title: type: references order: 2.2 version: 0.10


<div> 组件是用于包装其它组件的最基本容器。支持所有的通用样式、特性、flexbox 布局。其类似于 HTML 的 <div> 容器,但不能直接在里面添加文本(字符串),如果要展示文本,应该使用 <text> 组件。历史版本中,<div> 别名是 <container>,目前已经弃用


<div> 嵌套层级不可过深,否则容易引起性能问题,建议控制在 10 层以内。


    <text class="text">Hello World!</text>

.text {
  font-size: 70;
  color: #ff0000





<div> 基本容器组件,因此支持包括 <div> 在内的任何组件作为自己的子组件。因此,在写一个组件时,推荐外层使用 <div> 作为根容器。


<div> 支持所有通用样式:

  • 盒模型
  • flexbox 布局
  • position
  • opacity
  • background-color

查看 组件通用样式


<div> 支持所有通用事件:

  • click
  • longpress
  • appear
  • disappear

查看 通用事件


  1. 不能直接在 <div> 中添加文本。

错误示例,“Hello World!” 无法被正常渲染。

  <div>Hello World!</div>

.text {
  font-size: 70;
  color: #ff0000



  1. <div> 不可滚动,即使显式设置高度也一样。




.item {
  padding: 20;
  height: 220;
  border-bottom-width: 1;
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.item-content {
  flex-direction: row;
  width: 710;
  background-color: #ffffff;
.item-imgbox {
  height: 180;
  width: 180;
  margin-right: 20;
.item-img {
  width: 180;
  height: 180;
.item-info {
  height: 180;
  width: 510;
  justify-content: center;
  position: relative;
.item-info-detail {
  position: relative;
  color: #A2A2A2;
.desc {
  lines: 4;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  font-size: 26;
  line-height: 30;
  color: #A2A2A2;
.title {
  lines: 1;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  font-size: 32;
  color: #2D2D2D;
  line-height: 40;
.detail-info {
  margin-top: 15;
.up {
  width: 70;
  height: 70;
  position: fixed;
  right: 20;
  bottom: 20;
.img {
  width: 70;
  height: 70;

      <div class="item" repeat="item in items" id="item-{{$index}}">
        <div class="item-content">
          <div class="item-imgbox">
            <img class="item-img" src="{{item.img}}" alt="" />
          <div class="item-info">
            <div class="item-info-detail">
              <text class="title">{{item.title}}</text>
              <div class="detail-info">
                <text class="desc">{{item.desc}}</text>
    <div class="up" onclick="goToTop">
      <img class="img" src="https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1ZVOEOpXXXXcQaXXXXXXXXXXX-200-200.png"></img>

  var dom = require('@weex-module/dom') || {}

  module.exports = {
    data: {
      items: [{
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
        img: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tps/TB1z.55OFXXXXcLXXXXXXXXXXXX-560-560.jpg',
        title: 'Who is Alan Mathison Turing?',
        desc: 'Alan Mathison Turing ( 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.'
    created: function () {
    methods: {
      goToTop: function (e) {
        dom.scrollToElement(this.$el('item-0'), {
          offset: 0
