Redirect Release Note to Download (#408)

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-## v0.20.0
-### Bug
-* [WEEX-490]( - [Android] set "type=tel" and "type=number" in input component, but also can input text
-* [WEEX-664]( - [weex_core] RTL performance is incorrect
-* [WEEX-669]( - [Android] crash when slider mAdapter null
-* [WEEX-673]( - [weex_core][iOS][Android] fix crash && advance RTL performance
-### Improvement
-* [WEEX-394]( - [iOS] Add license for some iOS files
-* [WEEX-553]( - [Android] Add interceptTouch attribute in component
-## v0.19.0
-- [WEEX-219][Android] support copy action for text component [#1037](
-- [WEEX-228][Android] ShouldStopPropagation Use ShortName StopPropagation [#1042](
-- [WEEX-222][Android] Sticky header in waterfall is not sticky [#1041](
-- [WEEX-210][Android] Weex Auto Scan Component And Module Discover  [#1032](
-- [WEEX-216][Android] WXAnimation Fix Memory Leak and performance improve [#1026](
-- [WEEX-368][Android] Turn single process switch on for jsEngine [#1178](
-- [WEEX-380][Android] Fix weex show abnormally in single process [#1188](
-- [WEEX-281][Android] Auto Startup Time Quick [#1141](
-- [WEEX-325][Android] Some MeiZhu Mobole throw NoClassDefFoundError: android/support/design/widget/AppBarLayout$OnOffsetChangedListener [#1140](
-- [WEEX-299][Android] Touch event will transmit to next layer, requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent should be reset for every touch event [#1138](
-- [WEEX-303][Android] fix nullPoint [#1106](
-- [WEEX-218][Android] support leftGap and rightGap for waterfall recycle-list's orientation support update attrs [#1031](
-- [Weex-260][Android] switch supports setting color [#1085](
-- [WEEX-224][Android] WXDomObject Destory Method Should Be Called avoid Memory Leak [#1086](
-- [WEEX-378][Android] wson support for weex-core new architecture and remove rapidjson [#1187](
-- [WEEX-399][Android] remove extra api js [#1203](
-- [WEEX-376][Android] Fix div layeroverflow event [#1191](
-- [WEEX-244][Android] Weex Android Support W3c Force Api [#1060](
-- [WEEX-240][Android] feature update for weexsandbox [#1088](
-- [WEEX-261][Android] Flat GUI NullPointerException fix [#1081](
-- [WEEX-288][Android] bug fix, fix on some case cannot get bundle type [#1110](
-- [WEEX-342][Android] when animation module or transition parser properties, some propers may be not right, so add try catch to handle the exceptions [#1275](
-- [WEEX-465][Android] fix performance point interactionTime record bug [#1278](
-- [WEEX-342][Android] ava.util.ConcurrentModificationException  at java util.ArrayList$ [#1273](
-- [WEEX-565][Android] do not set view's id if there is a id in this view [#1436](
-- [WEEX-564][Android] fix check screen empty logic [#1435](
-- [WEEX-562][Android] task may be null ,should be check ,not try/catch [#1425](
-- [WEEX-560][Android] fix null point of apm && report initJSFM fail info [#1422](
-- [WEEX-342][Android] ava.util.ConcurrentModificationException  at java.util.ArrayList$  [#1268](
-- [WEEX-457][Android] add back performance point of  maxVDomDeep && int… [#1262](
-- [WEEX-454][Android] fix can't find libweexjss when deploy [#1259](
-- [WEEX-360][Android] Fix crash when reinit framework [#1171](
-- [WEEX-430][Android] Delete arm-v7a and x86 so before the program is run. [#1235](
-- [WEEX-412][Android] support multi vm [#1217](
-- [WEEX-419][Android] weeks bugfix for weexcore appear [#1246](
-- [WEEX-498][Android] fix report url is bundleUrlDefault [#1313](
-- [WEEX-506][Android] try fix report defaultUrl in mutilThread case [#1331](
-- [WEEX-453][iOS] transform/transformOrigin conflict when updateStyles [#1260](
-- [WEEX-262][iOS] Add new interface of Instance,which will terminate re… [#1079](
-- [WEEX-245][iOS] fix CTFont crash on iOS10 [#1062](
-- [WEEX-241][iOS] add WXVideoComponent "poster" attribute [#1051](
-- [WEEX-218][iOS] support leftGap and rightGap for waterfall component [#1029](
-- [WEEX-219][iOS] support copy action for text component [#1030](
-- [WEEX-215][iOS] recycle-list scroll orientation support [#1027](
-- [WEEX-375][iOS] add Protocol for PageEventNotifyEvent [#1183](
-- [WEEX-373][iOS] try to fix the issue about _remove_assocations [#1182](
