[Doc] Update about wx (#491)

diff --git a/docs/docs/components/text.md b/docs/docs/components/text.md
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 * Support [common events](../events/common-events.html)
 ## Other
+### `wx` unit
+`font-size`  and `line-height` support `wx` . For styles that should not be affected by screen width and viewPortWidth, please use `wx` as unit.
 ### Text height
 The rules for computed height of text component is complicated, basically but not always, text in Weex obey the following rules in order:
 1. The CSS style of `max-height`/`min-height` on your text
diff --git a/docs/docs/modules/animation.md b/docs/docs/modules/animation.md
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 #### Animated properties in styles
-* **`width`**, the `width` applied to the component after the animation finished. Set `needLayout` to true if you want the change to be persistence. The default value is `computed width`.
-* **`height`**, the `height` applied to the component after the animation finished. Set `needLayout` to true if you want the change to be persistence. The default value is `computed height`.
+* **`width`**, the `width` applied to the component after the animation finished. Set `needLayout` to true if you want the change to be persistence. The default value is `computed width`.support `wx` as unit.
+* **`height`**, the `height` applied to the component after the animation finished. Set `needLayout` to true if you want the change to be persistence. The default value is `computed height`.support `wx` as unit.
 * **`backgroundColor`**, the `backgroundColor` applied to the component after the animation finished. The default value is `computed backgroundColor`.
 * **`opacity`**, the `opacity` applied to the component after the animation finished. The default value is `computed opacity`.
 * **`transformOrigin`**, the `transformOrigin` indicate the pivot of the element being animated. The possible values for `x-axis` are `left`/`center`/`right`/length or percent, and possible values of `y-axis` are `top`/`center`/`bottom`/ length or percent. The default value is `center center`.
 * **`transform`**, transform object, which may include `rotate`, `translate`, `scale` and etc. The detail of  transform is illustrated below.
-  * `translate/translateX/translateY`: Specify the location which the element will be translated to.The unit is number or percent and the default value is 0.
+  * `translate/translateX/translateY`: Specify the location which the element will be translated to.The unit is number or percent and the default value is 0.support `wx` as unit.
   * `rotate/rotateX/rotateY`**v0.14+**: Specify the angle of which the element will be rotated. The unit is **degree** and the default value is 0.
   * `perspective`**v0.16+**: The distance between the z=0 plane and the user. Supported for **Android 4.1** and above. The unit is number and the default value is positive infinity.
   * `scale/scaleX/scaleY`: Stretch or shrink the element. The unit is number and the default value is 1.
diff --git a/docs/docs/styles/common-styles.md b/docs/docs/styles/common-styles.md
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 ::: warning
-Weex supports `px`and `wx`(not affected by screen width and viewPortWidth) as length unit, `%`, `rem`, `em` are not supported.
+All Styles support `px` as length unit,part of them support `wx`. `%`, `rem`, `em` are not supported.Learn more at [CSS Units](https://weex.apache.org/docs/styles/css-units.html)
 ## Box Model
diff --git a/docs/docs/styles/css-units.md b/docs/docs/styles/css-units.md
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 ## CSS `length` unit
-`px` 、`wx` are supported as length units. For styles that should not be affected by screen width and viewPortWidth, please use `wx` as unit.
+All Styles support `px` as length unit,part of them support `wx`. 
 ::: danger
 Ignoring `px` or  `wx` will cause render error on Webview.
@@ -12,6 +13,20 @@
 `em`、`rem`、`pt`, `%`, etc. are not supported. 
+###  `wx` unit
+Please use  `wx` as unit for styles that should not be affected by screen width and viewPortWidth.The following are the styles that support `wx` unit.
