blob: c11e3c04fdcd5ab6e4a41f03e8a6626bf63a2fd8 [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = {
type: 'module',
name: { zh: '模块', en: 'Module' },
group: [{
type: 'modal',
name: 'modal',
title: { zh: 'modal 模块', en: 'modal' },
desc: {
zh: 'modal 模块提供了以下展示消息框的 API:toast、alert、confirm 和 prompt。',
en: 'Weex provides a series of message boxes: toast, alert, confirm and prompt.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '5e49976681ea1ae7bbcbce4c92b7771f',
title: 'toast',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: 'd00060031b25fbfbdffdbf08b5524e51',
title: 'alert',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '88b0782ba54695a66622988bfeb89fbd',
title: 'confirm',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '7763e5b0322cf625ec5221dea13ea5ec',
title: 'prompt',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'dom',
name: 'dom',
title: { zh: 'dom 模块', en: 'dom' },
desc: {
zh: '操作页面中的节点或者获取其信息。需要注意的是原生平台中并没有 Web 标准中的 DOM 结构。',
en: 'A series of dom apis that sending virtual-dom’s messages to the native renderer to update the dom tree.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '14df0c05474fd16d4690e22194a69599',
title: 'scrollTo',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '13afb9ed3e3a79eda435113478fd83d9',
title: 'getComponentRect',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '308d627e241d0ce932a1577672af1bd8',
title: 'addRule',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'stream',
name: 'stream',
title: { zh: 'stream 模块', en: 'stream' },
desc: {
zh: '发送网络请求并获取响应。',
en: 'A series of stream api. It provides a network request.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '2ae062b6a04124a35bbe2da3b1e5c07b',
title: 'fetch',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'animation',
name: 'animation',
title: { zh: 'animation 模块', en: 'animation' },
desc: {
zh: 'animation 模块被用于在组件上执行动画。动画可以对组件执行一系列简单的变换 (位置、大小、旋转角度、背景颜色和不透明度等)。',
en: 'The animation module is used to perform animation on components.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '07554ce87a2c70d77bf2265824afdd8a',
title: { zh: '最简例子', en: 'Sample' },
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '4624d605004fc7eb9f14ca9c5a226fe3',
title: 'transform',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'navigator',
name: 'navigator',
title: { zh: 'navigator 模块', en: 'navigator' },
desc: {
zh: '众所周知,在浏览器里,我们可以通过前进或者回退按钮来切换页面,iOS/Android 的 navigator 模块就是用来实现类似的效果的。除了前进、回退功能,该模块还允许我们指定在切换页面的时候是否应用动画效果。',
en: 'As it’s known to all that, we can navigate back and forth in the web browser using the navigation bar. And The navigator module mimics the same behaviors in the iOS/Android application.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '28815dba72ee4091dfdb471f3b294e3e',
title: 'push',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '2af40e54aeef15228cb221c3cd57ae8f',
title: 'pop',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'storage',
name: 'storage',
title: { zh: 'storage 模块', en: 'storage' },
desc: {
zh: 'storage 模块可以对本地数据进行存储、修改、删除,并且该数据是永久保存的,除非手动清除或者代码清除。但是,storage 模块有一个限制就是浏览器端(H5)只能存储小于5M的数据,而在 Android 和 iOS 中是没什么限制的。',
en: 'storage is a series of apis, allowing you to for example add, modify or delete stored data items.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '71d1dff37c54fa9bafab4d8cbe3d21e3',
title: 'setItem',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '71d1dff37c54fa9bafab4d8cbe3d21e3',
title: 'getItem',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '71d1dff37c54fa9bafab4d8cbe3d21e3',
title: 'removeItem',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'clipboard',
name: 'clipboard',
title: { zh: 'clipboard 模块', en: 'clipboard' },
desc: {
zh: 'clipboard 模块可以实现从系统的剪贴板中获取内容或者设置内容。',
en: 'clipboard allows you to getString() or setString() from the system clipboard.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '4624d605004fc7eb9f14ca9c5a226fe3',
title: { zh: '最简例子', en: 'Sample' },
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '3abe25e7dd6d52bf35edffd62ac6199e',
title: { zh: '复制环境信息', en: 'Copy Environment Message' },
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'picker',
name: 'picker',
title: { zh: 'picker 模块', en: 'picker' },
desc: {
zh: '以下为 picker 相关的 API:用于数据选择,日期选择,时间选择。( H5模块如需使用,请手动引入weex-picker组件)',
en: 'A series of stream api. It provides function: pick data, pick date, pick time.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: 'eddde63fc2f57debed15d4f0eaf38d7e',
title: 'pick',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: 'e71e82157a8c65b33ac213a6a399c971',
title: 'pickDate',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: 'cd8cae300c4b02d3e6f6f7ba54307029',
title: 'pickTime',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'webview',
name: 'webview',
title: { zh: 'webview 模块', en: 'webview' },
desc: {
zh: '一系列的 <web> 组件操作接口。 比如 goBack、goForward、和 reload。通常与 <web> 组件共用。',
en: 'A series of web operation api like goBack, goForward, and reload. ‘webview’ module used with the web component.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '9f8a7be89a4ad881ff515145cc9306ea',
title: 'goBack',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '9f8a7be89a4ad881ff515145cc9306ea',
title: 'goForward',
screenshot: ''
}, {
hash: '9f8a7be89a4ad881ff515145cc9306ea',
title: 'reload',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'meta',
name: 'meta',
title: { zh: 'meta 模块', en: 'meta' },
desc: {
zh: 'meta 模块可用于声明单个页面的元信息,通常是一些页面的配置,如容器的显示宽度 (viewport) 等。',
en: 'The meta module can be used to declare meta information for a single page, such as the viewport of the container.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: '4624d605004fc7eb9f14ca9c5a226fe3',
title: 'setViewport',
screenshot: ''
}, {
type: 'WebSocket',
name: 'WebSocket',
title: { zh: 'WebSocket 模块', en: 'WebSocket' },
desc: {
zh: 'WebSockets 是一种先进的技术, 这使得在用户的 H5/iOS/Android 和一个服务器之间打开一个的交互式通信会话成为可能, 有了这个 API,你可以向服务器发送消息, 并接收事件驱动的响应, 无需轮询服务器的响应。',
en: 'WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user’s H5/iOS/android and a server.'
docLink: {
zh: '',
en: ''
examples: [{
hash: 'c4994c025226953c038b43da8b45124e',
title: { zh: '使用范例', en: 'Use WebSocket' },
screenshot: ''