

<web> is used to display web content that specified by src attribute in weex page. You also can use webview module to control WebView behavior such as goBack, goForward and reload, See webview module for more information.

<web> is used to display the content of the web page specified by the src attribute in the WEEX page.

<web> can combine H5 with Native elements.

  • Figure 1: You can spread the entire page to the web page (fast compatibility with your previous H5 page)
  • Figure 2: You can synthesize complex pages using the Web and other Weex components
  • Figure 3: Using the Web to combine multiple effects (Set H5 page with transparent background, flexible configuration of various H5 activity information)
  <web src="https://www.taobao.com/"></web>


::: warning Note

  • <web> does not support list, scroller, and slider components in the same direction nested scroll mode, which will cause scrolling conflicts;
  • <web> does not support any nested subcomponents;
  • <web> must specify style attributes for width and height, otherwise it will not work;
  • You can use webview module to control <web>;
  • <web> is only used as a degraded unconventional scenario and is not recommended for a large number of normal Weex pages.


Basic Usage

Note: <web> does not support any nested child components, and must specific width and height in style attribute, otherwise it won't work.

<web src="https://vuejs.org"></web>

See the example.



A URL value for web content to be loaded. You can specify a URL which is relative to bundle URL, it will be rewritten to the real resource URL (local or remote). See also: Path.


Only support appear and disappear event in common events.


pagestart event handler will be called when the web content is start loading.

Event object:

  • url: {String} URL of current web content.


pagefinish event handler will be called when the web content is loaded.

Event object:

  • url: {String} URL of current web content.
  • canGoBack: {Boolean} Can current web content go back.
  • canGoForward: {Boolean} Can current web content go forward.
  • title: {String} Title of current web content (iOS platform only).


error event handler will be called when the web content loaded failed.


receivedtitle event handler will be called when the title of web content had changed (Android platform only).

Event object:

  • url: {String} URL of current web content.

Handle <web> Events

Bind events on <web>:

<web @pagestart="onPageStart" @pagefinish="onPageFinish" @error="onError" src="https://vuejs.org"></web>

Add event handler:

export default {
  methods: {
    onPageStart (event) {
      // page start load
    onPageFinish (event) {
      // page finish load
    onError (event) {
      // page load error

See the example.


Support common styles.

Usage Notes

  • The width and height in the styles of <web> must be specified.
  • <web> can not have any nested child component.
  • You can use webview module to control <web> component, see the example.