-- [WEEX-345][iOS] fix animationModule with needLayout bug with nil propery [#1165](
-- [WEEX-339][iOS] add componentTime/Count monitor [#1150](
-- [WEEX-350][iOS] fix anim crash caused by problem that [WXConvert CGFl… [#1163](
-- [WEEX-343][iOS] Failure of "scaleY" on animationModule [#1154](
-- [WEEX-313][iOS] fix RTL issue [#1134](
-- [WEEX-297][iOS] fix iOS 11 save image permission [#1119](
-- [WEEX-282][iOS] update layout system to support rtl direction [#1105](
-- [WEEX-270][iOS] WXListComponent should add reload type of data update [#1095](
-- [WEEX-489][iOS] Fix resource not loaded when using dynamic framework … [#1305](
-- [WEEX-484][iOS] Failure of parsing transform parameter when in third-party environment [#1298](
-- [WEEX-468][iOS] Try to fix Fixed component related crash. [#1281](
-- [WEEX-548][iOS] Weex devtool can not debug recycle list [#1395](
-- [WEEX-563][iOS] fix the attribute of linear-gradient on iOS [#1434](
-- [WEEX-559][iOS] Fix issue that handleAppear should be resent for lazil… [#1420](
-- [WEEX-556][iOS] Fix video play state is not 'play' while set autoplay… [#1418](
-- [WEEX-555][iOS] fix layout engin bug [#1414](
-- [WEEX-552][iOS] apm for ios [#1412](
-- [WEEX-413][iOS] Fix when main thread parse transform cause deadlock [#1218](
-- [WEEX-513][iOS] Fix build issue [#1338](
-- [WEEX-513][iOS] Improve WeexSDK project file [#1337](
-- [WEEX-511][iOS] Fix debug log may crash when there is a retain cycle … [#1335](
-- [WEEX-501][iOS] Try to fix insert table view cell exception abort on iOS [#1322](
-- [WEEX-496][iOS] In CoreText mode, origin of first line is incorret un… [#1312](
-- [WEEX-353][iOS] Add weex-polyfill.js [#1164](
-- [WEEX-442][Core] Fix compile error [#1272](
-- [WEEX-442][Core] Fix setViewport [#1271](
-- [WEEX-458][Core] remove coremanager setxxx returntype [#1263](
-- [WEEX-433][Core] rm jni code from weexcore [#1238](
-- [WEEX-386][Core] Fix apply default style [#1220](
-- [WEEX-405][Core] make wson compilation modular [#1210](
-- [WEEX-411][Core] Fix memory leak due to return render time [#1214](
-- [WEEX-370][Core] Use GNU C++ Runtime [#1180](
-- [WEEX-376][Core] Support layeroverflow event [#1186](
-- [WEEX-445][jsfm] export requireModule to global [#1254](
-- [WEEX-397][jsfm] update build script of js framework [#1342](
-- [WEEX-547][jsfm] Remove module proxy cache of weex.requireModule [#1389](
-- [WEEX-461][jsfm] Remove useless trace function in js framework [#1358](
-## v0.18.0
-- `feature` `Android/iOS` TemplateList support lifecycle and statefull component [#1019]( [#1023](
-- `feature` `Android` Support real time format to input component, support disable copy paste to input component [#1013](
-- `feature` `Android` Support use base64 to import fontface [#1006](
-- `feature` `Android` High performance binary Wson supported [#974](
-- `feature` `Android` New touch dispatch mechanism and bubble sync method call for android touch event [#961](
-- `feature` `Android` Support set global font to text component [#952](
-- `feature` `Android` List component supported show scrollbar options [#951](
-- `feature` `Android` box-shadow support multi shadows declaration [#915](
-- `feature` `Android` Support `role` property to accessibility [#911](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix network operation on main thread by WebSocket [#1015](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix font not rendered right when font is first downloaded [#972](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix the `background-color` can not be set to `transparent` [#959](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Improve JSService usage, support mutil type params [#941](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix fix security weaknesses on libweex*.so [#934](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix long-running operation on WXThread.scure() [#919](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix status of pseudo class can not restore after touch [#907](
-- `bugfix` `Android` Fix parallax component not reseted to right position when scrollToElement with animated:false option [#906](
-- `feature` `weex-js-framework` Upgrade weex-vue-framework to [v2.5.13](, which implemented the `<recycle-list>`.
