title: Display Logic Control type: guide order: 2.4 version: 0.10

Display Logic Control

There are two attributes for display logic control: if and repeat. We can create Weex page structure and effects more flexible with them.

Notes: The display logic could‘t apply on the root element within <template>, please don’t use if or repeat directive on it.


if attribute can control the display of a component by a truthy/falsy value. If the value is truthy, then the component will generated, otherwise it will be removed.

    <text onclick="toggle">Toggle</text>
    <image src="..." if="{{shown}}"></image>

  module.exports = {
    data: {
      shown: true
    methods: {
      toggle: function () {
        this.shown = !this.shown


repeat statement is just for array rendering. Every item in an array is also a structured data. This means in repeated component, you can bind their item properties directly.

    <container repeat="{{list}}" class="{{gender}}">
      <image src="{{avatar}}"></image>

  .male {...}
  .female {...}

  module.exports = {
    data: {
      list: [
        {gender: 'male', nickname: 'Li Lei', avatar: '...'},
        {gender: 'female', nickname: 'Han Meimei', avatar: '...'},

The origin data properties which not belongs to the array will also be bound:

    <container repeat="{{list}}" class="{{gender}}">
      <image src="{{avatar}}"></image>
      <text>{{nickname}} - {{group}}</text>

  .male {...}
  .female {...}

  module.exports = {
    data: {
      group: '...',
      list: [
        {gender: 'male', nickname: 'Li Lei', avatar: '...'},
        {gender: 'female', nickname: 'Han Meimei', avatar: '...'},

An extension of repeat syntax

use default $index for the index of array.


<div repeat="{{list}}">
  <text>No. {{$index + 1}}</text>

specify the key and value of array.


<div repeat="{{v in list}}">
  <text>No. {{$index + 1}}, {{v.nickname}}</text>
<div repeat="{{(k, v) in list}}">
  <text>No. {{k + 1}}, {{v.nickname}}</text>

use track-by to specify unique attribute

By default when replacing an array, repeat will cause the entire list to be re-rendered. However you can use track-by to specify an unique attribute as a hint, so that weex can reuse existing elements as much as possible.



    <container repeat="{{list}}" track-by="nickname" class="{{gender}}">
      <image src="{{avatar}}"></image>
      <text>{{nickname}} - {{group}}</text>

Later on, when you replace the array including an item of the same nickname, it knows it can reuse the existing scope and DOM elements associated with the same nickname.

Omitted mustache wrapper

Particularly for the if and repeat attribute, the mustache wrapper in values could be omitted: just the same as data-binding syntax.

    <text if="shown">Hello</text>
    <text if="{{shown}}">Hello</text>

  module.exports = {
    data: function () {return {shown: true}}

The two <text> components are both displayed.

Next is render logic control.