Bug Report

Weex Community Github Issue to report and track bugs 。The more information provided in a Github issue, the sooner it get solved.

::: tip

  • Avoid duplicated: Always search on Github before you fire a new one.
  • Always run with the latest version before you fire a bug
  • Only report one bug in one Github Issue. :::

Format of Github issue

Please use the Bug Report template when firing a bug. All the information needed to solve a bug is listed in the Bug report template , please fill it out as much as you can. The more information provided in a Github issue, the sooner it get solved.

::: warning Report bug with fact and expected behavior, not complaint or emotional words. :::

96 Hours rule

Generally speaking, weex community response to a Github issue within 96 hours, which could be longer if there is a holiday. Please be patient.

::: tip If your Github issue doesn't get any response over a week, you can ask developers through weex mailing list. :::