-- Only update batched and mutated attributes and styles in js framework ([#953](
-- `feature` `weex-js-framework` Support append as tree on root element ([#954](
-- `improvement` `weex-js-framework` Enhance the multi-instance isolation (sandbox) ([#960](
-- `improvement` `weex-js-framework` Refactor the file structure and build scripts of js framework ([#964]( | [#1010](
-- `improvement` `weex-js-framework` Stop using ES6 Proxy to require a module ([#1017](
-- `bugfix` `iOS` bugfix about longpress and pangesture innner waterfall component invalid[#1007](
-- `improvemnet` `iOS` improve for threadSafe dictionary [1005](
-- `feature` `iOS` deprecate WXCallback and WXModuleCallback, use WXKeepAliveCallback and WXModuleKeepAliveCallback [1000](
-- `bugfix` `iOS` bugfix about iconfont draw failed on occasion [#997](
-- `improvement` `iOS` [remove redundant implementation of slider](
-- `feature` `iOS` support css value for safe-area-inset-left, safe-area-inset-right, safe-area-inset-top, and safe-area-inset-bottom like [iPhone X design]([#916](
-- `feature` `iOS` support word-wrap on iOS when drawing text [#887](
-- `improvement` `web` refactor appear watcher, image lazyloading, components implementation, some APIs, and the event triggering and handling system.
-- `improvement` `web` significantly improved runtime performance.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix event binding.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix indicator item styles.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix slider's overflow style.
-- `feature` `web` support create weex components through render function.
-- `feature` `web` support binding native events for custom components with .native modifier.
-- `feature` `web` all weex native events should be dispatched through dom elements.
-- `improvement` `web` refactor test procedure flow and increase test cases' total number to 96.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix two way binding for `<input>` component.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix return event for `<input>` component.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix errors relative to createEventMap.
-- `feature` `web` now you can use 'wx' unit.
-- `improvement` `web` remove weex.createEventMap method.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix `<switch>` component's styles.
-- `bugfix` `web` fix test cases for `<switch>` and `<input>`.
-- `bugfix` `web` webview.reload for `<web>` component always throws a error.
-- `bugfix` `web` should trigger error event when a cross origin issue arises.
-- `bugfix` `web` always trigger a error event when loaded a cross origin page.
-- `bugfix` `web` trigger duplicated appear/disappear events when there're more than one list.
