title: Create a plugin type: guide group: Extend order: 6.1 version: 2.1

The weex plugin development kit is designed to help developers build weex plugins quickly and easily, allowing them to integrate native functionality without changing business code.

The plugin abstracts a functionality and/or component to the rest of the app by including the specific implementation for each target platform (Web, Android and iOS) and exposing it through a common API.

Getting started

Create a weex plugin with weexpack:

weex plugin create weex-my-plugin

This will create a project structure similar to this:

     ├── android   (Android native code project)
     │    └── ...
     ├── ios   (iOS native code project)
     │    └── ...
     ├── js   (html5 project)
     │    └── ...
     ├── examples   (sample app)
     │    └── index.vue
     ├── playground   (sample projects to test the plugin)
     │    ├── android
     │    ├── browser
     │    └── ios
     ├── WeexMyPlugin.podspec   (iOS .podspec)
     ├── package.json
     ├── README.md

The examples directory contains a weex app that you can use to test your plugin. This test app will be loaded from the playground apps that are installed in the playground folder.


Developing and testing with the playground app

  1. Build the example weex app in examples/index.vue:
npm run start:web

Webpack will be listening for changes in examples/index.vue and re-build the example app for you. The app will be served in the port 12580 (e.g. http://localhost:12580).

  1. Edit the plugin JavaScript/HTML/CSS code under the js folder. Refresh the test app to update the plugin in the playground app.

Extending Web functionality

See Extend Web Render.


Developing and testing with the playground app

  1. Build the example weex app in examples/index.vue:
npm run start:native

Webpack will be listening for changes in examples/index.vue and re-build the example app for you.

  1. Open the android project under playground/android with Android Studio.

The native plugin code will be linked as a gradle dependency. You can develop and test the plugin directly from Android Studio. You can also use weex debug to debug the playground app.

Extending native functionality

See Extend Android.


Developing and testing with the playground app

  1. Build the example weex app in examples/index.vue:
npm run start:native

Webpack will be listening for changes in examples/index.vue and re-build the example app for you.

  1. Open the iOS playground app and install the dependencies:
cd playground/ios
pod install
  1. Open WeexDemo.xcworkspace in Xcode.

The native plugin code will be linked as cocoa pod. You can develop and test the plugin directly from Xcode. You can also use weex debug to debug the playground app.

Extending native functionality

See Extend iOS.

Publishing a plugin to the cocapods repository

  1. Edit the *.podspec generated in the root of the plugin project.
  2. Check the correctness of the iOS plugin:
pod spec lint --allow-warnings
  1. Publish to cocoapods repository:
pod trunk push --allow-warnings

Publish the plugin in the weex market

You can publish to the Weex Market with the simple command:

weex plugin publish

How to use the plugin in another project

Using weexpack:

weex plugin add weex-kdp

Manual integration:


pod 'WeexMyPlugin'


Add the following line to the dependencies list in the build.gradle file for the corresponding project.

 compile '${groupId}:weexkdp:{$version}'

Note: You need to specify the groupId and $version of the project.

Web integration

 npm install weexkdp