title: Component APIs type: references order: 1.3 version: 0.10


You can access these apis through this(Vm) context in script methods.


module.exports = {
    methods: {
        somemethod: function() {


Deprecated, please use $vm instead.


Return the element referenced by specific id.


  • id(string): the unique identifier.


  • (Element): an Element object referenced.


  • id is only guaranteed to be unique within the current (page)components, if you are looking for the parent components or child components, you can make use of the communication mode between components.
  • Further reading: id, Communicate Between Components


Return the vm object referenced by specific id.


  • id(string): the unique identifier.


  • vm(Vm): a Vm object referenced.


  • id is only guaranteed to be unique within the current (page)components, if you are looking for the parent components or child components, you can make use of the communication mode between components.
  • Further reading: id, Communicate Between Components


Get the current global environment variables and configuration information.


  • config(object): the object of config.
  • bundleUrl(string): the url of bundle.
  • debug(boolean): if is debug mode.
  • env(object): a object of envrioment.
    • weexVersion(string): a version of weex sdk.
    • appName(string): a name of app.
    • appVersion(string): a version of app.
    • platform(string): the platform, one of iOS, Android and Web.
    • osVersion(string): the version of os.
    • deviceModel(string): the model of device. native only
    • deviceWidth(number): the width of device, in pixels.
    • deviceHeight(number): the height of device, in pixels.

$call(module, method, ...args)

Deprecated, please use require('@weex-module/module')[method](...args) instead. See modules for more information