-## v0.17
-* `feature` `Android/iOS` Support `writing direction style:direction=rtl`([#782]([#886](
-* `feature` `Android/iOS` Support scroll start and scroll end event on scroller and list ([#858]([856](
-* `feature` `iOS` support text max-width ([#834](
-* `feature` `Android` CSS Transiton Animation Supported component ([#851](
-* `feature` `Android` New `local` module ([#781](
-* `feature` `Android` Support ripple background on Android 5.0 and higher ([#792](
-* `feature` `Android` Support multi language on dialog ([#831](
-* `feature` `H5` Support lazyload and appear watcher when body height set to 100% ([#827](
-* `feature` `H5` Add try catch for storage accessing incase user disabled the related function in a browser ([#827](
-* `feature` `H5` image support css sprite (sprite-src, sprite-position, sprite-width) ([#827](
-* `feature` `JSFM` Support batch update styles and attributes in Vue.js ([#819]( [#7046](
-* `feature` `JSFM` Stop trimming CSS units in richtext component. ([#6927](
-* `feature` `JSFM` Stop rethrow the captured error on Weex platform. ([#7024](
-* `feature` `JSFM` Upgrade weex-vue-framework to 2.5.3 ([release nodes](
-* `feature` `JSFM` Adjust the behavior of `nextTick` to improve compatibility.
-* `bugfix` `iOS` bugfix boxshadow render abnormal ([#791](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` bugfix timer exposed on JSContxt ([#839](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` fix iOS8 scrollview’s assign delegate crash ([#838](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` fix setViewport:sometimes doesn’t work([#843](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` fix addEvent lead to generate a new view while it as been recycled ([#837](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` fix about setting nan frame crash ([#853](
-* `bugfix` `iOS` disable tableview estimation row or section height which make list component behavior abnormal ([#867](
-* `bugfix` `Android` Fix that moveElement doesn’t work when parent is not a list ([#805](
-* `bugfix` `Android` Fix flicker caused by coexistence of box-shadow and border-radius (#[780](
-* `bugfix` `Android` Fix android new Date() cannot get accuracy time ([#753](
-* `bugfix` `H5` Fix scroll event listenning and scrollToElement on chrome for the latest version ([#827](
-## v0.16
-* support 3d rotate ([#532]( [#418](
-* new feature support perspective function in transform ([#551]([#532](
-* new feature support save image to photo album ([547]( [575]( [544](
-* support `` ([#575](
-* optimize event binding and support mobile firefox, and also fix a lot of other things ([#606](
-* Support js service in Rax DSL.
-* Partial support of sending `ArrayBuffer` between js and native.
-* Add basic support of `<recycle-list>`, both in Vue and Rax DSL.
-* Support saving image to photo alubm in `image` [#547](
-* Support perspective features [#551](
-* New interface to performance tracing [#586](
-* Add the ability of FlatGUI, it can reduce the view hierarchy in `cell` [#643](
-* Support the `box-shadow` style for Android 4.3 and higher [#685](
-* Support float interval/delay in timer [#699](
-* New `recycle-list` compoent with hight performance and low memory cost [#726](
-* remove dependency about socketRocket dependency in iOS.
-* fix coretext crash in iOS.
-* fix toast view still pop while the page was destroyed in iOS.
