand(virtualRegister.offset());
const T& operand(int operand) const { return const_cast<const T&>(const_cast<Operands*>(this)->operand(operand)); }
const T& operand(VirtualRegister operand) const { return const_cast<const T&>(const_cast<Operands*>(this)->operand(operand)); }
bool hasOperand(int operand) const
if (operandIsArgument(operand))
return true;
return static_cast<size_t>(VirtualRegister(operand).toLocal()) < numberOfLocals();
bool hasOperand(VirtualRegister reg) const
return hasOperand(reg.offset());
void setOperand(int operand, const T& value)
if (operandIsArgument(operand)) {
int argument = VirtualRegister(operand).toArgument();
m_arguments[argument] = value;
setLocal(VirtualRegister(operand).toLocal(), value);
void setOperand(VirtualRegister virtualRegister, const T& value)
setOperand(virtualRegister.offset(), value);
size_t size() const { return numberOfArguments() + numberOfLocals(); }
const T& at(size_t index) const
if (index < numberOfArguments())
return m_arguments[index];
return m_locals[index - numberOfArguments()];
T& at(size_t index)
if (index < numberOfArguments())
return m_arguments[index];
return m_locals[index - numberOfArguments()];
const T& operator[](size_t index) const { return at(index); }
T& operator[](size_t index) { return at(index); }
bool isArgument(size_t index) const { return index < numberOfArguments(); }
bool isVariable(size_t index) const { return !isArgument(index); }
int argumentForIndex(size_t index) const
return index;
int variableForIndex(size_t index) const
return index - m_arguments.size();
int operandForIndex(size_t index) const
if (index < numberOfArguments())
return virtualRegisterForArgument(index).offset();
return virtualRegisterForLocal(index - numberOfArguments()).offset();
VirtualRegister virtualRegisterForIndex(size_t index) const
return VirtualRegister(operandForIndex(index));
size_t indexForOperand(int operand) const
if (operandIsArgument(operand))
return static_cast<size_t>(VirtualRegister(operand).toArgument());
return static_cast<size_t>(VirtualRegister(operand).toLocal()) + numberOfArguments();
size_t indexForOperand(VirtualRegister reg) const
return indexForOperand(reg.offset());
void setOperandFirstTime(int operand, const T& value)
if (operandIsArgument(operand)) {
setArgumentFirstTime(VirtualRegister(operand).toArgument(), value);
setLocalFirstTime(VirtualRegister(operand).toLocal(), value);
void fill(T value)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_arguments.size(); ++i)
m_arguments[i] = value;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_locals.size(); ++i)
m_locals[i] = value;
void clear()
bool operator==(const Operands& other) const
ASSERT(numberOfArguments() == other.numberOfArguments());
ASSERT(numberOfLocals() == other.numberOfLocals());
return m_arguments == other.m_arguments && m_locals == other.m_locals;
void dumpInContext(PrintStream& out, DumpContext* context) const;
void dump(PrintStream& out) const;
Vector<T, 8> m_arguments;
Vector<T, 16> m_locals;
} // namespace JSC