title: Difference with Web type: references order: 10.1 version: 2.1

Differences between using Vue in Web and Weex

Platform Differences

Vue.js was designed for the Web platform at the beginning. Although it can be based on Weex to develop native applications, there are still many differences between web and native. See [Platform Differences Between Weex and Web](../ platform-difference.html) for more details.

Due to those differences, Weex doesn't support those features in Vue.js (mostly are DOM-related):

  • Event bubbling and capturing are not supported. Event modifiers, such as .prevent, .capture, .stop, .self are meaningless in the native environment.
  • The keyboard event modifiers, like .{KeyCode | keyAlias} is also meaningless. (see docs in Vue.js)
  • No need to call vm.$mount manually, the entry component will mount to the root view of the native container by default.
  • v-html and v-text directives are not supported.

Functional differences

Vue 2.0 Runtime-only build

Vue 2.0 provides two available builds, the standalone build and the runtime-only build. see the official document for more information.

Weex only required the runtime-only build of Vue 2.0 for better performance and less code size.

The specific differences are:

  • The template attribute is not supported when defining a component.
  • Does not support using x-templates.
  • Does not support using Vue.compile.

Isolate the context of multiple pages

Weex use the “multiple-pages” concept in native, different js bundle will be run in different native views, there context is isolated. Even the Vue variable is not the same instance between js bundles. (However, all the js bundle will share the same Weex runtime.)

Based on this feature, the global configurations in Vue will only take effect on the current page:

  • Vue.config
  • Vue.component
  • Vue.directive
  • Vue.filter
  • Vue.mixin
  • Vue.use

Note: Those methods are still work, but its effect will be limited to the current page.

Restrictions in style

CSS is very flexible, has a lot of properties, support a variety of layout modes. This is the advantage of CSS, but also a bottleneck in browser performance optimization.

The style in Weex is parsed by the native renderer, and for the sake of performance and complexity, Weex makes some trade-offs about CSS features to make it better suited to “best practices”.

Single class selector

Weex only supports to use single class name in <style>, does not support type selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, adjacent sibling selectors and the combinators.

/* Support single class name selector */
.one-class {
  font-size: 36px;

/* Does not support to use combinators between selector */
.parent > .child {
  padding-top: 10px;
.foo + .bar {
  margin-left: 20px;

/* Does not support attribute selectors. The `v-cloak` directive is not supported */
[V-cloak] {
  color: #FF6600;

The restriction is only for the style definition, does not affect the use of class names. You can still use multiple class names on a single tag, such as:

  <div class="one two three"><div>

Scoped by default

In Weex, For single file components, the styles written in the <style> can only be used in the current component.

In order to maintain consistency with Native, it is recommended that you write the style in the .vue file with the scoped attribute, that is, <style scoped>.

Supported CSS attributes

Weex supports a subset of CSS, and will continue to expand.

Weex supports box-model and flexbox, as well as other common styles. See [Weex Common Style](../ common-style.html) and Supported Web Standards for more information.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the following points:

  • No need to write style prefix.
  • Weex doesn‘t support display: none; and therefore doesn’t support the v-show directive.
  • In order to optimize the efficiency of CSS parser, Weex doesn't support shorthand attributes, involving the following attributes:
    • flex   + border, border-(top|bottom|left|right)   + margin   + padding   + font   + background

Differences in development

Because of the platform difference, you have to compile your source file in two different ways:

  • For the web, you can compile source files in any official way, such as Webpack + vue-loader or Browserify + vueify. and require the weex-vue-render, which is a group of Weex build-in components.
  • For Android and iOS, we've provided weex-loader to compile the .vue files. That is, use Webpack + weex-loader to generate the js bundle that is available for the native.

Use weex-loader

weex-loader is a loader for Webpack, see the official document to learn how to use it.

One more thing should be reminded is that if the entry file of your webpack config is a .vue file, you also need to pass an additional entry parameter, usually set to true.

module.exports = {
  // Add the entry parameter for the .vue file
  entry: './path/to/App.vue?entry=true',

  // other configurations ...

  module: {
    loaders: [{

      // matches the .vue file path that contains the entry parameter
      test: /\.vue(\?^^]+)?$/,
      loaders: ['weex-loader']

You don't need to write those additional parameters if you are using .js file as entry file. We recommend using javascript files as the entry file of webpack config.

Setup native development environments

Since your are using Weex to develop native apps, setup native development environments, both Android and iOS, would be very useful.

See Integrating Weex to the existing application for more information.