-* separate weex-vue-render into two parts: render core and plugins ([#533](
-* Fix Jni crash due to emoji [#574](
-* Fix the lost refresh header of `list` in viewpager [#601](
-* Fix draw iconfont fail when first download iconfont [#625](
-* Fix the problem of 'text-overflow:clip' [#718](
-* Fix android new Date() cannot get accuracy time [#753](
-## v0.15
-* support fast click and hairlines border [#507](
-* Add `weex.supports` api for feature detections. [#6053](
-* Change default image quality to `WXImageQuality.AUTO` [#478](
-* Support the `scroll` event on horizontal scroller[#494](
-* Fix the console API to adapt JSC on Android. [#470](
-* Fix invalid call scrollToElement when has not option param [#491](
-* Fix the lines of `text` cannot be reset [#493](
-* Fix invalid init index on `slider` [#510](
-* Fix Memory optimization for `list` [#512](
-## v0.14
-* support `waterfall` component ([#438](
-* support pseudo-class ([#474](
-* Support component method in Vue DSL. ([proposal](
-* Support returning value synchronously for module methods. ([proposal](
-* Support drag-drop on `list` [#416](
-* Support rotateX and rotateY, optimize animation as well [#418](
-* Fix wrong vertical offset in scroll event on `waterfall` [#424](
-* Fix `clearTimeout` and `clearInterval` doesn't work when funId is greater than 127 [#439](
-## v0.13.0
-* Slider implemention is refactored [Pull Request#414](
-* Improve integration test. We are working with macaca team, to write better test code.[Pull Request#411]( [Pull Request#397]( [Pull Request#402]( [Pull Request#413]( [Pull Request#390]( [Pull Request#346]( [Pull Request#319]( [Pull Request#304]( [Pull Request#295](
-* `scroller` now has `pagingEnabled` attribute, which can enable `paging` feature in native [Pull Request#393](
-* New 'prerender' mechanism, which will support rendering a page in background. [Pull Request#343]( Pull Request#342](
-* Fix `line-height` feature in iOS. [Pull Request#377]( [Pull Request#305](
-* Add `needLayout` option in animation module operation after animation finished [Pull Request#337]( [Pull Request#336](
-* `list` component has new type of event for `sticky` feature [Pull Request#332](
-* Support bota and atob [Pull Request#315](
-* Fix mixing background-color and border-color(rgba) in android [Pull Request#359](
-* Beside these, lots of crashes and bugs are fixed.
-  * [Pull Request#441](
-  * [Pull Request#413](
-  * [Pull Request#403](
-  * [Pull Request#373](
-## v0.12.0 (First Offical Release)
-- C++ timer by lycool
- - Discussed in
- - relate pull requests:[apache/incubator-weex/pull/228|], [apache/incubator-weex/pull/232|], [apache/incubator-weex/pull/221|]
-- Add scroller/list scroll event in html5 render android&iOS already have this feature in v0.11
-- Enhance accessibility, new `aria-label` & `role` support [apache/incubator-weex/pull/149|]
-- Native input/textarea enhancement by kfeagle &  misakuo support `number` data type; support soft keyboard event
-- Picker module enhancement More picker options to customize picker dialog style(background color etc.). Related pull requests: [apache/incubator-weex/pull/234|], [apache/incubator-weex/pull/233|]
-- Android DOM module refactor Seperate module code by action, increasing the maintainability. [apache/incubator-weex/pull/104|]
-## v0.10.0
-- New Feature
-  - Support Vue.js
-    The Vue.js 2.1.8 ([runtime-only build]( is in WeexSDK now. You can use Vue.js to build native app by WeexSDK 0.10.0.
-    We reused the original native render engine and developed a new renderer ([weex-vue-render]( for the web platform, which is based on Vue 2.0.
-    The former front-end framework (commonly known as `.we`), which is inspired by Vue 1.0, is deprecated. Although it still works well in this release, we suggest to migrate it to Vue 2.0.
-  - SDK
-    - New CSS support
-      - [text `font-weight`](
-        `font-weight` can set to [`normal`|`bold`] or 100-900.
-      - gradient
-        like CSS3, now you can use gradient in Weex. For example:
-        ``` css
-        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, blue, white);
-        ```
-        ![img_1695](
-        [Read more about gradient](
-      - Pseudo class
-        Currently, Weex supports 4 pseudo classes:`active`, `focus`, `disabled`, `enabled`.
-    - New BroadcastChannel API
-      Developers can use `BroadcastChannel` API to implement inter-instance communication.
-      ``` js
-      const Stack = new BroadcastChannel('Avengers')
-      Stack.onmessage = function (event) {
-        console.log( // in this case, it's "Hulk Smash !!!"
-      }
-      // in another instance
-      const Hulk = new BroadcastChannel('Avengers')
-      Hulk.postMessage("Hulk Smash !!!")
-      ```
-    - Image's `onload` event add [`naturalHeight` and `naturalWidthimage`]( to get the original size of image file.
-    - Websocket Support
-      WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's h5/iOS/android and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.
-      [Read more about Weex's websocket.](
-    - Support synchronous method call
-      Both module and component method can defined synchronous method exposed to JS runtime now. Means native will invoke these method in JS thread directly.
