Merge pull request #454 from YorkShen/feature/contributing

Move document to Github
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               title: 'Contribute',
               collapsable: false,
               children: [
-                ['contribute/bug-report-guidelines', 'Bug Report'],
-                ['contribute/how-to-contribute', 'Join Weex community'],
-                ['contribute/contribute-code', 'Contribute Code'],
+                ['contribute/how-to-contribute', 'Join Weex community']
@@ -266,9 +264,7 @@
               title: '贡献',
               collapsable: false,
               children: [
-                ['contribute/bug-report-guidelines', 'Bug 反馈'],
-                ['contribute/how-to-contribute', '加入 Weex 社区'],
-                ['contribute/contribute-code', '代码贡献指南'],
+                ['contribute/how-to-contribute', '加入 Weex 社区']
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-# Bug Report


-Weex Community [Github Issue]( to report and track bugs 。The more information provided in a Github issue, the sooner it get solved.


-::: tip

-* Avoid duplicated: Always search on Github before you fire a new one.

-* Always run with the latest version before you fire a bug

-* Only report one bug in one Github Issue.



-## Format of Github issue

-Please use the [Bug Report]( template when firing a bug. All the information needed to solve a bug is listed in the Bug report template , please fill it out as much as you can. **The more information provided in a Github issue, the sooner it get solved.**


-::: warning

-Report bug with fact and expected behavior, not complaint or emotional words.



-## 96 Hours rule

-Generally speaking, weex community response to a Github issue within 96 hours, which could be longer if there is a holiday. Please be patient.


-::: tip

-If your Github issue doesn't get any response over a week, you can ask developers through [weex mailing list](./how-to-contribute.html#join-in-discussions).

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-# Contribute Code


-This page describes the standard procedure to modify code of weex.

-## Before Coding

-### Check License

-Weex adopts [Apache License 2.0]( as its open source license. Make sure your potential contribution obeys the requirement of Apache License 2.0.


-### Bug or Feature ?

-* If you are going to fix a bug of Weex, check whether it already exists in [Github Issue]( If it exists, make sure to write down the link to the corresponding Github issue in the PR you are going to create.

-* If you are going to add a feature for weex, reference the following recommend procedure:

-    1. Writing a email to [mailing list](how-to-contribute.html#mailing-list) to talk about what you'd like to do.

-    1. Write the corresponding [document](how-to-contribute.html#contribute-code-or-document)



-## Coding

-1. [Fork]( the Github repository at []( 


-1. Clone the forked repository and create a new branch from `master` to push your commits to.


-1. Develop your feature or bug fix in your new branch. Make sure your code meets the [style guidelines](contribute-code.html#code-style-guidelines).


-1. Add the **License** below to the top of any new file(s) you've added.


-        /*

-        * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

-        * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

-        * distributed with this work for additional information

-        * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

-        * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

-        * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

-        * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

-        *

-        *

-        *

-        * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

-        * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


-        * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

-        * specific language governing permissions and limitations

-        * under the License.

-        */


-1. Commit all the changes to your branch.



-If you are writing Java or C++ with Android Studio, **License** will be added to the head of the file automatically.



-### Code Style Guidelines 


-#### Objective-C


-- Tabs should be used for indentation. Please do not use spaces.

-- `*` operator goes with the variable name (e.g. Type *variable;)

-- For function definitions, place each brace on its own line.

-- For all the other braces, place the open brace on the line preceding the code block and place the close brace on its own line.

-- Use `#pragma marks` to categorize methods into functional groupings and protocol implementations

-- Follow other guidelines on [GitHub Objective-C Style Guide](


-#### Java & Android


-- Use [Google Java Style]( as basic guidelines of java code.

-- Follow [AOSP Code Style]( for rest of android related code style.


-#### C & C++


-- Use [Google C++ Style ](  as basic guidelines of C++ code

-- Weex defines [a subset of the Google C++ development specification]( that covers some of the major C++ scenario usage specifications.


-## Publish your Change

-[Open a pull request]( against the `master` branch of `apache/incubator-weex`. Make sure following guidelines are considered when creating a pull request.


-1. One PR should solve only one problem.

-1. The PR title should be the form of `[COMPONENT] Summary`:

-    * `COMPONENT` is one of the mentioned PR categories (android, iOS, JsFm, web, test, etc..). 

-    * `Summary` should be a brief description of your change within one sentence.

-1. Content description of PR

-    * If the PR is about fixing a bug *excluding crash*, a [demo]( is necessary in code's description.

-    * If the PR is about adding a new feature, another [PR for documentation](how-to-contribute.html#contribute-code-or-document) is necessary in codes' PR description.

-    * *Optional* If the PR fixes an existing Github issue, you may add the link to the corresponding issue in the PR.


-There will be a static check program when you submit a PR,and the following rules will be checked:

-1. Check if your PR is submitted to master branch, if not, you will failed.

-2. Check if your PR is binded with a milestone, if not, you will receive a warning message.

-3. Check if your PR description contains keywords `Documentation` and it's correponding http links. if not, you will receive a warning message.

-4. Check if your PR description contains keywords `Demo` and it's correponding http links. if not, you will receive a warning message.

-5. Check if your PR modify the, if not,you will receive a warning message.




-Reviewing PR may take a great deal of time, please be patient. If your PR doesn't get response over 96 hours, you might send an email to [mailing list](how-to-contribute.html#mailing-list) to ask the progress.


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 ## Code of Conduct


-To make an open and friendly community, Weex community adopt [Contributor Covenant]( as the code of conduct.

