title: Composed Component type: guide order: 2.6 version: 0.10

Composed Component

If some part of weex file is reused often, you could create a composed component represent these part.

You can create a file named foo.we to define a composed component, the component name is just <foo>.

<!-- foo.we -->
  <container style="flex-direction: row;">
    <image src="{{image}}" style="width:100;height:100;"></image>
  module.exports = {
    data: {
      title: null,
      image: null

The content of foo.we also consists of <template>, <style> and <script>.

Once composed component been defined, you can use <foo> in a file which is in the same folder with foo.we.

  <foo title="..." image="..."></foo>

Nesting Components

Composed component supports nesting. For example:

<!-- somepath/foo.we -->
  <container style="flex-direction: row;">
    <image src="{{image}}"></image>
  module.exports = {
    data: {
      // The key is required if you want this property observed
      // and could be updated from changing parent attribute
      title: null,
      image: null
<!-- somepath/foo-list.we -->
    <foo repeat="{{list}}" title="{{text}}" image="{{img}}"></foo>
  module.exports = {
    data: {
      description: '',
      // If no keys written here. There will be no data binding effect
      // from parent attribute "list".
      list: []
<!-- somepath/main.we -->
  <foo-list list="{{list}}"></foo-list>
  module.exports = {
    data: {
      list: [
        {text: '...', img: '...'},
        {text: '...', img: '...'},
        {text: '...', img: '...'},

The main.we uses <foo-list> from foo-list.we. And <foo-list> uses <foo> from foo.we.


  • Every composed component have an independent <style> work scope.
  • If child component have id attribute, you can access the context of the child component by this.$vm(id) and find an element by this.$el(id). See more about find an element.
  • Please refer to communicate between components for more communication issues.
  • The keys must be existed in data options explicitly if you want to make the data observation work both through inside data changes and outside attribute changes.

Next is how to find an element.