title: type: references group: Build-in Components order: 8.10 version: 2.1



The <refresh> Component provide a pulldown-refresh function for some special containers, its usage and attributes are similar to the <loading> Component.

Note: To be rendered properly, the <refresh> Component must appear inside the special Component such as <scroller><list><hlist><vlist><waterfall>.

  • Example:
  • Complete example goes here

Child Components

  • Any other components, like the <text> and <image> components, can be put inside the refresh component.

  • <loading-indicator>: This is a dedicated component which provides a default refresh animation effect, can only be used inside the <refresh> or the <loading> components.

  • Example:

  • Complete example goes here


AttributeTypeValueDefault Value
displayStringshow / hideshow


  • show:The refresh animation will be started if a <loading-indicator> is included in the refresh component.

  • hide:Collapse the refresh view. It also hides the <loading-indicator> and stops the loading animation if there's a <loading-indicator> included in the refresh component.

Note: The visibility of <refresh> component can be controlled by display attribute with the value show and hide. A display="show" should always be paired with a display="hide" statement.

  • Example:
    <refresh @refresh="onrefresh" :display="refreshing ? 'show' : 'hide'">

  methods: {
    onrefresh (event) {
      this.refreshing = true
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.refreshing = false
      }, 2000)
  • Complete example goes here




  • Triggered when the scroller or list is pulled down.

pullingdown v0.6.1+

  • Triggered when the scroller or list is pulled down. The attributes dy, pullingDistance, viewHeight and type are accessible from the event object :

  • dy : The offset between two scroll actions

  • pullingDistance : The distance of pulling

  • viewHeight : The height of refreshView

  • type : “pullingdown” constant string type for this event

  • Example:

  <refresh @refresh="onrefresh" @pullingdown="onpullingdown">

  export default {
    methods: {
      onrefresh (event) {
      onpullingdown (event) {
        console.log("dy: " + event.dy)
        console.log("pullingDistance: " + event.pullingDistance)
        console.log("viewHeight: " + event.viewHeight)
        console.log("type: " + type)
  • Complete example goes here


  • Complete example goes here