-    - Support `viewport` configuration
-      Similar to [W3C specification](, Weex support set define `viewport` in script tag:
-      ``` html
-      <script type="config">
-        {
-          "viewport": {
-              "width": "device-width"
-          }
-        }
-      </script>
-      ```
-  - Tools
-    - [Devtools](
-      - Support Vue 2.0 debugging.
-      - Add network switch for network inspector.
-      - Make application capable to decide which bundle is 'un-debuggable', which means page's source code is unreadable in debug mode.
-    - [Weexpack](
-      - Has full set of commands for developers to setup android/ios application with his .we/.vue files.
-      - Developers could easily pack/install his application with simple command.
-      - Has full set of commands for developers to manage weex plugins, including create plugin template, add plugin to his project etc.
-      - [Plugin market]( was formally used for developers to publish/download weex plugins.
-## v0.9.4
-- New features
-  - SDK
-    - New API to get Component's size and position:
-      Now you can get these data through `getComponentRect`:
-      ``` javascript
-      var dom = require('@weex-module/dom');
-      dom.getComponentRect(this.$el('comp_id'), function(data){
-        if(data.result)
-          console.log(data);
-      });
-      ```
-      The `data` callback parameter contains a `result` to tell if operation is success. And `size` tell you the true data(`bottom`/`top`/`left`/`right`/`width`/`height`) of component.
-    - A brand new `picker` module. We have 'single-picker','date-picker' and 'time-picker' currently, and more common pickers are on the way.
-      ![img_1282](
-    There are two ways to use `picker`
-    - Use `picker` module directly:
-    ``` javascript
-    var picker = require('@weex-module/picker');
-    var self = this;
-    picker.pickDate({
-        'value':'2016-11-28',
-        'max':'2029-11-28',
-        'min':'2015-11-28'
-    },function (ret) {
-        var result = ret.result;
-        if(result == 'success')
-        {
-            self.value =;
-        }
-    });
-    ```
-    - `input` component also add 'date' and 'time`type to work with`picker` module internally:
-    ``` html
-    <input
-      type="date"
-      placeholder="select date"
-      class="input"
-      autofocus="false"
-      value=""
-      onchange="onchange"
-      max = "2029-11-28"
-      min = "2015-11-28"
-              ></input>
-    ```
-  - Support animation with `width` and `height` property.
-  - Support use empty value to reset css property to default value.
-  - Components can expose methods too, like modules do. Developers use the same way as create module method to achieve that.
-  -  Add `blur` and `focus` method to manually control `input` component to lose or get focus.
-  -  Support relative URL, which will resolve real URL by bundle's URL.
-  -  Core javascript framework's unit test coverage is 100% now. we'll pay more attention to quality.
-  - DevTool
-    - Support to check the node hierarchy in [weex-devtool-extension]( and highlight the node if it exceeds an specified level.
-    - Support different refresh mode in devtools to reload the page or SDK automatically when source file updated.
-    - Improve quality in [weex-devtools-android]( module
-      - Remove explicit dependency on okhttp and okhttp3 by reflection and proxy
-      - Improve demo application with less and refactored code
-      - Fix some crash caused by class up cast
-      - Fix reflection crash caused by complier optimization
-      - Fix "network on main thread" and stop screencast when disconnect
-    - Add [weex-analyzer-android]( and [weex-analyzer-ios]( which support the following on device directly:
-      - Inspect FPS/CPU/memory
-      - Inspect storage
-      - Display log information
-      - 3D viewer of the weex page
-      - Javascript error prompt
-## v0.8.0
-- New Features
-  - Add [globalEvent module](
-  - Support `width/height` animation in transition
-  - Refactor the default js framework code, hide almost all the private APIs #777
-  - iOS 10 compatibility
-- Performance
-  - Support `callAddElement` low-level API to make rendering faster
-  - Improve SDK initialization performance, for minimise invoke thread impact.