+To make an open and friendly community, Weex community adopt [Contributor Covenant]( as the code of conduct.


 ## Mailing List

 > If it didn't happen on a mailing list, it didn't happen.

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 ## Ask or Answer Questions

 * You ask questions on []( for basic use problems and concepts.

-* You can report a bug through Github Issue as mention in [bug report](./bug-report-guidelines.html).

+* You can report a bug through Github Issue as mention in [ask-or-answer-questions](



 Formally speaking, StackOverflow is not part of Weex community though developers around the world continually contribute to it. If your question on StackOverflow doesn't get response within 96 hours, you can fire a [Github Issue]( with link to your question on StackOverflow.

@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@


 ### Contribute code

-You can fix a bug or develop a new feature when contributing code, ref [Contribution of Code](./contribute-code.html) to see more detail.

+You can fix a bug or develop a new feature when contributing code, ref [Contribution of Code]( to see more detail.

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-# 反馈 Bug
-Weex 社区使用 [Github Issue]( 来跟踪并处理 Bug 。Bug 反馈中包含的信息越多,越有助于该 Bug 被快速修复。
-::: tip
-* 避免重复: 在报 bug 前先搜索。
-* 总是测试最新的可用版本。
-* 每个报告只报一个 bug。
-## Bug 反馈的格式
-在 Weex 的 Github Issue 中提 Bug 时,请选择 [Bug Report](模板,并按照其中的格式填写,这样有助于 Bug 被更快的处理。
-::: tip
-为了让你的 Bug 反馈被更多人看到,请尽量使用英文描述 Bug
-::: warning
-反馈 Bug 时陈述有用的事实,而不是意见或抱怨。
-## 96小时原则
-一般情况下,Weex 社区会在 96 小时内响应新提出的Bug,如遇到法定假日或其他节假日,响应速度可能会变慢,请耐心等待。
-::: tip
-如果你提出的 Bug 在一周内无任何反馈,请勇敢的在[邮件列表](./how-to-contribute.html#%E9%82%AE%E4%BB%B6%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8)中询问 Weex 社区的开发者们。
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-# 代码贡献指南
-本文档描述了如何对 Weex 源代码进行更改和提交,以下是建议的步骤:
-## 写代码前
-### 检查 License
-Weex 采用 [Apache License 2.0](作为其开源证书,Weex的任何新增改动需要符合该开源证书的要求。
-### 修复 Bug 还是提供新特性 ?
-* 如果你准备为 Weex 修复一个Bug,先在[ Github Issues ](中查看对应的 Bug 是否存在,如果存在的话,请在提交Pull Request时附上对应的链接。
-* 如果你准备为 Weex 添加一个新的特性,请遵循以下流程:
-    1. 向[邮件列表](how-to-contribute.html#邮件列表)中发送邮件,说明你需要你想要做的事情。
-    1. 编写[文档](how-to-contribute.html#贡献文档或代码).
-## 编写代码
-1. Fork Weex 的 [Github 仓库](。
-1. 编写需要开发的特性或 bug 修复代码,确保你的更改符合[代码风格指南](./contribute-code.html#代码风格指南)。
-1. 复制下面的**License注释**到你的新文件顶部:
-        /*
-        * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-        * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-        * distributed with this work for additional information
-        * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-        * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-        * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-        * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-        *
-        *
-        *
-        * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-        * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-        * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-        * specific language governing permissions and limitations
-        * under the License.
-        */
-1. 提交代码到你的分支上。
-如果你使用Android Studio开发 Java 或 C++ 代码,**License注释**会在编译时自动添加到文件头部,无需人工操作。
-### 代码风格指南
-#### Objective-C
-- 用 tab 缩进而不是空格
-- `*` 操作符靠近变量名(如 Type *variable)
-- 方法定义:大括号需要另起一行
-- 其他大括号:开括号紧跟在代码后面,不另起一行,闭括号单独占一行
-- 使用 `#pragma marks` 标记将方法分类
-- 遵循 [GitHub Objective-C Style Guide]( 中其他的代码风格指南
-#### Java & Android
-- 使用 [Google Java Style]( 作为基本的 Java 代码风格指南
-- 其他 android 相关代码需遵循 [AOSP Code Style](
-#### C & C++
-* 整体使用[Google C++ Style](作为C++代码风格指南
-* Weex定义了一套[Google C++ 开发规范子集](,涵盖了一些主要C++场景使用规范
-## 提交代码
-[创建一个 pull request]( 并提交到 [`apache/incubator-weex`]( 的 `master` 分支,确保它符合这些准则:
-1. 一个 Pull Request 只解决一个问题
-2. PR 标题应符合 `[模块] 标题` 格式:
-    * 模块是 PR 的类别(android、iOS、JsFm、web、doc、test、other),
-    * 标题是对PR内容不超过一句话的描述。
-3. PR 内容
-    * 如果 PR 是修复了某个 Bug *非Crash*,需要在 PR 内容中添加对应的 [Demo 地址](
-    * 如果 PR 是添加了某个特性,需要在 PR 内容中添加对应的[文档PR](how-to-contribute.html#贡献文档或代码)。
-    * *可选项* 如果 PR 解决了某个Github issue, 需要在 PR 内容中添加对应的链接
-PR的 Review 需要一定时间,请耐心等待。如果某个 PR 超过**96小时**无人回复,可向[Weex邮件列表](how-to-contribute.html#邮件列表)发送邮件,询问进展。
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