title: Setup Develop Environment type: guide group: Develop order: 5.1 version: 2.1

Setup Develop Environment

Using dotWe is a good choice, but if you want to develop locally on your own machine, you will need to set up your develop environment.

You will need Node.js and the Weex CLI.

Install Node.js using nvm (Simple bash script to manage multiple active Node.js versions). Run the following commands in a terminal after installing nvm:

$ nvm install 6.10.0
$ nvm use 6.10.0

And npm comes with Node.js, with which you can install the Weex command line tools.

**NOTE: ** After upgrading the weex-toolkit to v1.0.8, the npm-shrinkwrap.json npm 5 specification has been added to lock the package dependencies, it is needed to upgrade your npm version to 5 above by command: npm install npm @latest -g if your version is lower than this, please check your npm version before using it.

Run the following commands in a terminal:

$ npm install -g weex-toolkit
$ weex -v

You can use ‘weex update @x.x.x’ to update weex-devtool, weex-previewer, weex-builder and weexpack to a specific version.

weex update weex-devtool@latest // Here latest means to install the latest version

**NOTE: ** If you receive an error like permission error, check out where permission problems occur, please delete the corresponding file and reinstall or run the chmod -R 777 [path] command to authorize.

Then you can use the Weex command to verify if the installation is successful:


Generate a new Weex project

Use the command line tool to generate a Weex project called “awesome-project”. Run the following command in a terminal:

$ weex create awesome-project

Then enter the awesome-project folder, you will see a standard project skeleton has been generated.


The weex-toolkit will prompt you whether to automatically run npm install, if not running, manually cd into the folder and run npm install.

In the awesome-project folder, install dependencies with the following command:

npm start

It will open the preview server automaticly, if you just want to see the web site, you can visite /index.html, like localhost:8081/index.html.

NOTE When the port number is occupied, the port number may change, please pay attention to the console output.

Folder Structure

| —— configs
  | —— config.js                  global config of webpack
  | —— helper.js                  helper functions
  | —— logo.png
  | —— plugin.js                  script for compile plugins
  | —— utils.js                   tool functions
  | —— vue-loader.conf.js         loader config of weex
  | —— webpack.common.conf.js     webpack configuration for common environment
  | —— webpack.dev.conf.js        webpack configuration for develop environment
  | —— webpack.prod.conf.js       webpack configuration for production environment
  | —— webpack.test.conf.js       webpack configuration for test environment
| —— platforms
  | —— platforms.json             platform meta data
| —— plugins
  | —— plugins.json               plugin data
| —— src
  | —— entry.js                   the entry file of whole bundle
  | —— index.vue                  vue file source
| —— test
  | —— unit
    | —— specs                    test scripts
    | —— index.js                 source code and config test environment
    | —— karma.conf.js            configuration for karma
| —— web                          static source
| —— .babelrc                     configuration for babel-loader
| —— android.config.json          configuration for packing android project
| —— ios.config.json              configuration for packing ios project
| —— npm-shrinkwrap.json          npm dependence lock file
| —— package.json
| —— README.md
| —— webpack.config.js            entry file of the webpack command

For more technical details, please continue to read the next section. And don't forget to write and preview your codes at dotWe.