-  - Use native `Set` polyfill to fix iOS7 memory leak
-  - Use `setProperty` replace reflection for better performance
-  - Add `static` directive in default js framework to avoid unnecessary data-binding and take down the memory use
-- Tools
-  - Add [weex-pack](, our next generation of engineering development kits. It allows developers to create weex projects with simple commands and run the project on different development platforms.
-  - Add [weex-devtool-extension](, a extension for Weex devtool to improve your debug experience,which equivalent an element tag for debugger page.
-  - Move devtool to separate [iOS]( and [Android]( repos.
-    - Add "screencast" which enable the screen of the device(or monitor) to appear on the "Inspector" page;
-    - Add "remote control" function, in Android user could control remote device(or monitor) when he moves mouse on screencast;
-    - Add "select element" function which enable the user to find the exact node in "Elements" inspector Tab when he click the mouse on screencast;
-    - Add "vdom inspector", so user can choose to see the details of native dom or vdom in "Elements" Tab at his preference;
-    - Adjust interfaces with weex SDK to support "callAddElement";
-## v0.7.0
-- New Features
-  - [Timer Module](
-  - [Storage Module](
-  - Unify the `image` component's error page when src is invalid
-  - Unify the `border`,`padding`,`background-color` style
-  - Horizontal-scroller support  `scrollto`  api
-  - Fix the issue that component with  `position:fixed` style can not be closed
-  - Module callback support `object` params
-  - Slider suppport  `setIndex` api
-- Performance
-  - Use `callNative` signal to stop JSFM render after instance been destroyed
-  - Lazily initialize JSFM When device is in low-memory status, improve SDK stability
-- [Tools](
-  - Support debugging  weex(.we) and  react(.jsx) source
-  - Support apps debugging on the same device
-  - Support "watch" feature
-  - Solve the dependency on Debugger, user could start "Inspector" first or "Debugger" at will
-  - Add "refresh" function in sdk, user could inspect new file by scanning its QR code in playground;
-  - Android/ios inspect module split from weex sdk,  and will deliver in separate repo in future; support inspect in windows system
-## v0.6.1
-- New Features
-  1. [iOS has been open sourced](
-  2. [Lifecycle Page Event]( viewappear, viewdisappear
-  3. [fetch](
-  4. [line-height](
-  5. [list component](
-     - support sticky header
-     - support scrollToElement API
-     - support nested horizontal scroller
-     - support cell children nodes event: appear/disappear
-  6. [Gesture]( panstart/panmove/panend, swipe, longpress
-  7. Improve Android text compatibility
-- Performance
-  1. iOS, iPhone 5c, rendering frame rate ascends from 45FPS to 52FPS
-  2. Android, Redmi Note 1, loading time of the first screen  descends from 602ms to 480ms
-  3. Improve Android animation performance
-- Tools
-  1. [weex-toolkit]( supports require and generator
-  2. Playground supports runtime performance viewer
-  3. [Weex DevTools](
-     <img src="" width="600">
-## v0.5.0
-### New Features
-1. [TabBar]( is a specialized component corresponding to the radio-style selection.
-2. [NavPage]( contains a navbar at the top of the window and an embed content page.
-3. [Activity Showcase]( is built by composing TabBar and NavPage.
-4. [Web]( displays web content in the weex page.
-5. [A](  defines a hyperlink to a page in the web.
-6. `Text` supports style [text-overflow](
-7. `Image` supports attribute [resize](
-8. `List` supports [events `appear`, `disappear`, `loadmore`]( and [refresh](
-9. New Syntax
-   1. [Inline event]( supports a expression of calling event handler in template.
-   2. [Require Native Module]( requires a native module by `require('@weex-module/moduleName')`.
-   3. [Computed Property]( supports complicated logic in data bindings.
-   4. [New Repeat Syntax]( is easy to access the key or value of repeated object.
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diff --git a/docs/zh/ b/docs/zh/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3633d8b..0000000
--- a/docs/zh/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
-  created(){
-    this.$router.push('/release-note.html')
-  }
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