title: JS Service type: references group: API order: 2.6 version: 2.1

JS Service


JS service and Weex instance are parallel in js runtime. Weex instance lifecycle will invoke JS service lifecycle. Currently provide create, refresh, destroy of lifecycle.

!!!Important: JS Service is very powerful. Please be careful to use.

Register JS Service


[WXSDKEngine registerService:@"SERVICE_NAME" withScript: @"SERVICE_JS_CODE" withOptions: @{}];
// or
[WXSDKEngine registerService:@"SERVICE_NAME" serviceScriptUrl: @"SERVICE_JS_URL" withOptions: @{}];


HashMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<>()
options.put("k1", "v1")
boolean result = WXSDKEngine.registerService(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_JS_CODE, options)


<script src="SERVICE_JS_CODE_URL"></script>

Write a JS Service

service.register(SERVICE_NAME /* same string with native */, {
    * JS Service lifecycle. JS Service `create` will before then each instance lifecycle `create`. The return param `instance` is Weex protected param. This object will return to instance global. Other params will in the `services` at instance.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
    * @return {Object}
  create: function(id, env, config) {
    return {
      instance: {
        InstanceService: function(weex) {
          var modal = weex.requireModule('modal')
          return {
            toast: function(title) {
              modal.toast({ message: title })
      NormalService: function(weex) {
        var modal = weex.requireModule('modal')
        return {
          toast: function(title) {
            modal.toast({ message: title })

    * JS Service lifecycle. JS Service `refresh` will before then each instance lifecycle `refresh`. If you want to reset variable or something on instance refresh.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
  refresh: function(id, env, config){


    * JS Service lifecycle. JS Service `destroy` will before then each instance lifecycle `destroy`. You can deleted variable here. If you doesn't detete variable define in JS Service. The variable will always in the js runtime. It's would be memory leak risk.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
    * @return {Object}
  destroy: function(id, env) {


Using JS Service (vuejs)

var _InstanceService = new InstanceService(weex)
var _NormalService = new service.NormalService(weex)

module.exports = {
  created: function() {
    // called modal module to toast something
    _InstanceService.toast('Instance JS Service')
    _NormalService.toast('Normal JS Service')