+* Box Model
+  *  `width {length}`
+  *  `height {length}`
+  *  `padding {length}`
+  *  `margin {length}`
+  *  `border-width {length}`
+* Transform:
+  *  `translate {length}`
+* Text Styles:
+  *  `font-size {number}`
+  *  `line-height {length}`
 ## CSS `number` units
 CSS `number` unit is a pure number without `px`, styles like `opacity`,`lines`,`flex` only accept `number` unit, you can find detail in [common-style](./common-styles.html).
diff --git a/docs/zh/docs/components/text.md b/docs/zh/docs/components/text.md
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 * 支持 [通用事件](../events/common-events.html)。
 ## 其他
+### wx单位
 ### 文字高度
 1. 文字节点的`max-height`/`min-height`样式。
diff --git a/docs/zh/docs/modules/animation.md b/docs/zh/docs/modules/animation.md
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 #### styles中支持动画的属性
-* **`width`**,`width`表示动画执行后应用到组件上的宽度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置`needLayout`为`true`。默认值为`computed width`。
-* **`height`**,`height`表示动画执行后应用到组件上的高度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置设置为 `needLayout`为`true`。默认值为`computed width`。
+* **`width`**,`width`表示动画执行后应用到组件上的宽度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置`needLayout`为`true`。默认值为`computed width`。支持`wx`单位。
+* **`height`**,`height`表示动画执行后应用到组件上的高度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置设置为 `needLayout`为`true`。默认值为`computed width`。支持`wx`单位。
 * **`backgroundColor`**,`backgroundColor`动画执行后应用到组件上的背景颜色,默认值为computed backgroundColor。
 * **`opacity`**,`opacity`表示动画执行后应用到组件上的不透明度值,默认值为computed opacity。
 * **`transformOrigin`**,`transformOrigin`定义变化过程的中心点,如`transformOrigin: x-axis y-axis` 参数 `x-axis` 可能的值为 `left`、`center`、`right`、长度值或百分比值,参数 `y-axis` 可能的值为 `top`、`center`、`bottom`、长度值或百分比。默认值为`center center`。
-* **`transform`**,`transform`变换类型,可能包含rotate`,`translate`,`scale`及其他属性。默认值为空。
-  * `translate`/`translateX`/`translateY`指定元素要移动到的位置。单位是长度或百分比,默认值是0.
+* **`transform`**,`transform`变换类型,可能包含rotate`,`translate`,`scale`及其他属性。默认值为空。支持 
+  * `translate`/`translateX`/`translateY`指定元素要移动到的位置。单位是长度或百分比,默认值是0。支持`wx`单位。
   * `rotate`/`rotateX`/`rotateY`**v0.16+** 指定元素将被旋转的角度。单位是度 *角度度*,默认值是0
   * `scale`/`scaleX`/`scaleY`按比例放大或缩小元素。单位是数字,默认值是1
   * `perspective`**v0.16+** 观察者距离z=0平面的距离,在**Android 4.1**及以上有效。单位值数字,默认值为正无穷。
diff --git a/docs/zh/docs/styles/common-styles.md b/docs/zh/docs/styles/common-styles.md
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 ::: warning
-Weex 对于长度值目前只支持`px`和`wx`(不受屏幕宽度和viewPortWidth影响),不支持相对单位(`em`、`rem`)。
 ## 盒模型
diff --git a/docs/zh/docs/styles/css-units.md b/docs/zh/docs/styles/css-units.md
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 ## CSS 长度单位
-在 Weex 中,我们**支持 `px`和`wx` 长度单位**。对于不希望受屏幕宽度和 viewPortWidth 影响的尺寸,请使用 `wx` 单位。
+在 Weex 中,**所有样式支持`px`长度单位,部分样式支持`wx`**。
 ::: warning 注意
 - Weex 不支持类似 `em`、`rem`、`pt`,`%` 这样的 CSS 标准中的其他长度单位;
 - 单位 `px`或`wx` 不可省略,否则在 H5 环境无法正确渲染;
+### wx单位
+使用 `wx` 单位可使尺寸不受屏幕宽度和 viewPortWidth 影响。以下是支持`wx`单位的样式。
+* 通用盒模型:
+  *  `width {length}`
+  *  `height {length}`
+  *  `padding {length}`
+  *  `margin {length}`
+  *  `border-width {length}`
+* Transform:
+  *  `translate {length}`
+* 文本样式:
+  *  `font-size {number}`
+  *  `line-height {length}`
 ## CSS 数值单位
 在 Weex 中,除了长度单位外,还有数值单位,仅仅一个数值,后面没有 `px` 等单位。用于 `opacity`,`lines`,`flex` 等属性指定一个纯数值。